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I Get Picked At School Bec I Like Mika


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Okay so heres my story.. I get picked at school because I like MIKA ! and here people are so #%$^$ close minded and they critized mika saying that he is gay and stuff I always deffend him , but it just gets on my nerves when they make fun of mika or critize him , im not an agressive person, like I get a lot of insults daily because of the way I am at school and punches or whatever and I dont hit or talk back :( :( :( but if u mess with MIKA, I would definately get you and kick your butt !!!


No matter what I support MIKA IN MEXICO



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Okay so heres my story.. I get picked at school because I like MIKA ! and here people are so #%$^$ close minded and they critized mika saying that he is gay and stuff I always deffend him , but it just gets on my nerves when they make fun of mika or critize him , im not an agressive person, like I get a lot of insults daily because of the way I am at school and punches or whatever and I dont hit or talk back :( :( :( but if u mess with MIKA, I would definately get you and kick your butt !!!


No matter what I support MIKA IN MEXICO




no offense, but the ppl at your school sound like a$$holes.


they seriously don't know what they're missing!:thumb_yello:

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Well, if calling Mika gay is the best they can come up with, they need to come up with something else, because that's not exactly a bad thing. Some people are close-minded losers. Don't fight with them, they're not worth it. It's sad that some people are brought up to be like that, and I wish that something could be done to stop it. Parents need to teach their children a little tolerance and acceptance.

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Okay so heres my story.. I get picked at school because I like MIKA ! and here people are so #%$^$ close minded and they critized mika saying that he is gay and stuff I always deffend him , but it just gets on my nerves when they make fun of mika or critize him , im not an agressive person, like I get a lot of insults daily because of the way I am at school and punches or whatever and I dont hit or talk back :( :( :( but if u mess with MIKA, I would definately get you and kick your butt !!!


No matter what I support MIKA IN MEXICO




no offense, but the ppl at your school sound like a$$holes.


they seriously don't know what they're missing!:thumb_yello:


I KNOW !!!

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Well, if calling Mika gay is the best they can come up with, they need to come up with something else, because that's not exactly a bad thing. Some people are close-minded losers. Don't fight with them, they're not worth it. It's sad that some people are brought up to be like that, and I wish that something could be done to stop it. Parents need to teach their children a little tolerance and acceptance.



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You know what, David? People at your school are freaks if they don't like you! When they are being rude snobby up-tight pooh heads, know that you have your friends heer on MFC who support you, listen to you and care about your feelings.


Aww thanks sometiems i feel like in the MFC is the only place i can feel confortable

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It's hard, but ingore them if you can. You already do the right thing by walking away.


Look to Mika for inspiration in this area aswell. Consider the things he talks about from his childhood.. and look where he is now. He's shining.


Very true! Very true! He's a very good romodel! and model. lol:roftl:

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Oh I know ! Mika is my role model and yes he is a sexy model !!!



and yes he indeed is sexy! I had the same experience at work. My cousin said to me "you are one of "them", eh? " Like I'm from outerspace? She says her cousin is an ant-mika. They have names now? yikes!

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and yes he indeed is sexy! I had the same experience at work. My cousin said to me "you are one of "them", eh? " Like I'm from outerspace? She says her cousin is an ant-mika. They have names now? yikes!


elanorelle...we call them non-believers!lol shun the non-believer shuuuuuuuuuuuunah! lol , yes he is hot model! woot woot!

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David! I LOVE the cover of your folder!!! You drew it?


Oh, and this is some advice that I wish I'd gotten when I was in high school: It's not the end of your life. I was sooo depressed in high school and was so afraid to be myself and wear certain things or say certain things. But as soon as I started an after school job when I was sixteen I made so many friends. When you leave school, you can be whoever you want to be and you can find people with the same interest as you and that really understand you.


Good luck with everything, and stay true to yourself!

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david, i really admire that even when your made fun of by rude "people", you never use acts of verbal or physical violence to retaliate against all those close minded "people"

also, i respect the fact that you dont change yourself just to win over the respect of these people, i mean if change is the only way of acceptance, than it would be losing a big part of yourself...and thats basically what makes us unique


yeah well i really hope that people would just start like getting outta their close minded shells and start to accept and see world without their petty problems, yenno? wow before i go off on a tangent i should just end it here

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Hey David,


Y'know, there really is no accounting for taste - some people have it, and then there are others - well, they just bash the ones with good taste......


You're very smart to take the high road with these assholes. Obviously they have not very much in their little lives to fall back on, so they strike out at people who do. They are not only insecure but jealous as well. Someone needs to teach them that there is no shortage for success in the world.


You sound like a super cool guy and someone I would be proud to call a friend! Unlike those jerks you embrace your true feelings and are not afraid to express them. You are too much of a class act to ever stoop to these losers' level. Forget about them. You're on the fast track and they're stuck spinning their wheels......






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Good god, that's horrible :emot-sad:

Sure, my friends tease me for being so obsessed, but not that much, and most of them actually like him.

I guess it's easier for girls to like him, and that's so unfair. Mika wouldn't like it. :thumbdown:


Btw, I love your drawing! I wish I could paint like that :mf_lustslow:

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David, you're not alone, I got bullied too (when I was little).

It's better now, but that's because I don't care about it anymore. If someone calls me a b*itch I'm like=>

yeah I know, but hey, what do you do about it?

(you have to see their faces:naughty: )

But here (in my school) their not so nasty when I say I like Mika, I said it in my class and someone started to sing relax:roftl:

but they are too like: Isn't he gay? (pfff close minded people:sneaky2: :thumbdown: )


I always say that he doesn't want to talk about it and that I think it's cool that he keeps that for himself

and what does it matter if he's gay? it doesn't change his music.

the reaction of most people is like: He's gay, I'm sure about that.

When I ask why they think that and when I talk with them about the right to keep your private life private, they never know what to say :thumbdown:

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:thumbdown: they could be really mean sometimes, but the thing that freaks me out the most is if they don't like Mika that's ok (I mean we're different) but if they don't like and know him why they say bad things about him????

but I'm pretty lucky coz all my friends say that Mika is really talented and they don't even think he's gay!!!!!! They said because he has a specific dress sense and he can sing that doesn't mean he's gay!!!! I was so happy that they said that! :blush-anim-cl: so don't care about others!!!!

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David, no matter what we do in life - there is always someone who has an opinion about it.

Luckily, when we are kids, these opinions are small. Im glad you do not let it get to you now, it puts you in good standing.

Never be bullied into silence or allow yourself to become a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself.

But whoever it is who is critisising you, they cant really talk about what is good/right when intentionally causing unhappiness to others. Any fool can critisize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Remember; Critisism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothing and it is easier to be critical than correct, so be yourself - courage is fire, bullying is smoke

But on the brighter side, it has been proven that envy and resentment is motivation for enemies. And if you have enemies; then good. It means you have stood up for something. Envy is the art of counting someone's blessings instead of your own.

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I know how you feel. Most of my friends think I'm weird for liking Mika so much, and my classmates just don't care too much. Don't listen to them, you're a great guy and it's so foolish to pick somebody because of their (good) taste! And I like your drawings :wink2:

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