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Everything posted by Anna-is-golden

  1. Hello Federica! Welcome☺️ I’m Anna, from Italy too😄
  2. It was so amazing...really much more than the best i could ever expected😍 i’m so proud of him 🥰
  3. Hello! I’m writing that because yesterday i finally received my voucher! But...in this mail they don’t mention about what happens if i don’t use my voucher. After the expire date they should give me the money back via bank transfer🤷🏻‍♀️
  4. I can’t wait to see the video (if there will be a video)...mika is so charming in these photos
  5. Fantastico! Grazie @Paoletta!! Un abbraccio e buon weekend di ferragosto
  6. 😂😂😂😂 i love the dream about the tempo tissues😂😂 About the manager email...I wish!🙈🙈🙈
  7. I had a dream last night in which i was attending Mika’s concert in a really small theathre (about 50 people) (in my dreams Mika’s concerts are always in really small theathres 😂😂), then after the concert i met Mika and he was soo kind to me, he told me that i have a beautiful smile and that he liked my dimples on my cheeks (and I answered that his ones are really beautiful too), and then he asked me if i liked his outfit and he was dressed up with a light-blue suit (like the one he recently posted on instagram) with two or three long necklaces (in Mika’s style) and colorful louboutin shoes, so i answered him that he was really gorgeous and charming. Then we took some selfies together and i asked him how to contact him privately (because i told him that i wanted him to draw something for me) and he gave me the e-mail address of his manager. End of the dream 🤣
  8. Devo mostrare questa orrenda foto ahahahah😂 Avevo 13 anni, la qualità è orrenda perchè quando sono stata a Parigi a mio papà si era rotta la fotocamera (che bello) e quindi tutte le foto venivano mosse e in gradazioni di fucsia😂🤦🏻‍♀️
  9. Hey Gabry! Ma rispetto a quando sono stata io al Grevin (2011) hanno cambiato i vestiti a Mika! Non lo sapevo! Gli hanno anche modificato i capelli mi sembra di vedere.
  10. I'm sorry but I still haven't read certain informations about that
  11. I think it is simply a collaboration. That brand of handkerchiefs often collaborates with artists or creates more decorated products than the classics. I think it's just a marketing thing. 🇮🇹 Penso che sia semplicemente una collaborazione. quella marca di fazzoletti spesso collabora con artisti o crea dei prodotti più decorati rispetto ai classici. penso sia solo una cosa di marketing
  12. Che dolce Paolettaaaaa🥰❤️❤️ Un Super Bacione😍❤️😘
  13. Anche se comunque andare a Milano non è ancora il massimo della sicurezza 😕
  14. Ciao ragazze! Sono usciti gli orari di Mika live a Radio Italia domenica! Ma sapete se sarà là a cologno monzese in presenza o se farà “da lontano”? @Gabry74 taggo te che magari sei più informata
  15. Surely he will have the opportunity to be with his family, I think he is already with them in this period anyway. in any case x-factor is an extra job opportunity as an alternative to the tour, for sure he will not neglect his beloved family for this.
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