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Everything posted by holdingyourdrink

  1. I can’t unhear it now! And now I suddenly understand the song in a whole new light where he’s living his exhibitionist life
  2. I’m fairly sure that he is thinking: “Ok cool….BUT I WANT A SUIT LIKE THAT! Moving on from camels!!”
  3. I was totally expecting Paul (he‘s a comedian) to pull a stunt on him, but they actually sounded pretty good together!?
  4. Awww he said „thank you“ in Dutch as well! He‘s Belgian, but not all Belgians speak both French and Flemish/Dutch, wonder if he does.
  5. Are they filming for the Voice again? It seems like a huge wardrobe!
  6. Looking FA-BU-LOUS! I actually think it’s 10% Vianney and 200% Mika Dame Edna’s and Elton John’s love child for sure
  7. Can you imagine if Mika would read this topic and go “Oh my, all these theories my fans come up with! While in truth I’m just really singing about my Brie craving at 3am in the morning.”
  8. I love the latest pics of him and that they have included it in the article
  9. I am sooooo excited for this! Since a few of the MFC were at the recording of the final, we saw a few preview shots from the weeks before. My impression was very positive and I can’t wait to see the whole series!
  10. I was wondering when it would be aired. I didn’t find anything recent when researching it the other day online. Yay! I’m so glad! Hopefully Mika will do some promo in the UK soon?
  11. And also: Mika is very lean, especially in the beginning of his career. Comes with the territory of being a very tall man. I do believe he is very conscious of what he eats and about his weight, because they do say the camera adds 10 lbs… but he doesn’t look so thin that it wouldn’t fit his body type. And he is tucking in his tummy in the shirtless pic. None of us stand like that but of course I can only speak for myself!
  12. In the animation in the backdrop during the song, there was also a bomb illustrated and the word “death”. I saw it when watching the Gala and thought that was peculiar for the song. Then again, very dark lyrics and happy tune is exactly Mika’s thing. And all of us thought it was about his Jimmy, but it was in fact about Mary Jane all along!?!
  13. But I think the vast majority of the fans are not the kind of doctor he is looking for
  14. Well, I think WE know it has already happened, but since the concert still has to come on tv he was doing his own way of promo I was really wondering if he would take a picture with Black Pink and Roger Federer! I have heard so many good things about Roger, he is very humble and kind. I hope they got along well, but I imagine they did. Now the true question; who asked who for the pic???
  15. I think it’s about simply being together. I agree with@Anna Ko Kolkowska, the protagonist is overcomplicating things by being too much in their head about feelings and emotions. Whereas it could be as simple as just letting go of expectations, enjoying eachother’s company and having fun.
  16. I saw Karin’s Live and there it actually sounds more like “break” than “brie”! Will he sing “keep it single/smile, baby” next time?
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