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But Mika doesn't really look like that, especially on stage. I know a lot of people who've said that they were put off by these early promo shots, thinking he was some sort of broody folk singer or something. This is not the image he has projected during performances, at least not since Grace Kelly was launched and he started getting the flamboyant camp label.

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Well, of course I'm just talking about their physical appearance, and I purposedly picked a picture of Morrison where he looked very much like Mika...

But, even if the context was very different, I think the Doors, and especially Morrison, dared to do pretty outstanding stuff back in the seventies... In the areas of music, poetry and stage performance, they really did something that was new in these times. In this extend, I can see a similarity with Mika that goes further than just being gorgeous :wub2:

But, you may have guessed that I was a huge Doors fan... so I can understand that lots of people will disagree, considering that Morrison had a dark side that's far from anything Mika's about. ( not sure about the construction of this sentence... but you'll understand :wink2: )

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don't know that much about the Doors so perhaps you're right.


But my overall impression of Jim Morrison is that he was a lot more loose and experimental than Mika. Sort of lost in the music when he was performing.


Mika's thing - his image, his music, his performances. It all seems a lot more deliberate and controlled to me. Last night was a perfect example.

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yep, you're right !!

My opinion is that Morrison could've been much more in control of a lot of things, including his music, if he'd been following a diet based on fruits, seeds and Ribena, like our M :bleh:

That's the dark side I was referring to...


Mika's health seems to be suffering a lot this year. Maybe he should start boozing it up and eat more hamburgers. :wink2:

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yep, you're right !!

My opinion is that Morrison could've been much more in control of a lot of things, including his music, if he'd been following a diet based on fruits, seeds and Ribena, like our M :bleh:

That's the dark side I was referring to...


Really he eat only Fruit and drink only ribena ?:shocked:

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You're welcome everyone!


I didn't mean to make anyone mad, I didn't see the picture captions. I kept on having this Tony Hawk ad take over the whole window so I only caught a quick glimpse of the pics and figured that I'd post. Eventually I couldn't get back to the albums because of the stupid ad!


I don't know why they need to use the word "camp" but whatevverrrr. I believe that you have to be a true kid at heart to understand what's going on with Mika - like his performances. I got a huge kick when they came out on stage in costumes and had Lollipop girls and Big girls running around with confetti everywhere. When I got back and my friends asked me how the concert was and I told them and showed them my pics that I was proud of because I didn't expect them to come out that great or have anything good (I figured they'd be way too dark or blurry!) They looked at me like I had two heads. *rolls eyes* I bet my friends don't know that when I go to the store I still like to play in the toy section. :naughty: Therefore that's why I believe you must have be a kid at heart! That's just my opinion though!


Along with the Jim Morrison pic, I do admit that when I first saw the picture I had to stare at it for a minute because I thought it was Mika at first glance.

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Another article :biggrin2: :


"Sixty million people have cast their votes. Now Europe awaits the announcement of this year's European MTV awards. The ceremony is Thursday night in Munich, Germany. Mika, one of the top contenders in the 'solo artist' category arrived in Munich early. The Lebanese born singer is up against stiff competition from Canadians Nelly Furtado and Avril Lavigne, Barbadian-born Rihanna and American star Christina Aguilera.


The nomination is no mean feat for a newcomer. Maybe his popularity is a passing craze. Mika doesn't really care. He's come along for the ride.


Mika said, "I just want to have fun, I know there is a lot of 'who is gonna do what' on the show, but it is just more like just having fun and celebrating the fact that I have had a really good year, I am doing this for me, I am not doing this for any other reason I am doing this because I want to have fun with it, I have had an amazing year and a lot of incredible support from all around Europe and this is just something to have fun with and celebrate in the most chaotic way possible as well. "


Mica Penniman, known by his stage name Mika, beame one of the hottest artists of 2007, with his debut single 'Grace Kelly'.


Mika was born in Beirut, Lebanon. His mother is Lebanese. His father American. The family pulled up stakes and moved to Paris after Lebanon was rent by war. When Mika was nine, the family moved again, to London.


The singer is currently on tour. He's has just played The Desert Rhythm Festival, last week-end at Dubai Media City.


Mika's debut album 'Life in Cartoon Motion' brought comparisons with artists like Freddie Mercury, George Michael, Scissor Sisters, Rufus Wainwright, and Elton John.


He released his single 'Grace Kelly' as a digital download in January. Then it hit number one in the UK Singles Chart. "

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