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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. The Funk Off group posted some videos from rehearsals of Lollipop in their FB page And a link to Firenze Today about the shooting in San Casciano. https://www.firenzetoday.it/social/mika-video-canzone-san-casciano.html?fbclid=IwAR34I0GzLpV_Hbay7vdBM8UVqfwFeTwK7BjShA-HXc2m3y-17GZyi_bY1Xg
  2. Looks like after yesterday party Essity Italia made a donation today on GoFundMe.
  3. I think it's a charge for the TicketOne's service. They did their job. They sold tickets. It's like you buy someting on ebay and you pay mail fees. When you return goods they give you back the good's price but not the mailing fees. On TicketMaster my fee is 6,04 EUR.
  4. But we have to wait till the 18th of September to send our requests. I
  5. Great news. I have checked on TicketMaster.it. They say the same. We can ask for a convertion from the voucher to money!😁
  6. Mika Stories Tempo campaign and a dinner. YouCut_20200915_212825793.mp4 YouCut_20200915_214446967.mp4
  7. I wonder if 2 hours is enough to meet all these guests. But I will not be offended to watch 3 or 4 hours show
  8. Every small amount counts. This is the GoFundMe accounts are created for. 💗
  9. Ha ha ha! This is what he said in Domenica in yesterday. He was surprised by the reactions of other artists. Even when he was saying this on his face was this expression of "I can't believe it"! On the other hand it's a great moment for Mika to work again as a director of a big show. He has this selfconfidence after "Stasera Casa Mika". And he looks so happy! Of course the main goal is to collect money for Beirut. But the situation pushed him to do something special. And it will be special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  10. And another big amounts on GoFundMe! Another 7'500 pounds by Anonynus. And 1'000 by Austin Moukattaf - is he Audrey's brother?
  11. I think this is what this actor said. So for sure he is not up to date with Mika's news
  12. xfactoritalia_119070065_251911456044154_4164347727501898846_n.mp4 xfactoritalia_119159905_381932069479776_4984246055436335841_n.mp4
  13. He sais that after lockdown not many people are able to go back to the studio like Mara did and to work with the team. And she said that she did it but she is scared. Mika sais that the tv language should be beautiful and she has a gift to communicate to talk and it gives spectators a feeling of security. And this is very important. And with this state of spirit Mika wants to create a concert the most beautiful after the quarantaine. The concert with the WOW effect. Mara sais: because you are "l'uomo d'amore" 💗
  14. It's fantastic. Mika said that at the begining the idea of the concert for Beirut was just a simple show with 5 cameras. And they ended up with more that 300 people team in 10 countries all over the world!!!! It looks like it will be someting really really special and unique! They will be in Mexico, Los Angeles, New York, Rome .... The efect WOW is coming!!!!!!
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