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Everything posted by Hero

  1. That, and how everyone listens to it for guidance, so how cool if the forecast was "everybody's going to love today".
  2. I knew it straight away, it's been on my regular playlist since Mika introduced us to it on one of his mixes.
  3. The Shipping Forecast. Yes, we were discussing it in another thread. You can hear him reading parts of it out.
  4. Ok, I can't get those other dresses delivered in time (plus some dodgy reviews for their returns policy). So I've just bought this, will get it Saturday. Hope it fits!
  5. Me too, although to my ears he sounds American. Anyone else googling restaurants with fantastic cheese boards in the Cote d'Azur? No? Ok, me neither...
  6. Oops, I wasn't aware of that! Thanks Deb!
  7. You might be able to see this in Google Street view, it could be worth checking your route. I had a nice walk past the lakes in it.
  8. Same, most of the short ones I've seen are tarty, not "chic and elegant".
  9. I was wondering about these (ignore the bouquet 😅) but I'm not sure they're glam enough.
  10. 🥺 🫂 You're right, it needs to be cool. But I was thinking more about tripping over the hemline. I'm clumsy enough as it is!
  11. Do you think we'll be getting up to dance? I'm just wondering if an ankle length or hi/lo hem might be more practical than a full length gown. 🤔
  12. We now have 10 confirmed attendees! Karin Nina Manuela Prisca Andrea Anne Simona Serena Chiara Zita
  13. OMG Karin that's gorgeous. It'll look great on you. I know what you mean about buying from the internet, I much prefer being able to feel and try on first. Unfortunately most shops round me that sold dresses like that have closed down, so I don't think I have a choice!
  14. It's "Duck and Cover" featuring Bert the turtle. The cartoon was shown to children in the early 1950s during the cold war. He seems to enjoy throwing us off guard with the old songs. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DIKqXu-5jw60&ved=2ahUKEwjT3qLqlpOAAxUAV0EAHRq0CLwQ3yx6BAgTEAI&usg=AOvVaw0voQP_EYcZbhzrh5M8_SL-
  15. Thank you! I'm sorry I didn't take any video - I hope someone has it for you.
  16. Hover Mika. Cattolica, 8th July 2023.
  17. I saw you on there. I was happy because I was able to give him a little gift I'd bought for him in town. He looked me in the eye and said thank you. Well actually he said grazie, because for some strange reason my brain thought "you're in Italy, speak Italian" and I stumbled out a "per te"...
  18. I don't usually take photos at gigs as 1) my phone isn't great and 2) lack of talent, but I've just found a couple from Cattolica that might be worth sharing here.
  19. I'd love to see it back, but I worry how they will do it now that people know the format. They no longer have the element of surprise, and if people 'audition' they won't be so much their natural selves, which was part of the appeal and made it stand out from the usual talent shows. But it would be great to see Mika back on screen, he has a natural talent for it. ❤️
  20. I'm in Vicenza. Had an extra day thanks to Ryanair cancelling my flight, so now flying back on Sunday.
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