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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. Who knows? In France the video will be available during 30 days on all cable platforms and to watch it you should pay 10 EUR (as for the streaming). All providers will have no profit and all the money will go to Mika's two organisations.
  2. I have just seen another interview for the French channel France 24. I managed to grab my mobile and film a part. At the beginning he talks about refugees camps where you can cross a doctor, a cook, as well as a mother of 5 children. Anybody can end in a place like this. Mika sais as well that he misses this contact with the audience where all are flying on the same wave. VID_20200918_182322.mp4
  3. Thank you very much Eriko for the files. I am watching the first episode full of emotions. I was laughing, I was crying, I was touched... Really a good show And of course Mika, with his point of view, with his emotions and comments 💗
  4. I've just watched the Quotidien interview. And actually yes, Mika sais that it has been pre-recorded - "but like it was live". So it's a movie.
  5. With Mika you never know. In the Italian press - where he was recording Lollipop they said that Mika first wanted to rent a theatre and then he changed his mind and did the recording in the street. So what we have seen in the preview it might be a rehearsal? Or not? It's true that with all his guestes from all over the world it would be hard to do 100% live. We will see. I am sure we will be surprised - in a positive way.
  6. One funny thing about the recording for the Saturday show. He sais that it will be like a movie. And about the Coloseum. He had this idea to record Laura Pausini in the empty coloseum at night. She agreed, they had an idea how to shoot it. And then on place they realized that there is no power in Coloseum!!!! It's completely dark! In two hours they managed to organize the equipment and the video has been finished. And that he was not very good in studying Arabic. He can name all the Lebanese food names but the language is very difficult.
  7. Just yesterday I was rewatching this on YouTube: the car and the rain - the real rain over the audience!!!!
  8. Replay of "C a Vous". Mika at 46:30 https://www.france.tv/france-5/c-a-vous/c-a-vous-saison-12/1938553-invites-francois-ruffin-eric-bothorel-erik-orsenna-et-mika.html
  9. Yes, Mika is everywhere now This guy is crazy 💗 I think I have to make a break for 10 minutes. I am lost with all these informations
  10. I start to think that I am dreaming. How the hell Mika managed to organize this HUGE event??????? (Yes, I know he did not do it by himself)
  11. Very interesting information here: "Le samedi 19 septembre, à 21h, heure française, suivez en direct le concert de Mika, sur la page YouTube du chanteur. De plus, l'ensemble des opérateurs : Bouygues, Canal +, Free, Orange et SFR ont également accepté de s’associer à cet évènement et de le rendre disponible en une de leur système VOD, en plus de la diffusion en direct. Ces sociétés ont accepté de reverser l’intégralité des fonds récoltés au dispositif mis en place par l’artiste Mika." On Saturday, September 19, at 9 p.m. KST, follow Mika's concert live on the singer's YouTube page. In addition, all of the operators: Bouygues, Canal +, Free, Orange and SFR have also agreed to join this event and make it available on one of their VOD systems, in addition to the live broadcast. These companies have agreed to donate all of the funds raised to the scheme set up by artist Mika.
  12. I feel dizzy! This guy is a walking surprise 😁 But he looks so happy to do things he was dreaming of since he was a child. To create spectacles, shows. It looks like this is the moment to try. Here is the video from Ka Star Académie Québec Instagram. video-09172020070308.mp4
  13. You are right. But this is the time when I have my brother for lunch. So not the perfect time to watch the concert At night I will be alone with Mika AAAAAALLLLLL long night
  14. Yes, Amy, I will stay all night to watch the concert> It's better than queueing for 10 hours in the cold I am lost with all these time zone abreviations. If you try to book a ticket the time will appear accoring to your time zone. So I know that US concert will start at 3am CET.
  15. Amy for Europe it doesn't work. Because European concert is the first and it will start at 9pm. So other zones are even later in the night I bought the one for Europe and one for US time and I will stay up till the 3am to watch it!
  16. I hope the concert will be on YouTube soon so you will watch it during the day.
  17. For the moment I don't find the replay from WIRED. I recorded my laptop screen with my mobile. VID_20200917_165840.mp4
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