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Everything posted by Paoletta

  1. Hello Have a nice week my friends... :thumb_yello:

  2. Ciao @Gabry74 hai perfettamente ragione! sicuramente tornerà con qualche nuovo progetto .. per fortuna abbiamo la sua musica ed i suoi regali (voglio dire.. gli orologi, le penne i fazzoletti ecc..) che ci fanno compagnia.. . grazie Ti voglio bene.. hai ragionissima lo amiamo per tutto quello che fa perchè è una persona buona oltrechè un artista meraviglioso e si merita il meglio ! lasciamolo creare tranquillamente sicuramente si farà vivo quando avrà qualcosa da proporci..
  3. Have a nice weekend everyone..  i hope  Mika came back soon on social.. :pray:

  4. @Starlight my friend with Mika everything is possible .. who knows that sooner or later she really does her rainbow hair .. it wouldn't be bad in my opinion .. I like to joke ..
  5. @TinyLove_CJ my friend this thread is fantastic.. i like.. good idea...surely it will reapper soon with some joke.. i feel it maybe back in a while
  6. Happy Birthday to you 

  7. Ragazze ma io son seriamente preoccupata per Mika.. spero stia bene...
  8. @Renaud.alsaceBonjour.. salut Renaud, , I'm Paola from italy nice to meet you...
  9. Thank you MFC this is amazing place.. with fantastic people.. thank you very much for accepting me in this wonderful forum .. I'm fine here .. I'm always updated on Mika ..
  10. i think he is in europe, he got married and is on honeymoon .. and in a while he will arrive with a new dog or cat I feel it ..... of course I'm joking
  11. @Starlight yes... but I hope it doesn't come with some new joke or new look maybe with rainbow hair ...
  12. @holdingyourdrink most probably he is very busy or writing or traveling i hope that he reapper soon... i hope that he is ok..
  13. salut.. I miss Mika so much I just hope he's ok. i'm afraid.. Gatto con gli occhi sempre tristi ha dovuto attraversare il mondo per  trovare la felicità - La Stampa

    1. silver


      Nothing to worry about.  He will reappear soon, just having a break.

    2. Paoletta


      @silver thank you so much

  14. @Gabry74 uffa che pizza questi giorni senza Mika.. lo so non è obbligato a postare ma mi manca tutto qui.. se hai notizie .. speriamo si faccia sentire
  15. @Mikasister I miss Mika so much I just hope he's okay ... i hope that he came back soon
  16. @holdingyourdrink don't worry... also me think the same.. dashing wet hair are well
  17. @Anna Ko Kolkowska i agree maybe the hair are just wet... the curls came back soon don't worry
  18. Hello everyone.. have a nice week.. :yes:

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