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People who knows the pain by wisdom teeth thread.


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I am one of those people..

I pulled out two wisdom teeth yesterday and I got a little surgery for one of wisdom teeth. It was under my gum so I had to remove it and broke into small pieces. And now, my swollen face looks like a full moon.:boxed:


Is there anyone to share the experience about wisdom teeth?

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Yikes. :shocked: What's with the MFC and wisdom teeth? Seems like its happening by the second around here (maybe this should be listed on the "World time thread" that Rainbow Sky pointed out:roftl: ) Look at the recent posts in the "appleman thread" - 3 of us!http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7659&page=111

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Had mine out last year! They were so painful coming in that I was trying to shove pens back there to chew on them to relieve the itching and the pain. My orthodontist told me that my wisdom teeth had already come in but I could tell they hadn't because I could feel them coming. What a great orthodontist huh? :sneaky2:

Finally enough was enough and I could tell one of them was coming in waaay too close to my other tooth so I got them surgically removed. About four years before this I had 4 other teeth surgically removed (I have an insanely small mouth) and I know what you went through! One was stuck sideways up in my gum not coming down so they had to cut the gum and break it into bits. :shocked: If I had left the tooth there it could have damaged the nerves of my front teeth. The doctor joked around about me having a tooth growing out of my nose. HA HA FUNNY.... NOT.


I never had any problems with the dissolvable stitches. Did anyone else? My only problem was that during class I'd be pulling bits of thread like stuff out of my mouth during class because they had dissolved off and where on my tongue.


I have an odd, very odd story about the first time I went under. I STILL don't know how it happened.

Apparently when I started to come to and wake up my parents were sitting on both sides of me rubbing my hands because I was stone cold. I remember the lady saying something about cotton then needing to go to scissors. They shoved cotton in my mouth to stop the bleeding and it got all tangled in my braces. Thankfully the drugs were still going strong so that my gag reflex was non-existent. The the odd thing that happened was... I was talking to my parents about the stuff in the room and the pictures on the walls. Then I remember being helped out to the van but get this.... I remember not being able to see a thing until I got into the van. As soon as I got into the van I remember being able to see.

It's SOOOO weird. I told my mom that all I can remember was seeing black. I was aware of what was going on around me, but how can I only remember seeing black, being able to talk about things on the wall and not seeing anything until I get to the car?


Heh... Scut... any idea? :wink2:

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I was awake when they did mine. One they had to break into pieces and take 'em out piece by piece. 'Twas a weird experience, hearing the sounds of breaking tooth. :blink:


The healing was a bit painful, but nothing compared to the pain of them coming in.


Oh, and I only ever had three. There never was, and apparently never will be one on the top left. I'm weird like that.

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I have an odd, very odd story about the first time I went under. I STILL don't know how it happened.

Apparently when I started to come to and wake up my parents were sitting on both sides of me rubbing my hands because I was stone cold. I remember the lady saying something about cotton then needing to go to scissors. They shoved cotton in my mouth to stop the bleeding and it got all tangled in my braces. Thankfully the drugs were still going strong so that my gag reflex was non-existent. The the odd thing that happened was... I was talking to my parents about the stuff in the room and the pictures on the walls. Then I remember being helped out to the van but get this.... I remember not being able to see a thing until I got into the van. As soon as I got into the van I remember being able to see.

It's SOOOO weird. I told my mom that all I can remember was seeing black. I was aware of what was going on around me, but how can I only remember seeing black, being able to talk about things on the wall and not seeing anything until I get to the car?


Heh... Scut... any idea? :wink2:

I have no idea why that would happen. Do you know which anesthetic they used? That's odd indeed.


Oh, and I only ever had three. There never was, and apparently never will be one on the top left. I'm weird like that.

It's not uncommon to have less or even extra teeth. At least you were spared the extra pain!


The healing was a bit painful, but nothing compared to the pain of them coming in.

That's the distinction: removal after they've erupted/come up is very different to removal before they've erupted.


None of mine had erupted so they had to cut a flap in the gum and remove bone to reach them. That causes much more swelling (mine's only started to reduce after a fortnight) and bone pain.

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I had all 4 surgically removed under general anesthetic recently . I bitched and moaned about for a few pages in the Appleman Thread which Suzy has linked to. :naughty:

I am SO thankful for the fact that they use this in Australia. In Holland local anesthetic is standard so you're fully conscious of what they are doing to you, but I can become extremely dangerous in a dentist's chair. I had both my bottom wishdom teeth removed in Brisbane, the surgeon was a very quiet man, specialized in children and people who fear the dentist. And like I said - under general anestethic. He didn't even want to take the risk of using local anesthetic on me :naughty:. One tooth was 'collapsed' - horizontally grown, it had to be cut in pieces too. They let me keep them, under a piece of tape on a piece of paper. To be honest I still keep them. :naughty:


No pain afterwards, I wasn't sick, no swollen cheeks - I couldn't eat for two days but that was OK. So for me it wasn't a traumatical experience and my insurance payed for everything (which was really cool, it cost me a few hundred Australian dollars - I would have payed it myself though). Just the few weeks before I had them removed were painful. That's exactly why I couldn't wait to be back home, it was an emergency.


My top wishdom teeth were already removed years before, under local anesthetic. But that was not a big deal, they were fully grown. Ow man, I was so happy with the Australian technique. In Holland they only use general anestetic on 'special occasions' - you have to be a 'severe case' for that and I guess for Dutch standards I'm not one of those. :naughty:

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I have no idea why that would happen. Do you know which anesthetic they used? That's odd indeed.


I have no clue! I really want to know how that worked though. Remembering nothing but black until fresh air really hit me but being able to talk about things that I saw in the room. :roftl: Dang they should have stuck some homework in front of me that way I would have done it with ease and woken up wondering how and when I did it. :wink2::roftl:


I must have been trippin' :naughty:


Oh great..... I have to get mine out next year..... boy, do I feel confident now!:shocked:


I wouldn't worry about it! It's generally a quick in and out procedure! I would recommend being totally put under for it, but that's just me. I'd freak out if I was awake for it. A lot of people told me that I'd want someone that I trust to be there to bring me back to my bed and watch me for a while to make sure I was okay because when you come out of the anesthetic you say really weird things that you normally wouldn't. That was a lie for me. All I did was wake up, fall asleep, wake up, fall asleep. I didn't say anything out of the ordinary or spill any secrets. :naughty:

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Had mine out last year! They were so painful coming in that I was trying to shove pens back there to chew on them to relieve the itching and the pain.

Oh yeah! I was chewing on towel tips for weeks to relieve the pain! Like a little baby whose teeth are coming up...


The story about your anesthetics sounds weeeeeird... Is it common where you live too, I mean the general anesthetic?


What they used on me was something we call 'lachgas' in Dutch and I can't remember the English name. Someone was standing next to me, pumping some liquid into my veins for about 1.5 hours (as long as the surgery lasted). It altered my consciousness, I was able to give 'directions', for example: they could asked me if it was painful and I answered, but after I 'woke up' I couldn't remember anything. The weirdest thing of all: afterwards they told me during the surgery I spoke English - which is not my first language... :insane:

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I wouldn't worry about it! It's generally a quick in and out procedure! I would recommend being totally put under for it, but that's just me. I'd freak out if I was awake for it. A lot of people told me that I'd want someone that I trust to be there to bring me back to my bed and watch me for a while to make sure I was okay because when you come out of the anesthetic you say really weird things that you normally wouldn't. That was a lie for me. All I did was wake up, fall asleep, wake up, fall asleep. I didn't say anything out of the ordinary or spill any secrets. :naughty:


Well thank goodness for that.....:biggrin2: I think that's very sound advice... Thank you:thumb_yello:

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strange thing, I still havent got mine, they sort of hurt when they came through the jaw, (not peaked through gum just when they were coming through the bone) and they keep teasing and being very painful, but nothing, no teeth. weird. my friend had hers out recently, and shes a year younger than i am....Im worried, the dentist said I should have them by now :blink:

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Rosina > that reminds me of my friend's grandpa. He had false teeth and one day his false teeth didn't fit very well anymore. He went to the dentist, had some X-rays made... and they found out that his wisdom teeth were coming up. The poor man was in his 70s! And he was always told that apparently he had no wisdom teeth. How do you call it - a latebloomer? :biggrin2:

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Rosina > that reminds me of my friend's grandpa. He had false teeth and one day his false teeth didn't fit very well anymore. He went to the dentist, had some X-rays made... and they found out that his wisdom teeth were coming up. The poor man was in his 70s! And he was always told that apparently he had no wisdom teeth. How do you call it - a latebloomer? :biggrin2:


That's weird! Then again my mum got told she couldn't fall pregnant:fisch:


P.S hi again Blue! It's been a while.....:naughty:

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Rosina > that reminds me of my friend's grandpa. He had false teeth and one day his false teeth didn't fit very well anymore. He went to the dentist, had some X-rays made... and they found out that his wisdom teeth were coming up. The poor man was in his 70s! And he was always told that apparently he had no wisdom teeth. How do you call it - a latebloomer? :biggrin2:


:thumbdown: please you didnt just compare me to some guy in his 70's.... lol that makes me feel so much better (insert sarcasm here) so when im 70, with little grey hair, doing my crafts and jigsaw puzzles my wisdom teath will come through....I actaully dont like that scene! SERIOUSLY!

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I am one of those people..

I pulled out two wisdom teeth yesterday and I got a little surgery for one of wisdom teeth. It was under my gum so I had to remove it and broke into small pieces. And now, my swollen face looks like a full moon.:boxed:


Is there anyone to share the experience about wisdom teeth?


OMG mine where removed 3 days ago :biggrin2: 1 was also broken in a view pieces because it was so deep. Today my face looks a bit more normal and there is a purple spot on my face. But it doesn't hurt (only when I touch it) :naughty:


So welcome to the Hamsterface club:naughty:

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I only had 3 wisdom teeth so they removed them all in one go. They were all still underneath my gums so he had to cut them out and drill them into pieces.

By the time he got to the last one the anesthesia had worn out a bit so it hurt. The most annoying thing to me was the fact that someone poking is around at the back of your mouth and trying to pull your cheek to your ear.

The days after I had the well known hamster effect, 2 massive, swollen cheeks. But at least I got them all out and didn't have to go back. :cool:

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I was a little troubled during my procedure when the dentist asked the assistant to hand over a.......




So he could turn up the volume on the "Oprah Winfrey Show" that he was tuned into watching while extracting my teeth! :shocked:


But he could probably perform the procedure with his eyes closed, because I seriously only sat in that chair for 7 minutes tops! :biggrin2:

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