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The Australian Thread: Part Eight

Rainbow Sky

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EDIT: I made him lighter, because Mr Clocky-face should be cute and happy looking




Thank you Kelzy/DC! - I am loving this site, incase you couldn't tell


lol!! You are having a good time.. and I love this one!


*looking shiffty and dodgy* Hey, you Ozies want have a look in my trunk (boot I think is your term) I've got marshmallow creme you can't get anywhere else. I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.


I am such a coniseur of marshmallow creme I can tell what brand is which just by looking at it (not using the labels either)

Here is another American classic.


Fluff n' Nuttersandwich_375.jpg


I will now be quite and move to the corner of the room.

Hello!!! *waves* Fluff n' Nutter :blink: that's a crazy combo..


*swishes hair and runs dow the beach in a bikini as a wave comes and swallows me magically making a kangaroo give me hairproducts that makes my hair aus-arific.*



i love those aussie champoo commericials


You've gone Mad Mah Bahh Mahhh.. *waves at you*



Ohhh.. Thanks for that *waves*




That's just weird

SHE is weird :wink2: Heya Bec!!!!!! *waves in your general direction*


Uh.. you might wanna move to that other corner cos you're currently in the Cat Pee Corner!!!


p.s. hats are optional

:lmfao: heya Defuncto :wub2:



And HELLO to anyone else who just so happens to be around at approximately 3pm on Wednesday Afternoon..

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LAMB CHOP !!!!!! ..... & SOOTY !!!!! :





OMG! I used to watch Sooty! And Sweep! OMG OMG OMG OMG! *is taken back to ehr 6-year-old days*


I'm getting the squeals!


somebody mentions MIKA and I go EEEPPPPPP! There are only three of the MFCers that are going to both the Seattle and Vancouver Gig and only two Canadians (from the MFC) who are going to both!


Holy.Crap. It's starting to set in...start proofing my house of anything that might be dangerous to a jumping person...


Oh, I picked up my tickets I won to see Maroon 5 today- and they are not only row D (row 4) but they are smack bang in the middle of the stage. Perfect perving position :das I was hoping they weren't going to be row 4 over on one side or something :naughty


And I am now taking my sister in law instead of MJ so will be able to make pervy comments :naughty It is going to be such a big day- am supposed to have a new store open that day :shocked so will need to make sure I get waway early enough to get to the concert, and MJ is now going to see a band called Weddings, Parties, Anything who are playing in Fremantle that same night (They sang a song called Father's Day in the early 90's which won song of the year) Am so pissed off that I cannot go, haven't seen them play live since we were in Sydney about 10 years ago and this is their reunion tour. Oh well, next time- I am not giving up Maroon 5 for them!!!


Am off this time!


Maroon 5! Wow, lucky you!




And if anyone was after an update on my dog (yes, I realise that none of you are, but I still feel like sharing), he is still in a phychotic/suicidal mood, and has just demolished one of his favourite toys ... an intricately designed one that had a billion squeakies in different places, meaning I have had to stop every 30 seconds and remove one from his thoat.



His trouble-ness making a mess.



His collection of confiscated suicide attempts.


Your dog sounds like my little brother.


*has finally gotten around to googling banana splits*





No ice cream in Australia? :crybaby:





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We DO use ice cream!! Silly website!


This is what bailey had for his birthday last year after school- he ate about 2 mouthfuls of it and the rest was pretty much wasted, but hey it was his birthday and they are all about spending money on stupid things :sneaky2:




Ah ha, what liars that website is. :naughty:


A banana split without ice cream is like... just a banana. :naughty:


Hello Aussies. *waves*

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Congratulations on recognizing a good trend when you see it :thumb_yello:

Well you know me, always jumping on the current trend. :wink2:


And one of the cats keeps climbing on my shoulders and thus my sore arm, in an attempt to get me to move the laptop off my lap...

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Well you know me, always jumping on the current trend. :wink2:


And one of the cats keeps climbing on my shoulders and thus my sore arm, in an attempt to get me to move the laptop off my lap...

Intelligent Cat..


And now I'd like to tell EVERY Aussie.......


It's SORRY Day!!


(all I've been able to find so far)

Australian PM to say "sorry" to stolen generation

In what will be a very emotional and historical day for many Australians and a step toward true ‘reconciliation’, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will formally apologize to the country’s ‘stolen generation’ of Indigenous Australians today.


Over a period of 100 years up until 1969, at least 100,000 Aboriginal children were taken from their families and sent to internment camps, orphanages or foster families under a policy of assimilation.


The apology comes a little over two months into the Labour Prime Minister’s leadership, following more than a decade under former Liberal Prime Minister John Howard, who steadfastly opposed the widely called for apology. On May 26, 2000 - a day known as Sorry Day - more than one million Australians nationwide marched in support of reconciliation and a national apology.


The Prime Minister will say the long awaited words at 5:00 PM ET today (Wednesday, 9:00 AM AEST), however, the text of the speech has already been made public.


“For the pain, suffering and hurt of these Stolen Generations, their descendants and for their families left behind, we say sorry,” Mr. Rudd will say.

“To the mothers and the fathers, the brothers and the sisters, for the breaking up of families and communities, we say sorry. And for the indignity and degradation thus inflicted on a proud people and a proud culture, we say sorry.”


A Live Webcast of the national apology will be available from the Parliament of Australia website.


The majority of Australians support the apology, but the issue remains controversial, with some disapproving of the term ‘stolen generation’. A significant number of Australians believe an apology is not needed because the children were removed as a result of abuse or neglect. While this was true in some cases, a 1997 report found that many children, particularly those with white fathers, were unnecessarily removed by the government.


By Alia McMullen. link

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It's very quiet in here tonight.



It is indeed!! The whole forum is quiet :blink:


Too quiet and I'm wide awake.

But you never sleep :naughty:

Hello Aussies :punk:

Hello Honorary Aussie :cool:


I can't sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roftl:

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Hoya .. ohh Im an aussie :wub2:


Ive said this before but the UK has a huge desire to be aussie like ..


The first sign of sun , and remember the North of England we dont get much :boxed: , people run to buy the bbqs , corked hats , the aussie bars are packed , fosters sales go through the roof . yous would find it soo funny


People sunbathe where I live (next to the frezzing cold North Sea) , in weather where you would have several coats on :roftl:

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Hoya .. ohh Im an aussie :wub2:


Ive said this before but the UK has a huge desire to be aussie like ..


The first sign of sun , and remember the North of England we dont get much :boxed: , people run to buy the bbqs , corked hats , the aussie bars are packed , fosters sales go through the roof . yous would find it soo funny


People sunbathe where I live (next to the frezzing cold North Sea) , in weather where you would have several coats on :roftl:


:lmfao:I had a UK friend over here from Nottingham last year.. He was loving the sunshine!! Didn't manage to get him into a cork hat though!!!

Maybe when he comes back :naughty: He was a trouble maker too.. we went to a Museum type place and there was a room setup like an old style court room but it had barriers up.. He convinced me to jump the rope and have my pic taken in the judges chair.. tsk tsk...


and of course you're an Aussie.. You've posted in every Aussie thread so far!!:roftl:

hi Kelzy!!!!!!!! how are you doing??????


Heya Suzanne!! not long to go now!! Are you all set?!? I can't wait to see your pics.. And you should tell Mika, when you meet him, that he should come to Australia and when he does you come here and stay with me :wink2:

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It's very quiet in here tonight.




Thanks for reminding me!!! Sometimes being 2 hrs behind everyone else has its advantages!


Hello Aussies :punk:


Hi FD and everyone else!


Hoya .. ohh Im an aussie :wub2:


Ive said this before but the UK has a huge desire to be aussie like ..


The first sign of sun , and remember the North of England we dont get much :boxed: , people run to buy the bbqs , corked hats , the aussie bars are packed , fosters sales go through the roof . yous would find it soo funny


People sunbathe where I live (next to the frezzing cold North Sea) , in weather where you would have several coats on :roftl:


Haha, that sounds funny- here in Perth we are currently enduring the longest heatwave in 45 yrs- it was 36 degrees here at 5pm. I have sort of gotten used to it, having said which heading off to the snow would be awesome!!

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