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Everything posted by SusanT

  1. Sky news announced MIKA's new music video: https://tg24.sky.it/spettacolo/musica/2022/06/13/mika-yo-yo-video
  2. Mika has just posted an explanation of the Yoyo video on Instagram and FB. He's so imaginative!
  3. Mika said that the video of him and Ale dancing with Latvia' s singers went viral with 2 million viewers. He also mentioned something on TikTok with Camila Cabello and Gwen Stefani ( involving Grace Kelly I think) but it wasn't clear what it was.
  4. In another interview recently (one of the French ones?) I remember him saying he was going to NY for 1 or 2 days then coming right back. I wonder if it's the same occasion. Maybe what we heard today was pre-recorded.
  5. "Faccio un concerto sorpresa a New York weekend prossimo" is what he says. (I'm doing a surprise concert in NY next weekend) That actually sounds more like he's doing it in person rather than just having the broadcast of the Philharmonic concert, which is what Kumazzz posted.
  6. Cattelan said he was walking around the halls but I believe it's unlikely he would take the time to go to Deejay studio for a few exchanges with his host. If you add up the sections when he spoke, I don't think it would be over 20 minutes
  7. Mika wasn't on the show very long - don't think he was in the studio though Alessandro acted as if he was. Part of the time Cattelan played Yoyo, Grace Kelly and Ice Cream. They talked about Mika's busy schedule in the coming weeks/ months, TikTok as a way of reaching fans. Mika said that the tour with the double gigs in the 5 Italian cities was his promoter's idea.
  8. Mika's on Catteland. He mentioned a surprise concert in New York next week Check out what Kumazzz wrote on USPress thread. It's the Paris Philharmonic concert
  9. So next week Mika will be in the desert recording tribal music. I think I understand what he means about the relationship between judges on The Voice being sort of like an episode of " Friends". On X Factor Italy you could tell he was having fun with his co-judges, especially during auditions. ( Boy I'm glad there are English subtitles for the RFM video.)
  10. Qualcuno ha accesso a questo quotidiano? C'è un articolo su Mika: https://www.lastampa.it/spettacoli/2022/05/10/news/mika_ragazzo_dell_europa-3500021/?awc=9417_1654019450_56cc87a2f3621b8faccc169b9415dad3
  11. Buone notizie per chi sarà in Sardegna a luglio! https://www.unionesarda.it/spettacoli/mika-arriva-in-sardegna-appuntamento-il-30-luglio-alla-forte-arena-g418xk45
  12. Buone notizie per chi sarà in Sardegna a luglio! https://www.unionesarda.it/spettacoli/mika-arriva-in-sardegna-appuntamento-il-30-luglio-alla-forte-arena-g418xk45
  13. Found this on FB. Mika's going to Sardinia in July! https://www.unionesarda.it/spettacoli/mika-arriva-in-sardegna-appuntamento-il-30-luglio-alla-forte-arena-g418xk45 https://www.unionesarda.it/en/mika-arrives-in-sardinia-appointment-on-july-30-at-forte-arena-u4ni5rfx?fbclid=IwAR0wp1NPn8c8k0mbuRIq9NynG566ex8xbxGm1-GnOibynE_aUZwK4O4P2i0
  14. I found this article from last year: https://glasgowguardian.co.uk/2021/02/01/an-album-that-soundtracks-my-life-life-in-cartoon-motion-by-mika/ Is it somewhere else on the Forum? I think it helps explain why Mika's performance on Eurovision resonated with so many UK viewers.
  15. Haven't seen it but I just found this: https://www.ilsussidiario.net/news/mika-e-il-dramma-della-guerra-me-la-ricordo-che-avevo-due-anni/2344509/ By the way, when Mika's 2015 interview is quoted - in which he criticised Eurovision songs - Google Translator inaccurately translates "sono" with "I am" (it should be "They are", referring to the songs).
  16. Se ne parla anche qui: https://www.agenziagiornalisticaopinione.it/tv-radio-web-press/rai-1-domenica-in-ospiti-gianluca-vacchi-federica-pellegrini-mika-ricchi-e-poveri-e-luigi-strangis-22-maggio/ Qualcuno sarà in grado di registrare l'intervista con Mika? Oppure è il caso di aspettare che venga pubblicata su Raiplay?
  17. I think you can hear his live singing voice more clearly if you listen with earphones
  18. At least Pausini got to finish the program. How disappointing it would have been for her to miss a chance of a lifetime if she'd gotten ill sooner
  19. What a beautiful final episode! So grateful that we fans can watch these crucial moments behind the scenes. It was heartwarming to see Mika's friends and team cheering his success as a performer and cohost of Eurovision.❤ And we also got an explanation of the "Holland/Poland" mix-up 😃
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