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Mika Has Devistated Me


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Ok, from the first moment i heard mika i fell in love and from there a deep deep obsession that i have thoroughly enjoyed. lately though, i havent needed mika as much as i used to. i still love him and his music, but it kinda scares me cause i was deeply obsessed for so long and it just seemed to stop one day. i used to freak out if i didnt hear his sweet voice every day or if i didnt get on mfc andlook at pictures at least every other day.

but i havent been on mfc for a week, and though i miss it, it doesnt seem to matter as much. and though i havent listened to mika in 4-5 day, though ive had many opertuinities, it doesnt effect me as much. i still talk about him a lot, but ive noticed that im now able to go up to 5 hours without mentioning his name.


im really just afraid that someone else is gonna take his place, and i dont think its fair that i have to force myself to listen to him and talk about him sometimes just cause i kinda miss my obsession.


has anyone else felt like this about him??

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Ok, from the first moment i heard mika i fell in love and from there a deep deep obsession that i have thoroughly enjoyed. lately though, i havent needed mika as much as i used to. i still love him and his music, but it kinda scares me cause i was deeply obsessed for so long and it just seemed to stop one day. i used to freak out if i didnt hear his sweet voice every day or if i didnt get on mfc andlook at pictures at least every other day.

but i havent been on mfc for a week, and though i miss it, it doesnt seem to matter as much. and though i havent listened to mika in 4-5 day, though ive had many opertuinities, it doesnt effect me as much. i still talk about him a lot, but ive noticed that im now able to go up to 5 hours without mentioning his name.


im really just afraid that someone else is gonna take his place, and i dont think its fair that i have to force myself to listen to him and talk about him sometimes just cause i kinda miss my obsession.


has anyone else felt like this about him??



This will pass :) Take a break from it and come back with a new found enthusiasm! When you see him in concert, it'll come back...the irresistable love and devotion :blush-anim-cl:


I have to say though: I used to think of him as some sort of GOD lol.... When I met him over the summer, I realized that he was just a person. The first time, ok I admit I was really stunned being an inch away from him and he did seem like he wasn't human because of how beautiful he was. The second time though was different Behind the scenes at GMA, he was so funny and really communicated well with all of us (like friends) It became alot more personal to me then. I felt like I got to hang out with a buddy :mf_lustslow: By the time he performed the second gig later that day, It was as if we were "in his living room hearing him sing" --> as he described it.


So, I left New York city feeling very strange. Like you said, not obsessed anymore. Just deeply deeply grateful to him for loving the fans and being there for us. It was like I was leaving a boyfriend behind in New York, as silly as that sounds lol. I was devestated because I didn't know when I would see him again


Now, I'm not obsessed. It's not really a bad thing. Things just change. I'd rather it be this way.

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Yes, I think it is a phase some of us will go through.

I have passed right through the 'madness' phase, where I had to listen to Mika all of the time, had to watch him all of the time, had to read everything written about him, had to read every thread on this forum.


During the madness phase I couldn't believe that someone or something could hit me so hard! It was quite fun while it lasted.


Now, I still like Mika of course, but know the sun doesn't shine out of him and can be much more objective about his music and his life and times!


I still like coming on MFC too, because I feel I have made some friends here.

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that half makes me feel better and half worse.

im glad that im not the only one whose lost the obsession stage:biggrin2: , but i dont know if im ever gonna get to see him in concert, i gotta wait til the next american tour and hope he's closer than when he came to miami.:thumbdown:

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Well, BM is right, for some people, it starts all over again when you see him live.

Didn't happen for me though. Yes, I enjoyed the gigs, it was nice to be so near him, and I am going again, but the obsession hasn't returned.

I'm not sure I could live like that for too long though!

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It´s normal reaction after all the initial madness, i´m afraid.

I passed for that phase, and i think almost everyone here passed it too :wink2:

MFC is my second home now because all the great people i met here. Mika is important, yes, but he doesn´t rule my world as he did a few months ago. I still love him and it´s an important part of my life, but not my everything :wink2:

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Yes, I think it is a phase some of us will go through.

I have passed right through the 'madness' phase, where I had to listen to Mika all of the time, had to watch him all of the time, had to read everything written about him, had to read every thread on this forum.


During the madness phase I couldn't believe that someone or something could hit me so hard! It was quite fun while it lasted.


Now, I still like Mika of course, but know the sun doesn't shine out of him and can be much more objective about his music and his life and times!


I still like coming on MFC too, because I feel I have made some friends here.


That's the good part, isn't it, coming here and talk to people you get to like during the last months, eventhough you didn't met them in person.

But after all these months I still need my daily Mika music, and I'm still looking for new pictures and trying to keep up with most of the threads in here. Maybe not as mad as in the beginning, but I still feel a little obsessed.:mf_rosetinted:

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amber, i know exactly how you feel!!! I can go for so long without listening or mentioning him, and it scares me!! My friends have even told me that they notice that im not as obsessed anymore!!!

It used to be obvious that i was a mika fan, coz i would wear his shirts and pants and pins and buttons, and he would be all over me, but now, he's not. And a while ago i was actually considering taking the pictures of him off of my wall!!!! i cant believe myself! and i know that im gonna have another huge obsession soon. I always have to be deeply in love or obsessed with something. its already going on with twilight and edward. im obsessed too! and i know that once something new with mika (like CONCERTS or the live DVD) happens, itll refresh it mostly, but who knows in how long that will be.

it's like....... my obsession with mika is sort of... slowing down. slowly being less until its not there anymore. I'll still love him sooo much, but it wont be irresistable love and pulling me towards him and checking things about him everyday, and just being, obsessed. it wont be a crazy and insane and fun as it was when i first found out about him. it's like the climax is over and not we're at the descending point or what ever its called.

I feel you amber.


BTW I LOVE YOU AVATAR!! :naughty: hahaha

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I'm relieved the obsession has passed. It was really too time consuming.


A lot of it was fueled by other MFCers and that's died off now because he's on hiatus and since the board crashed and school started there's not as much happening here that's Mika related.


I'll probably watch the DVD a billion times when it comes out. I think the upcoming tour is going to cause a lot of excitement on MFC. I'm going to see him in London 3 times myself so I'm going to be pretty pre-occupied with MFC and Mika whether I want to or not.


But I expect the close of the Year of Mika is going to be the end of Mika obsessing for a long time. I think he'll probably go off and make a new album. I don't expect to see him in Canada for another year so I'll have to find something else to do in the meantime!

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amber, i know exactly how you feel!!! I can go for so long without listening or mentioning him, and it scares me!! My friends have even told me that they notice that im not as obsessed anymore!!!

It used to be obvious that i was a mika fan, coz i would wear his shirts and pants and pins and buttons, and he would be all over me, but now, he's not. And a while ago i was actually considering taking the pictures of him off of my wall!!!! i cant believe myself! and i know that im gonna have another huge obsession soon. I always have to be deeply in love or obsessed with something. its already going on with twilight and edward. im obsessed too! and i know that once something new with mika (like CONCERTS or the live DVD) happens, itll refresh it mostly, but who knows in how long that will be.

it's like....... my obsession with mika is sort of... slowing down. slowly being less until its not there anymore. I'll still love him sooo much, but it wont be irresistable love and pulling me towards him and checking things about him everyday, and just being, obsessed. it wont be a crazy and insane and fun as it was when i first found out about him. it's like the climax is over and not we're at the descending point or what ever its called.

I feel you amber.


BTW I LOVE YOU AVATAR!! :naughty: hahaha


its like having a huge caffine rush that lasts a long time and then you crash down. its kinda depressing really. im just hoping he either does something or something else takes the place of obsession soon, cause i feel kinda empty.:sad:


and thanks, my avvie is soo hot!:bleh:

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haha, just as I was wrinting this my dad came and read over my shoulder... and I don't think he knew about here before.... :blink:

still, I was going to say

I completly get you. I used to be soooo obsessed. my friends still say I am too obsessed, but I don't thnk I am. I still come on here - out of habit I supposee. I still listen to mika everyday though :bleh: well, nearly... until the school trip this week

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I feel alone also, I too feel that a chunk of my heart is missing...and like it's just harder to breathe sometimes..it's so odd


we're always talking about how we should give mika books of this and that. we should give him a book of how much he makes all of our hearts ache, lol:wink2:

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I feel alone also, I too feel that a chunk of my heart is missing...and like it's just harder to breathe sometimes..it's so odd

exactly. that describes how i feel too. It's like he's left us. there was so much stuff going on with him, and then it just stopped.

its so strange

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I see what you mean, purplegrape. My obsession with Mika has always been kind of healthy, (comparing to some other obsessions that I've been through:biggrin2: ) but I now the feeling when you're afraid that you'll lose those powerful positive feelings that you have. At the beginning Mika and mfc gave me so much inspiration, I had so big plans for the future! But now, after some time has passed, I can visit mfc very rarely, and I think I've become more 'normal'(still I think it's more like due to lack of Mikaish communication). I don't know if it's good or bad, but when I am really excited about something or somebody, I just feel that my body almost can't handle all the strength that is inside me, I am completely restless and I have so many ideas and plans for future, and I'm also very vulnerable. But when it passes, I just become normal, I'm neither very happy nor unhappy, I don't miss anything don't need anything and sometimes I'm even glad that I'm not so vulnerable anymore. But when I'm in this crazy state I think that I would never want to became so numb and indifferent anymore. Which is better, I don't know. I guess there are just different phases, we can't be always passionate or always calm. And I actually think, as bonjourmika said, that the feeling might really come back :wink2:


P.S. I really miss mfc sometimes. I really do.

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my last real obsession lasted about 3 years :shocked: so I still have another 2 n a half or so years to go yet lol. I think things have calmed down a bit for me right now but when it starts livening up again on MFC when the autumn tour starts etc, then it will be re-awoken, I mean it's not sleeping just dozing like a cat nap...or lol a POWER nap, so it could re start with a vengeance:blink:


I still have a soft spot in the corner of my heart for my first obsession, and my first love of course.


Mika is the 1st person I have been to see live since my 1st pop star obsession when I was 15-16, back then I was convinced it was love, and I don't care what anyone says, it WAS a kind of love, a one sided kind of love (I met the guy quite a lot and saw him at many gigs all over the UK) he never treat me as anything ohter than a fan though, but I was only 16ish and he was about 26ish.


I still listen to my Mika every day, I still come on MFC every day, I still read lots of Mika things etc etc and I can't wait till the November gigs I'm going to, I think being ancient and ugly has at least kept me from ridiculous fantasies (not like in my youth lol).

Still it's all been great fun and all this HAS lifted my mood as a lot of Mika-music makes me feel happy, the rest makes me wanna hug him better lol.


I guess all of us go through ups and downs but then life is always like that anyway.

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This thread is making me feel really sad..:blink:


I am actually dreading the day when I come back down to Earth. I'm still 'there', probably because I still haven't seen him live (but only 43 days to go). For me it's been a long slow drawn out thing, I've really bided my time as far as getting to a gig is concerned, and I so I still have all that to come and thus can't see my infatuation ending anytime soon.


In some ways I wish it would GO as honestly, it's ridiculous; I am 38 and I have a Real Life and this damned obsession gets in the way. But I'll be really quite bereft when it eventually subsides. :boxed:


How exactly did I let this happen to me - I used to be a sensible person!!!



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yes I know how you feel, even if someone replaces mika in the total obsession, side of things, at least you will still be a fan of the man and his music, and thats what its all about right, and once you see him in person, I can see you obsessing almost too much over that day, I know, Ive been there done that, got the tshirt as they say

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Yeah My 'Obsession' has calmed down a Teenie weenie bit...But i still get Butterflies thinking about seeing him live again ththth148.gif


Im glad its calmed down a little bit so i can concentrate on my collage work a bit more...

But im sure my crazy obsession will all come (unfortunatly for my friends and family:roftl: ) back after i see him again!

But i dont think it will EVER totally fade away...

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This thread is making me feel really sad..:blink:


I am actually dreading the day when I come back down to Earth. I'm still 'there', probably because I still haven't seen him live (but only 43 days to go). For me it's been a long slow drawn out thing, I've really bided my time as far as getting to a gig is concerned, and I so I still have all that to come and thus can't see my infatuation ending anytime soon.


In some ways I wish it would GO as honestly, it's ridiculous; I am 38 and I have a Real Life and this damned obsession gets in the way. But I'll be really quite bereft when it eventually subsides. :boxed:


How exactly did I let this happen to me - I used to be a sensible person!!!



how the hell do you think I feel I am flaming 47 :shocked: I went totally out of my comfort zone by going to London alone to see him at Somerset House, meeting ppl from MFC I had only hatted to on here and even stayed in the same room lol.

I navigated the tube on my own and this for a woman who had lost confidence in every aspect of her life was a huge thing, (all I need now is to get more confidence in driving, I am going to drive to 2 of the gigs but one is a bit too far for me yet and its a big city).


so I see my Mika obsession as a good thing as it made me feel really good to have done it all. (even my hubby thinks it has done me good in some ways lol). He just laughs at me when I swoon over his gorgeousness though cos he knows that I know I am old enough to be his mother lol, (maybe I should know better) HA you only live once, its been great fun and done me nothing but good :biggrin2:

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