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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. I think I will order one from Virgin too. Size M. I ordered size L on US website but it looks that they are veeeery large.
  2. T-shirts are there! And Andy 😁😁😁 I think I will order another one M, because L will be too large!!!? VID_33750917_100651_355.mp4
  3. 190'000GBP on GoFundMe!!!!!!!!! Can anybody confirm that on YouTube there was over 150'000 vues? Someone on FB said so. I've seen the counter about 11am (it was "only: 57'000) , so it was before the last time zone goes on air.
  4. Me too I would like to have a physical copy. I am affraid that now it is not "profitable" as a part of the production costs would be too high. Especially for the charity purpose. You have to print them, make a distribution and it takes time to get money to send to any charity organisation. I hope I am wrong. I burned myself a copy of Mika in Brooklyn Steel to have one on my shelf. I love to feel a box in my hand
  5. As you said you did download the video just for you. You paid for the ticket. But putting it on his/her own account and adding in the description that is the concert to collect money by Mika (looks like copy/paste from some other source) is really out of line. I left my comment under the video.
  6. I am surprised too that someone posted the charity concert in full version. In France the video will be on cable tv platforms for 10 EUR till the 7th of October. Maybe in other countries they will do the same. Now some people will not pay to watch. Pitty... I hope Mika will decide soon to put it on his channel.
  7. Wow, CJ. Thank you for your review. I need some time yet to put my thoughts into words... I am rewatching the video, the posts on Instagram and Twitter and still my mind is too small to hold all my feelings about "I Love Beirut". Mindblowing is a very good word of my state of mind
  8. Now it's more than 187'000 pounds = more than 200'000 EUR!!!! On YouTube I can see 57'000 vues so far. Even if some of us have seen it several times I think that we can calculate 50'000 x 10EUR, which gives.... 500'000 EUR! If we add t-shirts and VOD in France, it's quite possible that Mika collects about 1'000'000 EUR!!!!
  9. I am rewatching for the second time even if I have a ticket for the American zone show Crazy Mika fans
  10. I want to concentrate on the show. But I think I will post POLAND LOVES BEIRUT
  11. It's not a problem. In the email they explain that the link will be activated a few minutes before the show.
  12. I just wonder.... because sometime I was watching live streaming on YouTube (not paid - just regular ones) and usually even if I started to watch later I was able to click on the red line down the screen and start watching from the beginning. So if you are late for Mika's show maybe you could skip back to the beginning as well? Here is the screen of the live broadcasting from USA. You can try to click on the red line.
  13. I am just reading on the Internet how it works for Russia. Yes, only SWIFT code. So I think you should contact Customer Service to ask how to proceed. Maybe they have had the cases like yours...
  14. Yes, it is. I just found it. But anyway there is as well an interview in Le Figaro but you have to pay to read it
  15. Are you sure? I thought each and every bank has it - but usually we don't use it so we don't even know it exists. When I needed mine I had to google it.
  16. Could you add the source of this text, please? I thought it was from Le Figaro but it's not (?)
  17. Another story. This time Emma and Manuelito are late 😁 2401128459265357316179779999.mp4
  18. And another story. This time Emma and Manuelito are late 😁 2401128459265357316179779999.mp4
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