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NIBE is sueing MIKA? .. Or threatening with it at least


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i don't mika personally lied, but maybe his manager? to me mika is sin free


well, we think it's THEM. Just them. We don't know if Mika is one of.. THEM.

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Phew - have just gotten to the end of this thread of psychodrama. What hard work it is being a MF. So much angst and scratching to find a way out to the truth. Yes questions to be answered etc. - yes mistakes happen - Mika not infallable - yes maybe he is shagged out given the ultra energy he puts into his performance (but that's the pop world and you have to make hay while the sun shines)..etc. (Just wondering why I never thought of becoming a popstar - all those adoring fans, parties, travel, groupies, fab clothes and hopefully get very rich - instead of being a poor struggling artist).:thumbdown:


Jolting reality checks from Christine and Jack - very well observed. But then Mika set up a lovely cuddly fantasy world for us all to escape into and have fun - and then reality crashes in. Its hard to reconcile the two - n'est ce pas? Isn't that why we have pop stars (once it was movie stars) - in order to project our fantasies on to them and to escape our (mundane) reality? And why not?


Maybe I live 'la vie en rose' - find reality sucks and denounce 'an ordinary life'.

Mika offers the creative challenge of another kind of space. I was in that space anyway - Mika just iced my cake and put cherries on top.


VIVA MIKA :thumb_yello::wub2::thumb_yello:

(and of course I luv you cos you're so bloody gorgeous darling and such a mover):bleh:

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it looks like you're talking about Lost. you know, THE OTHERS.:naughty:

Ok ignore me.:bleh:


... That's how I got the idea! First I said The Others.. I was like





Back to reality

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... That's how I got the idea! First I said The Others.. I was like





Back to reality


Wow.. THEM has stucked then... I remember you said THEM jokingly and then I laughed or commented.. and then it was official...


No progress in here then... oh well.:biggrin2:

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Wow.. THEM has stucked then... I remember you said THEM jokingly and then I laughed or commented.. and then it was official...


No progress in here then... oh well.:biggrin2:




Hehe, well, at that time it seemed quite unfair towards Mika, constantly making it sound like he was the bad one (or his he really? :blink: )



.... Walt? Walt??? My soooon! :tears:





Edit, July 13:


Mika-mysteriet fortsat uopklaret



Den danske afdeling af verdensstjernen Mikas pladeselskab, Universal, bekræfter, at den udeblevne fra sidste uges festivaler i Nibe og Roskilde gav en koncert i England aftenen før den aflyste optræden i Nibe.




Der er forstsat uklarhed, om hvor syg Mika i virkeligheden var i forbindelse med aflysning af koncerterne i Nibe og Roskilde. Foto: Mikasounds








- Han gik på på scenen i Reading, gav dog på opfordring fra sin læge kun tre numre, men oplevede alligevel smerter i ørene, forklarer Universals Heidi Degn.


Hun indrømmer dog, at Universal i Danmark ikke er i direkte kontakt med Mika, og hørte om afbuddet til Nibe Festival via festivalen og den lille fedes mellemhandler.


Universal i Danmark henviser da også til den officielle, korte forklaring fra Mika for få dage siden.


- Jeg er blevet rådet til ikke at flyve grundet en alvorlig ørelidelse, og beklager afbuddene til Nibe og Roskilde.


I den britiske presse var han dog lørdag 7. juli - dagen efter den aflyste koncert i Roskilde og tre døgn efter den ditto i Nibe - citeret for, at "Jeg har det fint. Der er ingen grund til bekymring (Daily Star), og en lidt anden udlægning


- Han har en infektion, og kan ikke synge (talsmand for hospitalet Post Wellington House til Daily Mirror lørdag 7. juli).


Alligevel deltog Mika samme dag lørdag 7. juli i den store Oxegen Festival i irske Dublin omkring 600 kilometer i fugleflugtslinie fra London - omkring 800 kilometer ad landeveje (inklusiv sejltur.


Dagen efter optrådte Mika sågar på den store årlige skotske musikfestival T In The Park - omkring 800 kilometer ad landeveje fra Dublin.


- Hans show i selskab med Scissor Sisters Jake Shears var bare fantastisk, lyder roserne fra en fan på nettet, der oplevede Mika og Jake Shears dansede forrygende sammen til Mikas verden**** "Grace Kelly".


Nibe Festival har netop fået den forudbetalte, pæne hyre til Mika tilbage fra England, men lægeerklæringen lader fortsat vente på sig.


- Nu må vi se, hvad der står, og så tager vi stilling til, hvad vi så gør, siger festivalformand Peter Møller Madsen.


- Vi skylder først om fremmest vore gæster en sober forklaring på hovednavnet Mikas sene afbud lige op til sin optræden, og et eventuelt erstatningskrav kommer lige nu i anden række.

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  • 2 weeks later...




They won't sue him, even tho...

- His medical statement was "weak" and it comes very late.

- He played the secret gig, and the two festivals in Scotland and Ireland.


Mika is now recovering from a chestinfection (that again?) .

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They won't sue him, even tho...

- His medical statement was "weak" and it comes very late.

- He played the secret gig, and the two festivals in Scotland and Ireland.

Hurrayy Nibe!! :sweatdrop:


Mika is now recovering from a chestinfection (that again?) .

At least he is recovering. O___o :yay:

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Is somerset house a secret gig ? sounds ridiculous !


He might be ill cos he said something like we couldn't cancel this because everyone has been waiting for long......at somerset house......which made me wonder what happened


maybe I should stopping being lazy draw something for mika's relax card, just to say hi, mika, have a rest....

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Is somerset house a secret gig ? sounds ridiculous !


He might be ill cos he said something like we couldn't cancel this because everyone has been waiting for long......at somerset house......which made me wonder what happened


maybe I should stopping being lazy draw something for mika's relax card, just to say hi, mika, have a rest....


No, Reading was a secret gig. Try and read the original post.

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