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Mikagasmic Pics - Part 5


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LMAo yep, let's drop the child bearing hips topic.. :fisch::naughty:



when i said masculine, I didn't mean the butch type o.c. everyone can see that :bleh: but his shoulders do are broad, I can assure that. that's one of the first things that stroke me when i saw him live for the first time.

and he's not that skinny as in pics, even the ones we were used to.

not saying he's fatty or anything, but he's more muscular than skinny.

and his face bears a very classic type of beauty, if I may say so. reminds me of botticelli's paintings, all those curls and perfectly chiselled nose/ lips/ cheekbones. his forehead, as much as I love it though, he's not a feminine one.. :wink2:

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I beg to differ, he has pretty eyes and pretty lips, even his bone structure to a degree, hardly "very masculine" features. Body hair, fine, but the rest no. I would raise the topic of his broad/curvy hips but in the past I've learnt that no one but me and Mika and his ex-bullies seem to share that view. :bleh:


Exhibit 'A' (for androgyny :naughty:):




I follow that view of the hips as well!

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I follow that view of the hips as well!


me too


I think that if he'd put on lipstick again, use eyeliner and let his hair grow again, he'd be all feminine again.


no, wait, that's too extreme maybe... he still had the muscles now that he didn't have before.


I agree about the classic beauty tough! It has something to do with symmetry in your face and I think he has that.

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I love that photo shoot. Aside from the fact that I have a thing for black and white photography, he really does look beautiful. The eyeliner, the longer hair, the expressions... perfect. :wub2:


And he just looks so damn sassy in the last one doesn't he?


Interesting point. It's possible. But I still see him externally as a stubborn little boy, internally a clever man who definitely knows how to play people and pretends to to know less than he really does, but is essentially still a boy and in his dealings with people still has some growing up to do. Am I even making any sense? :blink:


Yeah and I agree. He's really savvy beyond his years though. I second guessed a couple of his early decisions but he was right.


I beg to differ, he has pretty eyes and pretty lips, even his bone structure to a degree, hardly "very masculine" features. Body hair, fine, but the rest no. I would raise the topic of his broad/curvy hips but in the past I've learnt that no one but me and Mika and his ex-bullies seem to share that view. :bleh:


I can see the hip thing now that he's put on weight and taken off his shirt.


But he's still become very masculine to me. I think all his facial features except his eyes are masculine. Yes he has beautiful bone structure but so does Yasmine yet she looks much, much more feminine.


You and I have different standards and tastes though. If you put Mika's bone structure on a woman she'd look like Angelina Jolie. But that makes her look masculine IMO, it doesn't make him look feminine. Same with his mouth. It's far too broad to look like the stereotypical American beauty of the 1970s that was held as the standard when I was growing up.


For me the facial hair, the muscles and his decidedly male confidence negate any feminine qualities and I can't even see him as androgynous any more.

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me too


I think that if he'd put on lipstick again, use eyeliner and let his hair grow again, he'd be all feminine again.


no, wait, that's too extreme maybe... he still had the muscles now that he didn't have before.


I don't think what's going on with him is strictly aesthetics. I think it has a lot to do with his manner and confidence levels. I think he's also changing physiologically from a boy to a man and that's not something that can be reversed or hidden behind makeup and hair even if he dropped some weight off again.

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I think aside the way he wore his hair, dressed up, or even the fact he may have used make up in past or even now (?), the thing that makes him the most androgynous is his behaviour and his body language, more than his phisical features. not trying to deny he's androgynous: he is and I love that. believe me :mf_rosetinted:

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I totally agree about the femenine hips.

In fact I thought that before Mika even mentioned it, as he reminded of my brother who has a similar shape, and I always found that to be femenine.

I guess we all inherited my mum's hips, hehe!!

About him looking or seeming masculine or femenine...I must admit that I change my perception on that daily, or even hourly.

I find that in some pictures (or interviews, or seeing him in the flesh) he seems incredibly femenine, and then in others he seems very masculine.

Sometimes I think that when I see him in a "still" pose he looks masculine and wen he moves his manner is femenine, and other times I just find that it changes every minute.

Masculine or femenine, there's no doubt in my mind that he's one heck of a sexy beast :naughty: .

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I don't think what's going on with him is strictly aesthetics. I think it has a lot to do with his manner and confidence levels. I think he's also changing physiologically from a boy to a man and that's not something that can be reversed or hidden behind makeup and hair even if he dropped some weight off again.


I've put it too extreme, I realised. Physiological changes can't be reversed (so it is indeed not as simple as putting the lipstick on again), I agree, and as I said before, I think that's his main change.

I only tried to say that clothes and a new haircut can obviously do a lot. (he also removed the ear-piercing and when he wears glasses he looks less "manly")


doesn't matter actually:wink2: . I don't think there's any right or wrong in this discussion, it's just stuff to think about and find the right words for it (feminine/androgynous/SitM/...)


Oh, about his bodylanguage: you are very right about that!! (And do I love it also:mf_lustslow: )

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I don't think there's any right or wrong in this discussion, it's just stuff to think about and find the right words for it (feminine/androgynous/SitM/...)


Yes everyone has their own perceptions. I'm usually pretty clear on why I think the things I do but I am struggling with exactly why and how my perception of Mika changed the way it did.


It's natural that when you get to know someone (yeah I still don't know Mika, but you know what I mean), that your perception changes. But I find it strange that even in retrospect I don't find vintage Mika appealing in the way I see him now.


Of course I don't expect to look at 7 year old pics of Mika and think he's hot...but this was only a few months ago.

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Yes everyone has their own perceptions. I'm usually pretty clear on why I think the things I do but I am struggling with exactly why and how my perception of Mika changed the way it did.


It's natural that when you get to know someone (yeah I still don't know Mika, but you know what I mean), that your perception changes. But I find it strange that even in retrospect I don't find vintage Mika appealing in the way I see him now.


Of course I don't expect to look at 7 year old pics of Mika and think he's hot...but this was only a few months ago.


Oh good lord please no:blink: :boxed:


anyway:biggrin2:, I understand your point, can't answer it, unless he's on steroids or something :shocked:


ok, I'm talking rubbish, time to sleep!

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his face bears a very classic type of beauty, if I may say so. reminds me of botticelli's paintings, all those curls and perfectly chiselled nose/ lips/ cheekbones.

Oh, very nice observation. He could fit quite comfortably in something like La Primavera. :wink2:


And he just looks so damn sassy in the last one doesn't he?

Indeed. I quite like the attitude. :bleh:


I can see the hip thing now that he's put on weight and taken off his shirt.


But he's still become very masculine to me. I think all his facial features except his eyes are masculine. Yes he has beautiful bone structure but so does Yasmine yet she looks much, much more feminine.


You and I have different standards and tastes though. If you put Mika's bone structure on a woman she'd look like Angelina Jolie. But that makes her look masculine IMO, it doesn't make him look feminine. Same with his mouth. It's far too broad to look like the stereotypical American beauty of the 1970s that was held as the standard when I was growing up.


For me the facial hair, the muscles and his decidedly male confidence negate any feminine qualities and I can't even see him as androgynous any more.

So you're making the distinction that their bone structure is masculine and makes a woman look masculine instead of feminine and makes a man look feminine?


But you're right, I think we have different definitions of feminine beauty.


I don't see his confidence as male, plenty of women have that same brand of confidence. Or maybe it is masculine and those women have a masculine confidence? I think I'm confusing myself now.


I'll also throw in the comment that he isn't that muscly yet. He's still at the 'skinny boy' end of the scale.


I don't think what's going on with him is strictly aesthetics. I think it has a lot to do with his manner and confidence levels. I think he's also changing physiologically from a boy to a man and that's not something that can be reversed or hidden behind makeup and hair even if he dropped some weight off again.

There shouldn't be any significant change at 24. That'd make him a very a late bloomer then.

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:roftl: I don't think anyone's going to argue that here.

I will. While he is beautiful and has an odd form of sex appeal for some, he's nowhere near "sexy beast" level.


And no, being hairy does not qualify him for that category either. :mf_rosetinted::roftl:


I think aside the way he wore his hair, dressed up, or even the fact he may have used make up in past or even now (?), the thing that makes him the most androgynous is his behaviour and his body language, more than his phisical features. not trying to deny he's androgynous: he is and I love that. believe me :mf_rosetinted:

Oh yes, definitely, it is also a matter of how one behaves and also their attitudes/philosophies if I may say so. The first time the thought occured to me was

. In hindsight, though, it probably only demonstrates that he's the type of person to talk with his hands. :bleh:
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oh, he defo talks with his hands lots! he moves them a lot while talking, very cute. very enthusiastic about what he says and a litttle (much) childish, meant in a good way. :bleh:


the way he walks though and esp. he stands (and not referring to onstage attitude or attitude in artistic matters, videos and stuff), is rather andrognyonus. and hot. :mf_rosetinted: gosh, I sound like paris hilton! someone zips up my mouth, please... :blink:

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about this whole androgynous topic about our darling mika...

a friend of mine and i were talking about why some men have feminine type characteristics than the "normal macho-masculine" man. And she told me that she read about a study that when a male is an infant and he is surrounded by many females most of the time, he grows up to become more "pretty" and have more feminine traits than the infant males who had male influences on their lives when they were babies.


That might not make much sense... but i tried my best. If you're confused then just ask me.

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So you're making the distinction that their bone structure is masculine and makes a woman look masculine instead of feminine and makes a man look feminine?


Yes. I don't think Angelina Jolie is an exceptionally attractive woman because she is far too masculine looking for my tastes, especially when you put her beside Brad Pitt. I know the younger generation finds this blasphemous and appalling, but in the 1970s and 1980s she wouldn't have been able to find work in the industry. She would have been considered a freak, not a beauty.


Mika's face is too long, his jaw too strong, his nose and mouth too broad to look feminine by my standards of feminine beauty. Anything about him that doesn't look strongly masculine such as his dimples and long eyelashes, looks childlike to me, not particularly feminine.

I don't see his confidence as male, plenty of women have that same brand of confidence. Or maybe it is masculine and those women have a masculine confidence? I think I'm confusing myself now.


I don't see many women carrying themselves the way he does under pressure. Not at 23 or 24. Could be just my own biases, but he comes off as very male in that respect.

There shouldn't be any significant change at 24. That'd make him a very a late bloomer then.


A lot of my male friends changed significantly heading into their mid-20s. I guess it's not correct to say he's going from boy to man. It's more like an interim young adult to adult phase.

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