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The Pointing Mika thread


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Is it just me or is Mika really pointing a lot at gigs? In lots of pics you can see him pointing in all kinds of directions....is there a certain meaning behind this? Let's find out! And post your pointing Mika pics!












Yes I am incredibly bored:roftl:

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Ah EnFa that's very deep:mf_rosetinted: Never thought of you as a filosofic person:naughty:


Well, doesn't it make sense?



At Vega, he gave a girl next to me the mic so she could sing. It sounded awful :mf_rosetinted:

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artists should never ever do that, we don't pay to hear someone sing horribly. We want them to sing :wink2:




Yeah, he also took it bakc very very quickly :roftl: He looked kinda scared. HEard it again on youtube. Awful!

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Yeah, he also took it bakc very very quickly :roftl: He looked kinda scared. HEard it again on youtube. Awful!


Can I have the link?


Did he point in her eye afterwards just to indicate that her singing sucked?:blink: Or did you:naughty:

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I've never seen him pull the mic away from something so quickly:naughty:


I stood directly next to them. She grabbed it even harder when he started to take it back :lmfao: But imagine if it had been me! I would have ruined the show!

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I stood directly next to them. She grabbed it even harder when he started to take it back :lmfao: But imagine if it had been me! I would have ruined the show!


Noo, your charm would top your singing.



Gosh I can see it happening:naughty: She grabs the mic and Mika has to pull her over the stage to get rid of her and get the mic back :biggrin2:

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Noo, your charm would top your singing.



Gosh I can see it happening:naughty: She grabs the mic and Mika has to pull her over the stage to get rid of her and get the mic back :biggrin2:


It was awesome! You should really have seen it. THe girl really thought she could get to sing a lot more. Crazy. I almost puked from laughing!

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