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No...but we are taught to take responsibilities for our actions...it has nothing to do with God or abstinence. If you screw up and get pregnant, then you take care of that child or you give it up for adoption. There's no "uh oh, I'm pregnant...oh well to the abortion clinic."


I'm all in agreement with taking responsibility for your actions, but having an abortion is no easy choice for most women.

You make it sound like it's as easy as going to the supermarket! :boxed:

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No...but we are taught to take responsibilities for our actions...it has nothing to do with God or abstinence. If you screw up and get pregnant, then you take care of that child or you give it up for adoption. There's no "uh oh, I'm pregnant...oh well to the abortion clinic."


Have you ever realised that condoms can actually break?


:roftl: :roftl:

Ah dear Geert, what a tool.


What surprises me is how many people actually take him seriously! For me it's just like a funny sitcom, always a surprise what kind of idiotic point of view he comes up with next.


For the non-dutchies, would you take this man seriously as a politician?



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Well, I think that those young girls should be responsible not to get pregnant. It may sound harsh, but in my opinion if you're old enough to have sex, you're old enough to raise a child.


However, rape changes everything.


Edit: I should clarify about rape. I think that if a girl is raped especially by a family member, think about all the deformities it could have. It could be completely screwed up, and honestly, better off dead.


This is getting a risky subject.


I'm pro-abortion. I'm ofcourse even more pro-anticonceptiva. Believe me: not every girl or boy having sex is ready to raise a child. Those things really don't go together. And IMO sex is not only about getting children anymore.

You can be as careful as possible and still accidents happen. Some girls (and don't forget the boys that suddenly become fathers) are just NOT ready for a kid.


Abortion doesn't equal murder to me. If it's done early enough, you're just talking about an interrupted chemical reaction really. It's just cells that split and split and split. I hope I don't shock people by saying this...


I'm also a leftie, pro gay-right, gay-marriage and gay-adoption. The idea of "a child needs a father and a mother" is very old-fashioned. And believe me, I can say that ;-)

I believe women can be presidents (look at Angela Merkel). We may think more emotionally, but that's certainly nót a disadvantage.


Hope my speech was not too long.... don't want to offend anyone, just share opinions!

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I'm all in agreement with taking responsibility for your actions, but having an abortion is no easy choice for most women.

You make it sound like it's as easy as going to the supermarket! :boxed:


But see there are women that I know that make it that easy and have multiple abortions.

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Okay - my two cents.

I dont follow the same opinion as many of you that any child conceived by means of assualt is automatically going to cause grief and their for should be 'taken care of' in any respect from abortion to adoption.

Okay, the child can sit as a reminder to the mother, but anyone who goes through such an ordeal is not going to forget it so easily, infact, it is something that will stay imprinted on their minds for the duration.

Maybe having a child is a good thing, it can serve as a natural remedy in that something possitive would have come out of something completely the opposite.

With regard to gay marriages, i see no problem with it what so ever.

In terms of statistics, 57% of marriages end in divorce, where as 12% of gay marriages have the same fate. Surely that says something about the capacity for certain types of couples.

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Have you ever realised that condoms can actually break?




What surprises me is how many people actually take him seriously! For me it's just like a funny sitcom, always a surprise what kind of idiotic point of view he comes up with next.


For the non-dutchies, would you take this man seriously as a politician?




No, but I would like to know more about him.

At most of our elections we have at least one strange candidate. Usually representing the Monster Raving Loony Party - honest!

They have never won a seat though! :naughty:

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No, but I would like to know more about him.

At most of our elections we have at least one strange candidate. Usually representing the Monster Raving Loony Party - honest!

They have never won a seat though! :naughty:


But he is actually being serious! He's very right wing and basically his only point is that he hates muslims and thinks they should all be kicked out of the country, and that the koran should be forbidden like Hitlers' mein kampf :mf_rosetinted:

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This is an interesting thread.:thumb_yello: I'm actually a bit confused in the field of politics but I like and should to get to know more about it as I'm eighteen and I have the rights to vote. I'm from Latvia, and our government is a bit unstable to say the least - it fell one month ago and it happens quite frequently.


About a woman president - from 1999 till this summer our president has been a woman, and she was definitely one of or even the most respected president that Latvia has ever had. She was reelected for a second term in 2003, and she is in many people's opinion the best politician that there is in our country. She was an excellent representative, very strong and diplomatic, and she also won the sympathies of people. They have rather negative feelings towards politicians here, but she was an exception. When her second term was over, people were invited to send flowers to a town were a giant flower ornament was made as to thank her, and thousands of people took part. You can see the picture of the lowers here http://www.saulesziedi.lv/galerija.html

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But he is actually being serious! He's very right wing and basically his only point is that he hates muslims and thinks they should all be kicked out of the country, and that the koran should be forbidden like Hitlers' mein kampf :mf_rosetinted:


Blimey! Nice to know he's not taken seriously then! Doesn't he like the Queen either? *Goes to google him....


Aaah, he was the guy behind the printing of the cartoons......

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Have you ever realised that condoms can actually break?




What surprises me is how many people actually take him seriously! For me it's just like a funny sitcom, always a surprise what kind of idiotic point of view he comes up with next.


For the non-dutchies, would you take this man seriously as a politician?




Lol as much as I would do this man...



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Have you ever realised that condoms can actually break?


For the non-dutchies, would you take this man seriously as a politician?




Yes, I know that condoms can break but I like Melanie says, it's a risk you take.


And I would take that guy about as serious as I take our own president. :naughty:


This is getting a risky subject.


I'm pro-abortion. I'm ofcourse even more pro-anticonceptiva. Believe me: not every girl or boy having sex is ready to raise a child. Those things really don't go together. And IMO sex is not only about getting children anymore.

You can be as careful as possible and still accidents happen. Some girls (and don't forget the boys that suddenly become fathers) are just NOT ready for a kid.


Abortion doesn't equal murder to me. If it's done early enough, you're just talking about an interrupted chemical reaction really. It's just cells that split and split and split. I hope I don't shock people by saying this...


I'm also a leftie, pro gay-right, gay-marriage and gay-adoption. The idea of "a child needs a father and a mother" is very old-fashioned. And believe me, I can say that ;-)

I believe women can be presidents (look at Angela Merkel). We may think more emotionally, but that's certainly nót a disadvantage.


Hope my speech was not too long.... don't want to offend anyone, just share opinions!


I don't really think it's a risky subject...it's just one that people feel strongly about. I understand that people make mistakes and that some people just aren't ready to have kids. However, it was how I was raised, and that's how you were raised. I guess that I am lucky in the fact that I would have a family that would back me up 100% if I actually did get pregnant young. Maybe that's why I feel that way. Regardless, I'll keep my opinion on it and you can keep yours. I guess in that sense I am old-fashioned. However, I do agree with you on all the gay rights. It's so silly to refuse rights to someone because they love the same sex. Really, if you think about, that's the only way they're different. It's so absurd. And you know what? With the gay adoption, I know some gay couples that would make wonderful parents, and just don't get the chance.


Yes, a women president would be great but I just don't think Hilary is the right one.

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What surprises me is how many people actually take him seriously! For me it's just like a funny sitcom, always a surprise what kind of idiotic point of view he comes up with next.


Does he even have a political agenda? I just hear him ranting about Muslims all the time.


No, but I would like to know more about him.


Geert Wilders is extremely right-wing. His latest thing is that he wants to ban the Koran in Holland. All he ever does is criticise Islam.

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Not to mention that if we legalized abortion for rape/incest/life of the mother, like republicans are talking about doing, how many girls would go to the abortion clinic like "UMMMM.. yea, I was raped... a few weeks ago. And now I don't want it." when they were just being careless.


Well they can make rules for it like a police report with evidence that it was really true. :mf_rosetinted:

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Everyone, this is a thread dedicated to politics...your perception on the world today and your concerns.


I am an American...A democratic American who can't wait to vote in the 08' election. I think the campaigns started way too early.


BUT, my favorite candidate is BARACK OBAMA:thumb_yello:


Tell us about your country, your fears...your opinions.


PEOPLE will inevidably disagree, but that's ok... debate and discuss PLEASE don't be nasty.

Ok, here's my two cents on New Zealand politics and the latest law being put through:


The law is baisically to prohibit people speaking out against the government until the year leading up to the next vote.

This means that no one is allowed to ring up te talk back radio stations and complain about the government's ways of doing things.

People won't even be allowed to do what I'm doing now and talk about it via the internet!


Does anyone see a resemblence to a certain Germain party of the 20th century... Called the Nazis???

They slowly cut down on people's freedom, starting with freedom of speech!


I blame any Labour voters in NZ out there ;)

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But he is actually being serious! He's very right wing and basically his only point is that he hates muslims and thinks they should all be kicked out of the country, and that the koran should be forbidden like Hitlers' mein kampf :mf_rosetinted:



We basically wrote the same thing.

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Blimey! Nice to know he's not taken seriously then! Doesn't he like the Queen either? *Goes to google him....


Our Queen said something about how the general atmosphere in Holland has been a bit aggressive (or something along these lines) and he thought that she meant that that was his fault, and now he wants her to quit being the Queen, or something :naughty:

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Does he even have a political agenda? I just hear him ranting about Muslims all the time.




Geert Wilders is extremely right-wing. His latest thing is that he wants to ban the Koran in Holland. All he ever does is criticise Islam.


We got a letter from some muslim organization and it was really disturbing what it said I got scared:boxed:

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We got a letter from some muslim organization and it was really disturbing what it said I got scared:boxed:


I don't agree with a lot of things in the muslim culture either. In fact, it scares me too and I'm just loathed by the way some of them threat women.

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Our Queen said something about how the general atmosphere in Holland has been a bit aggressive (or something along these lines) and he thought that she meant that that was his fault, and now he wants her to quit being the Queen, or something :naughty:


Quit being Queen! Off with his head! :giljotiini:

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