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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. @carafon Joelle, I think you should change the title of this thread. Le Parisien 4 February (not January)
  2. A little reminder from Mika. Pay attention it's not Radio Classique but France Music. Mika corrected his post. Here is the link https://www.francemusique.fr/
  3. "she left soon after" - Google translation "she passed away soon after"...
  4. Pay attention. On this website even if it is marked France 5 they show TF1!!!!!! So no Mika on Friday if it stays the same.
  5. No, they are talking about Arthur Rimbaud and they mention Mika using his name in the song Good Guys . And they announce tonight's concert from Versailles on Culturebox.
  6. You can go and vote for the best French duet or Pop Group. For the moment Mika and Soprano are on the second place after the group Indochine. https://www.futurpop.com/2021/01/30/fma-2021-quel-est-le-meilleur-duo-ou-groupe-pop-français-votez/?fbclid=IwAR0g-ad4SsBjPRvtfYeWuQeD9M5e7WkvbauQieZ6Kjos6py7NOLeZPT_V1Y
  7. Wow, what a surprise to watch a completely different approach to this sort of singers "competition". Actually a competition without competition No stress, no public performances. Just a school where all work in groups and the teachers wanting the best for them! Even those who left after the first "test" were happy and left with their heads up high. After The Voice and X Factor a very relaxing first episode of Star Academie. I can't wait to watch the second part - even if Mika is still not there. I am happy he will take part of it.
  8. You are right, Michelle. For me as well it' s pretty normal to use Polish, French and English (maybe not in one sentence). But actually it started when I was about 30y-o (for 3 languages - English was my first foreign language at school, and Russian ). It seems to me like it was always like this So I am learning Italian to increase my collection of languages. Blame it on Mika, please
  9. So we know the date of the concert in Versailles on France 5! 5th of February at 20:55.
  10. And a file to download. 1656178831_LouetmoiMika(100121).mp4
  11. Jakub Orlinski's story where Mika talkes about him. "He is a break dancer. He is as well a model for clothes and sport. And he is... handsome... it's true. You can go as see". YouCut_20210111_201550959.mp4
  12. Mika received a Silver Order of Merit from from the President of Lebanon. It was presented to him by the Lebanese Ambasador in Paris
  13. Mika was already invited to this program in 2019. Here is a short part - Mika talking about the meditation
  14. We are still waiting for the podcast... I recorded only 3 minutes with my mobile.... YouCut_20210111_165336670.mp4
  15. Jane BIrkin is Lou's mother. She is an English actor (maybe you know the movie Blow-up. She was Serge Gainsbourg's wife. She sang this famous song "Je t'aime, moi non plus". There is a bag "Birkin" created by Jean-Louis Dumas for Hermes. Mika talks about his meeting with Jane when he was young.
  16. Yes, he would like to invite Miki Mouse. Well the question was not about the concert but about a meeting but Mika made a whole "storyboard" with all these characters and artists entering the stage and following each other. And at the end there is a big armchair back to the public (I thought about The Voice ). You can't see the person. There is only a smoke going up from behind. And then the armchair turns around and who is sitting there? Barefoot Cesaria Evora. Mika saw her last concert in London.
  17. He said that the situation was strange because for the fireworks night there was a lot of police and security around the palace. But at the moment the show starts he was ALONE!!!! ALL ALONE!!!. In a huge Versailles garden. It was cold and the production proposed him do put a coat and a scarf but Mika refused. For the moment like this he HAD TO BE IN A SUIT!!!! At the beginning he was cold. And he didn't know what to do. The moment was so special. What to do not to make too much? So he stood up and started to make movements with his arms to the fireworks. And he felt so tiny!!!! It was like a child's dream. Dance with fireworks. Lou said that it was her first impression seeing him there: Mika is tall but he looked soooo tiny!!!!!!!!!!! And she thought about Fantasia. And Mika agreed with her. Mika loves Fantasia and from the very young age he was obsessed by fire. Several times he almost burnt their place in Paris. Hopefully he didn't burnt Chateau de Versailles
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