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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. Wow!!!!! I've just watched it. And I have to rewatch it!!!!!! Right now!!!!!
  2. And I thought it was a can of beer on the table. But no, it's the sea salt We are definitely not bored with Mika's stories
  3. Looks like the house is pretty warm. According to @dcdeb husband's pants mode, Mika is in mode "no pants". Look at his legs reflection in the freezer 😁 EDIT: Cool down ladies and gentlemen. "Pants' in American English = trousers!!!!! YouCut_20210316_091750533.mp4
  4. Oh, good to know! That's why I am watching now the live on FB with the academics on "Cours d'identite artistique"! We still have 2 weeks
  5. Les cartes en francais pour REVELATION TOUR MIKAPOLY sont pretes. Vous pouvez les imprimer recto-verso. La planche de jeu reste la meme pour toutes les langues. Amusez-vous bien!
  6. I've read some time ago that actually canadian french is more like the "old" real french language - from 17th 18th century. The emigrants from France kept their mother tongue. So actually the french french evolved in a different way and the canadian french is pretty close to the language - and the accent - the king Louis XIV used to speak. Interesting, isn't it?
  7. Coucou a tous, pour ceux qui ne sont pas au courant. J'ai cree un jeu Revelation Tour Mikapoly. On peut telecharger les fichiers en PDF pour les imprimer chez soi et rassembler pour pouvoir jouer. La planche de jeu est universelle. Pour l'instant les cartes sont en anglais. Mais ce weekend je vais creer une version francaise des cartes et je vais mettre les fichier ici sur le forum. Je voudrais aussi faire une Insta live en francais pour vous expliquer les regles du jeu. Si vous avez des question, je suis prete a vous repondre.
  8. The whole conversation between Deb and Mika from yesterday MFC Insta Live.
  9. While watching one of the episodes of La quotidienne I found this!!!!!! Mika's photo on the piano
  10. Mika is still tired because of the jetlag, but he is very happy that he will be able to work with academics. The plan includes two performances that Mika will prepare. There will be elements of great performances, with great panache, but also very intimate moments. In this specific period, it is good to make a great show, but the main task of the show's producers - but also of the participants - is to evoke emotions in the audience. There are no live concerts at the moment so it can only be done through the screen. Mika will try to make the academics to show something they hide inside that they have not yet revealed in front of the audience. Ah, I forgot to mention that he is 30 minutes drive from the place where the candidates live.
  11. Yes, Eriko. But not everybody can watch it. Once I managed to watch on FB one very interesting meeting of the candidates with a canadian stand-up comedian. But the next day it wasn't available anymore! And it was really interesting. I wanted some French fans to watch it too. Well, now I have a VPN (for one year) so I will watch anything in any country
  12. Tomorrow at 7:30 (canadian time) - Friday 1:30 am in Europe Mika on Skype with academics. I hope we will be able to rewatch it on FB.
  13. Looks like he is in Miami. And during the live he said that the next week he will start a 15 days quarantine in a canadian forest. And for the first time in his life he will be alone for so long. So we are hoping to see him more in the social media. The journalist proposed him to make some live on Instagram. "Why not. Maybe? We will see". So good morning Star Academie
  14. We've seen some photos in a daylight. But look at this! At night, when the billboards have inner light. Mika liked this post on Twitter and tagged Aurelia Durand - the author of the poster
  15. Tonight 28/02/2021 France 2 at 8pm - they will talk about Mika's project. To watch on the Internet without VPN. https://www.stream4free.live/france-2-direct
  16. Today a French fan posted in my FB group some sort of booklet created for the project. Here is the one about Mika's art. It sais: "For The Rite of Spring" It's about the dance celebrating spring but as well a declaration of our need and our "right" we have to watch the spring coming. 6 men are dancing in a circle - they are all inspired by dancing Mika photos. They look very similar, but they are not exactly the same. Are they dancing? Or are they longing for something? They look like they care about each other but they don't touch each other. This tender dance of 6 men in the urban context is destabilizing in it's sweetness. Urban landscape is hard to distinguish - is it Paris or Brooklyn? What is happening when the city is deserted? The city and its inhabitants, their love, their pain, happiness and fears. We know that we should stay at home, hidden and safe. But we have to stay strong as well. To defy gravity keeping the good mood and keeping our hearts warm.
  17. Yesterday in the social media section I posted some Mika photos which are imo connected with Mika's poster. This is how I see his drawing. Today a French fan posted in my FB group some sort of booklet created for the project. Here is the one about Mika's art. It sais: "For The Rite of Spring" It's about the dance celebrating spring but as well a declaration of our need and our "right" we have to watch the spring coming. 6 men are dancing in a circle - they are all inspired by dancing Mika photos. They look very similar, but they are not exactly the same. Are they dancing? Or are they longing for something? They look like they care about each other but they don't touch each other. This tender dance of 6 men in the urban context is destabilizing in it's sweetness. Urban landscape is hard to distinguish - is it Paris or Brooklyn? What is happening when the city is deserted? The city and its inhabitants, their love, their pain, happiness and fears. We know that we should stay at home, hidden and safe. But we have to stay strong as well. To defy gravity keeping the good mood and keeping our hearts warm. Here is the whole documentary about all 10 posters. lesartistes.pdf
  18. The interview for Europe 1 on YouTube - well, it's only the part about the project. The whole interview https://www.europe1.fr/emissions/linterview-verite-du-week-end/je-ne-voulais-pas-ecrire-dans-le-vide-comment-mika-prepare-son-retour-sur-scene-4028166
  19. He is very positif. He looks toward the future and he has some ideas for new songs!!!! And he thinks about festivals Lollapalooza and Coachella!!!! Well, I think it's about 2022?
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