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Everything posted by peroalessandra

  1. Can someone please post the video of Billy Brown, in particular the intro when he talks about the story behind It ? Thanks a lot 💚
  2. I Have to be honest, if the lyrics are really those kindly shared (thanks for this 🙂), i am a Little bit confused, they seem te me much more explicit than in other Songs where the irony Is more subtle. I am not very enthusiastic about this kind of music because i prefer irony when subtle and less explicit and also because in his last Songs Mika has used this kind of topic quite often. But i know Mika has a lot of colours and his music can be as ironic as intense and Deep, so i wait for the next Songs with Hope and Faith 🙂
  3. So Happy he Is receiving so much love. From his recent interviews in Italy It is clear that he has lived a turbolent and maybe painful period from the creative point of view and this must have been really hard for someone Who puts creativity in all he does. I Hope these days in Asia are giving him Joy, Hope and consciousness of how his music can be important for other people ❤️
  4. Thanks for sharing so many videos. I love seeing how Mika enjoyed this evening, i think he must have been emotioned for the intimate atmosphere and maybe also for coming back in Italy after so much time. I think that this kind of atmosphere puts him in value because when he feels this intimacy with the people he feels free and open, i like in particolar when he says a little bit of the meaning of each song. I loved this version of Blue, It seems in a lower Key and this makes It even more emotional for me
  5. Yes i also interpreted It as something related to Daily worries (job, Money, meetings). But anything can be, Mika often in illustrations uses symbols that have not a clear meaning at First sight Probably It Will remain something we' ll never know for sure 😂
  6. Could be something related to Sanremo? Next Tuesday the Festival begins and Mika has been guest quite often. Anyway Happy to see him in Italy again, we miss him so much here ❤️
  7. And maybe he says catch a break instead od take a break (more typical) because he does not want to repeat the verb take (because After he says any medicine you give me i m taking). It Is Only a theory. We Will see if It can be possible
  8. Or maybe It could be catch a break , Chuck It to me but referring Chuck not to break but to the following phrase: Any medicine. It could explain everything: the gestures he makes in his performance and also the lyrics on vianney' s video (It Is an official video so i don' t think It could be wrong). So for me Is: catch a break (he makes the gesture of catching something in the air metaphorically as if a break could be something concrete), chuck It to me (but not referring to break but to any medicine you give me i' m taking that follows) (this explain why he makes the gesture of giving something to someone). Could It be possibile ?
  9. It Is a mystery 😂 i think It might be something you can take from someone and give to someone, so i think It Is a physical object, because i see that when Mika sings this part he makes the gesture of catching something in the air and than he makes the gesture of giving this to another Person, so for me the words catch and Chuck are the most probable. The mystery remains the Word Between the Two verbs, according to me from his gestures It Is something concrete or abstract but that you can metaphorically take and give. Obviously It Is Only my opinion seeing the video and his gestures
  10. Sorry has someone Met Mika After the concert? If yes, has he sayed something interesting about what he Is doing, his projects or anything else?
  11. It Is very difficult to understand because soon After this Word he says ' Chuck' so the sound of the previous Word Is a Little bit confused by this Word (Chuck) that comes soon After, he sings them as they are linked Words, so the sound Is unclear
  12. This Song Will remain a mystery 😂 but i really like the Melody and the feeling It gives
  13. On a video on YouTube i read also ' catch a brick'. I saw on Google that this expression Is also used for asking for a cigarette. Maybe this can make sense. Maybe Mika Is saying i feel bad, let' s have a cigarette in the sense let' s keep all problems away. Maybe this can be possibile. Someone Who Is fluently english speaker can suggest if this expression Is quite common and if this version could be true ?thanks ☺️
  14. Ok thanks a lot. Yes It Is very difficult to understand each Word of this Song, maybe as i was saying sometimes Songs Just aim at giving a feeling even if It Is difficult to give them a whole meaning. Yes we Will see ☺️ thanks for replying
  15. Good evening everyone ☺️ Sorry do we have now a definitive version of the phrase that was unclear ? The versions i have read about are ' catch a break Chuck It to me ' (on vianney ' s YouTube Channel), ' catch a brick Chuck It to me (on a video on YouTube) and i also remeber to have read '???? Or ketamin'. Between the three maybe the last has more meaning but i am not convinced at all. Does someone know if there Is an official version of It ? I was wondering Just to have a general idea about the meaning of the Song. But maybe the Song Just aims at giving a sense of Freedom and positiviy and does not Need a clear interpretation
  16. Sorry can someone give a meaning to ' no Mary Jane' and from ' my Jimmy to my Jaw'. I like the Melody, but i can' t catch totally the meaning, if someone could help with the meaning of the Song in general 🙏💚 I think It Is a nice Song, i like the changes from english to french and the sound
  17. According to me living as being dead can mean, trying to give It a positive sense, considering life itself as a gift, despite all the pain It can give you. Living with the idea that the worst thing can happen to you Is death so anything else, even sad and difficult situations, are something you can cope with. So from this point of view everything is wonderful, in the sense that considering life itself as a gift even the smallest things have a great value and, on the other hand, even the saddest things that happen in life are something that you can cope with. I think this point of view is one of a person who has lived a very painful loss (the loss of a mother in this case), so after such a painful loss you feel dead in the sense that you have lost the most precious person you had but at the same time after having passed over such a strong pain you see everything in a different way: bad things become less bad and small good things become wonderful things. I think It Is a feeling that Only people Who have lived a very strong pain can have. Yes, It Is a very strong expression and maybe can be "rude" at the First sight, but i think Mika has given It a deeper meaning
  18. I think this fan action, if people succeed in creating the complete image, Will be maybe the One that Will impress and move Mika the most in his career. I Hope that fans will succeed in creating It and that they Will make Mika feel their love from Italy and in general from wherever they come from. It Is a quite sad period for the recent news, i know, but i think that this kind of things are the things that can help people and Mika himself to feel Better in such a difficult and surreal period ♥️
  19. Sorry, if Someone has recorded the live with Brutofficial can please share It ? Thanks ♥️ or if not, tell us what he talked about, if he sayed something interesting ?
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