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REPORTS/PHOTOS/ VIDEOS Vancouver, BC at the Orpheum 15-02-2008


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So we got up this morning and it was pouring with rain. Had breakfast, then went on a quest to get me a cell phone charger (which I'd left in Calgary because I'm a genius). It took three Telus stores, a random wireless accessories stores, and a Source - but I digress.


Prior to breakfast, we staked out the venue and saw the now-famous tour bus parked outside. Recognizing the bus from LA made me feel all warm and tingly with anticipation.


So anyway, got my cell charger, went back to our hotel to change, then went to Earl's for a pre-gig MFC meeting and dinner, which for me consisted of water. No WAY was I able to eat! Mika's great for my waistline, in his presence I have absoutely no desire for food :bleh:


We met the MFCers at Earls - YOU ALL ARE FREAKKING WONDERFUL!! Bookwurm, Canuckchick and her man, StormyWeather and one other gal whose name escapes me where there when we arrived. We waited for Suzanne (elanorelle) to arrive, since the poor dear was stuck in traffic. Finally she showed up, in a bright pink wig and a pink feather boa, with her man Richie in tow. She's a doll - she came bearing gift bags for us all. :wub2: Stormy Weather also had mugs with lollies for us - you girls are amazing!


So those who could eat did so, then we made the journey over to the venue at around 6:25. They had told me to get there for 6:30, so right away I called Cherryl, the contact name Nadia (sp?) had given me. Nadia is the person who had been coordinating the Big Girls and Lollipop Girls this tour, but for whatever reason she's in Toronto tonight - so Cherryl would be taking care of us. I phoned her up, and bless her, she picked up on the third ring. She told me to go to the stage door, which was right behind the tour bus. I do so, and tell the security guy there that I'm meeting Cheryl. She comes out and goes "lollipop girl?" I step forward, tell Andrew to have a great time (he returned to get in line to take his seat), and go inside.


The venue was a bit of a labyrinth. She led us down some steps to where the dressing room was - on my way I caught a glimpse of the stage in its flower-laden glory, and felt another tingle. I go into the dressing room where I'm introduced to the only other girl there, a gal by the name of Fran who is a professional dancer, hired to be a Big Girl. For you gals who were in barely more than a closet at one of the other gigs - you have my sympathies! The room we were in was comfortable and spacious.




I talk to Fran, and she tells me that at this point there's just the two of us - I'm the only lollipop girl! That struck me as odd - there's no WAY I'm the only one who applied via MySpace for this gig. Anyhow, Cherryl then said they were going to go and get more lollies and Big Girls from the queue outside the venue. There was some downtime, so I whipped out my iPod and showed Fran the video to Big Girl so she'd have a basic idea of how the girls dance. She'd heard of Mika, and owns LICM, but isn't nearly the mad stalker we all are. She was really friendly and really talkative, and we got along great.


We were still lounging about, so I got up to look around the room. All their clothes were in the room - Cherisse's crazy outfits, Saranayde's beautiful dresses, and Martin, Mikey and Luke's colourful shirts - and Mika's black pants with the green stripe, and a few of his shirts. It was unbelievable to see all that stuff right there in front of me! I didn't want to take too many pictures - it fet understandably naughty - but I did get one:




Further down was all their luggage (navy blue and black, in case you're wondering). On the table across was a wooden chest of some sort, with basically the same artwork as the cover to Happy Ending, and the text "Mika's World". There was also a timeline on the wall with arrival times, cue times, etc. Under tonight it had "stay over - fly to London (or home) tomorrow." Then I saw something that would make y'all smile - Mika's underwear, neatly folded on top of a T Shirt. I'm 99.9% sure it was his, because it was grey with a green band...same exact style he had on at one of the California gigs. :blush-anim-cl:


At that point Yasmine came in, looked at me and asked if I was her assistant - LOL! I explained I was a Lollipop Girl, and she laughed and said okay. Mika's mom came in a few moments later to help us get dressed. The first lollipop girl dress didn't fit me - figures, I spend my entire teenage-dom flat as a board, sprout boobs in college, then just when it matters most I find myself cursing their existence! :naughty: But, Mika's mom and Yasmine, who was also there but attending to other things, are prepared - they had a bunch of different sizes, and found one that fit just fine. Once that was sorted out, she had us put on our clothes and give the outfit to a wardrobe hand to be pressed. Not one tiny little detail is overlooked by these sweet people.


It seemed, at that point, like the sound check was taking a long time - it was maybe 7:15pm, and doors were supposed to be at 7 - except the sound check was still going. A minute or two later we found out why - poor Cherisse had misplaced her passport (while shopping, we'd later learn!) and had gotten stuck at the border into Canada! Cherryl explained that because of that, there would be a new drummer tonight. I was floored - a gig without Cherrise? That's like Belgian waffles without strawberries and whipped cream! It sounds like it's being sorted out, though, and with any luck the British Embassy or High Comission or whatever they are in Washington state will get our girl sorted and back home in time for the Brits.


At that point his mom told was like "aw, you girls must be hungry! Why don't you head up to the fourth floor and get something to eat, then come back down?" Cheryl had given us all-access type backstage passes, so we were good to go. We walked up the stairs toward the fourth floor. On the way, we passed a door marked "dressing room - Mika". Not two seconds after that we passed Saranayde coming down the stairs carrying her dinner. - even in regular clothes, the girl is strikingly beautiful.


We get up to the catering room, and its basically empty save for a few faces I didn't recognize. Fran was starving, so she began helping herself to the buffet. There was salad, a vegetarian casserole, a beef stew type thing, and what looked like a sort of shrimp pasta salad. The table also had a vase of fresh flowers on it. The guy serving it was falling all over himself to help us, even offering to re-toss the tossed salad - hehe, I could get used to this rock and roll lifestyle. I turned to say something to Fran, then turned around - and Mikey walked in. Two seconds later, Martin walked in, and came up right behind me - still panting from his hike up the stairs. I turned to him and said "that's quite the walk up those stairs - they certainly make you work for your food!" He smiled and said in his fabulous Scottish accent: "I know! I'm so out of shape!" Martin got his food and sat down, and Luke joined them shortly after, along with a man who I'd soon learn is the fabulous, talented Canadian by the name of Greg Wells.


At this point, John came in and grabbed Fran to go take her to go over the routine quickly. So I'm sitting there by myself, one table away from the band minus the girls - (!) So I got myself a coffee, and sat there sipping it. I heard them discussing their border troubles, and Greg said something about getting the third degree from border officials despite being Canadian himself. They they started talking about how basically as soon as they get back to London, they're mad busy with rehearsals for the Brit Awards. I didn't hear any details, but it sounds like it will be fscking awesome. I hope our beautiful golden boy sweeps all the categories he's nominated in.


Fran came back a few minutes later, inhaled her dinner, then we went back downstairs to the dressing room. She told me that she and John had ran into Mika in the elevator, and he'd given her some pointers on the dancing. She attempted to adopt his accent, and executed some fabulously exaggerated moves ; "he was like 'okay so I want you to stick your tits out, walk on your heels, and bring your arms up" - she does so - "and then be very exaggerated". Fscking hillarious! I was just dying imagining Mika doing just that.



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So we go back downstairs, spend some more time in the dressing room, and a few more girls walk in - they'd found some additional big girls in the queue. Moments later, some lollipop girls walked in, also pulled from the queue. Turns out they were all from the same group of friends - great for them, but a bit sad that the love wasn't spread around a bit more. They were alternating between stunned silence, and whipping out their phones to call everyone they knew, lol.


Eventually they got curious as to why Fran and I were there before they were - she explained she's a pro that got the job through her agency, and I explained about the mySpace contest, and about my involvement with MFC. They soon figured out that there wasn't much they could ask that I didn't know - I tried very hard to be a helpful MFC and Mika ambassador, although I can just imagine them telling their friends about what a know-it-all they were stuck with. :roftl:


They then moved us to another room, and brought our dresses over to us. I soon realized that black sports bras and pink Lollipop Girl dresses don't mix - so, off came the sports bra! (If that's too much info I apologize, but it's 4am and I'm totally wired). The dresses do up in the back with delicate little clasps through fabric loops, so we took turns doing each other up. Next came the poufy white crinoline - it's intense in its poufiness! Mika's a smart man when he says everything on stage needs to be exaggerated. Then came the wigs - cute, blonde, and with surprisingly long bangs (or fringe, as you'd say in the UK). Put that on, followed by the pretty pink hairband with a giant pink bow, and looked in the mirror - Oh my gawd - I had been transformed!


It's one thing to see it in gig after gig, but seeing it on yourself is just...wow. It struck me then - at this moment in time, I was part of Mika's team. This show, this brand new magical world that he transports fans to, all over the world - and here I was, getting to be part of it, getting to share in the magic. It was up to me to help spread a little portion of Mika's wonderful world, and then to take that experience and bring it back to all of you - for if it weren't for the MFC, this wouldn't have happened for me. I love you guys!


Yasmine came in a few minutes later - did I mention she's amazingly beautiful? - and gave us shoes and socks. Socks! See, I mean it when I say not one tiny detail is overlooked? Cherryl came in then with her iPod and portable speakers, so the Big Girls could practice their routine with music. I took the other Lollipop Girls aside, since they had no clue what to do.


Do you know what struck me as odd? I suppose this was extemely naive, but hear me out. On the MFC, we spend an inordinate amount of time interacting with other uberfans. The hard-core MFCers know a ton of minute details about Mika, his history, the band, and all that. So we get used to that level of intensity, since that's what we -or at least I - associate with Mika fans. It struck me as odd to come to the realization that the vast majority of fans have the album, think he's cute, and by tickets to performances - but that's it. Which is perfectly as it should be - albums are sold, bums are in seats at gigs, and Mika's career grows. However, the majority of fans don't know where the tour is every minute of every day. They don't rejoice over every YouTube video, every TV performance. They don't know little things like how last summer he fell off the drum kit, or how he gets disgruntled if you wish him "good luck" before a gig, or how he has a penchant for Ribena. I mean, logically that makes sense, and I'm sure Mika's glad that only a small minority of fans are downright stalker-like. But after spending almost a year on here, talking with all of y'all, it just was something I didn't consciously expect.


So I took the other lollies aside, explained to them how the finale would work (animal costumes, teddy bear's picnic, skit, music, first verse, then us). I showed them as best I could how to skip and bounce and try to look as cute and adorable as possible. To make it more fun, I decided that the three of us would hold hands and bounce around in a circle partway through, with (what would normally be) Cherisse's line as our cue. We practiced that for a few, then Fran (the prepared pro) offered to help us with makeup - but then Yasmine came in and asked the Big Girls to make sure their routine was polished. So we did our own makeup - bright pink lip gloss, and copious amounts of pink blush on our cheeks.


Yasmine came in and fixed all our bows at the back of the dresses, then made sure the Big Girls were set. She was like "oh, so Mika didn't talk to you, did he? Okay well make sure you jump and dance - he likes to see the white underneath," and pointed to the crinoline on my skirt. She then went back to the other room. I noticed it was like 10 to 9, with Mika set to take the stage at 9. I went to the room Yasmine was in, and asked her if it would be at all possible for us to see the show from the side of the stage. She's a great gal - sweet and softspoken. She said she'd try, but that it would depend on the venue and the size of the areas. His mom came over to where we were, and I pointed out the pink blush - she was like "aww, that's perfect! You know, sometimes we even add freckles."


Only about five minutes later, she and Cheryl came back - the show was about to start, and we would indeed get to watch from the side. They took our valuables and put them in a locker, then led us up the stairs...

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:woot_jump:Holy wow Mana! I knew you were going to be an LG and everything but it's so exciting to hear your account.


Could you have ever imagined in December when you were waiting for word on Mika receiving the year book that 2 months later you would have had this wild amazing week?? It's so awesome!!!


I just got your text this morning, sorry. But I'm loving every second of your report! Thanks for staying up late and telling us all about it.


Greg Wells on drums?? How wild is that????





OMG. :wub2: :wub2:

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So we got up this morning and it was pouring with rain. Had breakfast, then went on a quest to get me a cell phone charger (which I'd left in Calgary because I'm a genius). It took three Telus stores, a random wireless accessories stores, and a Source - but I digress.


Prior to breakfast, we staked out the venue and saw the now-famous tour bus parked outside. Recognizing the bus from LA made me feel all warm and tingly with anticipation.


So anyway, got my cell charger, went back to our hotel to change, then went to Earl's for a pre-gig MFC meeting and dinner, which for me consisted of water. No WAY was I able to eat! Mika's great for my waistline, in his presence I have absoutely no desire for food :bleh:


We met the MFCers at Earls - YOU ALL ARE FREAKKING WONDERFUL!! Bookwurm, Canuckchick and her man, StormyWeather and one other gal whose name escapes me where there when we arrived. We waited for Suzanne (elanorelle) to arrive, since the poor dear was stuck in traffic. Finally she showed up, in a bright pink wig and a pink feather boa, with her man Richie in tow. She's a doll - she came bearing gift bags for us all. :wub2: Stormy Weather also had mugs with lollies for us - you girls are amazing!


So those who could eat did so, then we made the journey over to the venue at around 6:25. They had told me to get there for 6:30, so right away I called Cherryl, the contact name Nadia (sp?) had given me. Nadia is the person who had been coordinating the Big Girls and Lollipop Girls this tour, but for whatever reason she's in Toronto tonight - so Cherryl would be taking care of us. I phoned her up, and bless her, she picked up on the third ring. She told me to go to the stage door, which was right behind the tour bus. I do so, and tell the security guy there that I'm meeting Cheryl. She comes out and goes "lollipop girl?" I step forward, tell Andrew to have a great time (he returned to get in line to take his seat), and go inside.


The venue was a bit of a labyrinth. She led us down some steps to where the dressing room was - on my way I caught a glimpse of the stage in its flower-laden glory, and felt another tingle. I go into the dressing room where I'm introduced to the only other girl there, a gal by the name of Fran who is a professional dancer, hired to be a Big Girl. For you gals who were in barely more than a closet at one of the other gigs - you have my sympathies! The room we were in was comfortable and spacious.




I talk to Fran, and she tells me that at this point there's just the two of us - I'm the only lollipop girl! That struck me as odd - there's no WAY I'm the only one who applied via MySpace for this gig. Anyhow, Cherryl then said they were going to go and get more lollies and Big Girls from the queue outside the venue. There was some downtime, so I whipped out my iPod and showed Fran the video to Big Girl so she'd have a basic idea of how the girls dance. She'd heard of Mika, and owns LICM, but isn't nearly the mad stalker we all are. She was really friendly and really talkative, and we got along great.


We were still lounging about, so I got up to look around the room. All their clothes were in the room - Cherisse's crazy outfits, Saranayde's beautiful dresses, and Martin, Mikey and Luke's colourful shirts - and Mika's black pants with the green stripe, and a few of his shirts. It was unbelievable to see all that stuff right there in front of me! I didn't want to take too many pictures - it fet understandably naughty - but I did get one:




Further down was all their luggage (navy blue and black, in case you're wondering). On the table across was a wooden chest of some sort, with basically the same artwork as the cover to Happy Ending, and the text "Mika's World". There was also a timeline on the wall with arrival times, cue times, etc. Under tonight it had "stay over - fly to London (or home) tomorrow." Then I saw something that would make y'all smile - Mika's underwear, neatly folded on top of a T Shirt. I'm 99.9% sure it was his, because it was grey with a green band...same exact style he had on at one of the California gigs. :blush-anim-cl:


At that point Yasmine came in, looked at me and asked if I was her assistant - LOL! I explained I was a Lollipop Girl, and she laughed and said okay. Mika's mom came in a few moments later to help us get dressed. The first lollipop girl dress didn't fit me - figures, I spend my entire teenage-dom flat as a board, sprout boobs in college, then just when it matters most I find myself cursing their existence! :naughty: But, Mika's mom and Yasmine, who was also there but attending to other things, are prepared - they had a bunch of different sizes, and found one that fit just fine. Once that was sorted out, she had us put on our clothes and give the outfit to a wardrobe hand to be pressed. Not one tiny little detail is overlooked by these sweet people.


It seemed, at that point, like the sound check was taking a long time - it was maybe 7:15pm, and doors were supposed to be at 7 - except the sound check was still going. A minute or two later we found out why - poor Cherisse had misplaced her passport (while shopping, we'd later learn!) and had gotten stuck at the border into Canada! Cherryl explained that because of that, there would be a new drummer tonight. I was floored - a gig without Cherrise? That's like Belgian waffles without strawberries and whipped cream! It sounds like it's being sorted out, though, and with any luck the British Embassy or High Comission or whatever they are in Washington state will get our girl sorted and back home in time for the Brits.


At that point his mom told was like "aw, you girls must be hungry! Why don't you head up to the fourth floor and get something to eat, then come back down?" Cheryl had given us all-access type backstage passes, so we were good to go. We walked up the stairs toward the fourth floor. On the way, we passed a door marked "dressing room - Mika". Not two seconds after that we passed Saranayde coming down the stairs carrying her dinner. - even in regular clothes, the girl is strikingly beautiful.


We get up to the catering room, and its basically empty save for a few faces I didn't recognize. Fran was starving, so she began helping herself to the buffet. There was salad, a vegetarian casserole, a beef stew type thing, and what looked like a sort of shrimp pasta salad. The table also had a vase of fresh flowers on it. The guy serving it was falling all over himself to help us, even offering to re-toss the tossed salad - hehe, I could get used to this rock and roll lifestyle. I turned to say something to Fran, then turned around - and Mikey walked in. Two seconds later, Martin walked in, and came up right behind me - still panting from his hike up the stairs. I turned to him and said "that's quite the walk up those stairs - they certainly make you work for your food!" He smiled and said in his fabulous Scottish accent: "I know! I'm so out of shape!" Martin got his food and sat down, and Luke joined them shortly after, along with a man who I'd soon learn is the fabulous, talented Canadian by the name of Greg Wells.


At this point, John came in and grabbed Fran to go take her to go over the routine quickly. So I'm sitting there by myself, one table away from the band minus the girls - (!) So I got myself a coffee, and sat there sipping it. I heard them discussing their border troubles, and Greg said something about getting the third degree from border officials despite being Canadian himself. They they started talking about how basically as soon as they get back to London, they're mad busy with rehearsals for the Brit Awards. I didn't hear any details, but it sounds like it will be fscking awesome. I hope our beautiful golden boy sweeps all the categories he's nominated in.


Fran came back a few minutes later, inhaled her dinner, then we went back downstairs to the dressing room. She told me that she and John had ran into Mika in the elevator, and he'd given her some pointers on the dancing. She attempted to adopt his accent, and executed some fabulously exaggerated moves ; "he was like 'okay so I want you to stick your tits out, walk on your heels, and bring your arms up" - she does so - "and then be very exaggerated". Fscking hillarious! I was just dying imagining Mika doing just that.




Aaaaahh!! I've been waiting for this and was mucking around on myspace passing time and you'd posted already!!! You have such an eye for detail and a great memory. Yet again you make me go wow! ok, gonna read part 2 now. Thankyou!

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Wow - your pictures are fabulous! :wub2:


Greg did the LT drum solo with Mika....it was hilarious. He was very good, but I missed Cherisse.


Mika had to teach Greg how to play the washboard.


He did it on stage because Greg was standing there going WTF??? so Mika gave him the washboard and showed him how to do it. It was really funny. They had a good time together. At the end of the LT solo, Greg didn't know it was the end so he kept playing a bit. Then he threw his drum sticks up in the air and just shrugged. Mika laughed at him and chased him away.


Lol! Thanks for the pics :thumb_yello:


We were still lounging about, so I got up to look around the room. All their clothes were in the room - Cherisse's crazy outfits, Saranayde's beautiful dresses, and Martin, Mikey and Luke's colourful shirts - and Mika's black pants with the green stripe, and a few of his shirts. It was unbelievable to see all that stuff right there in front of me! I didn't want to take too many pictures - it fet understandably naughty - but I did get one:




Further down was all their luggage (navy blue and black, in case you're wondering). On the table across was a wooden chest of some sort, with basically the same artwork as the cover to Happy Ending, and the text "Mika's World". There was also a timeline on the wall with arrival times, cue times, etc. Under tonight it had "stay over - fly to London (or home) tomorrow." Then I saw something that would make y'all smile - Mika's underwear, neatly folded on top of a T Shirt. I'm 99.9% sure it was his, because it was grey with a green band...same exact style he had on at one of the California gigs.


Not two seconds after that we passed Saranayde coming down the stairs carrying her dinner. - even in regular clothes, the girl is strikingly beautiful.


I turned to say something to Fran, then turned around - and Mikey walked in. Two seconds later, Martin walked in, and came up right behind me - still panting from his hike up the stairs. I turned to him and said "that's quite the walk up those stairs - they certainly make you work for your food!" He smiled and said in his fabulous Scottish accent: "I know! I'm so out of shape!"


She told me that she and John had ran into Mika in the elevator, and he'd given her some pointers on the dancing. She attempted to adopt his accent, and executed some fabulously exaggerated moves ; "he was like 'okay so I want you to stick your tits out, walk on your heels, and bring your arms up" - she does so - "and then be very exaggerated". Fscking hillarious! I was just dying imagining Mika doing just that.


Put that on, followed by the pretty pink hairband with a giant pink bow, and looked in the mirror - Oh my gawd - I had been transformed!


However, the majority of fans don't know where the tour is every minute of every day. They don't rejoice over every YouTube video, every TV performance. They don't know little things like how last summer he fell off the drum kit, or how he gets disgruntled if you wish him "good luck" before a gig, or how he has a penchant for Ribena. I mean, logically that makes sense, and I'm sure Mika's glad that only a small minority of fans are downright stalker-like.


She was like "oh, so Mika didn't talk to you, did he? Okay well make sure you jump and dance - he likes to see the white underneath," and pointed to the crinoline on my skirt.


WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! :wub2: I LOOVE your reports! Your level of detail is fricking insane, this is like a fabulous novel! I love the pictures too, much appreciated :wink2: I'm so glad you got to be a lollipop girl! Um, what was I going to comment on ... wahhh you got to talk/eat with the band, you got to see Mika's underwear :naughty:, LOL @ Mika's BG dancing, aww I love how exact Mika is about his shows. I love your report! You are so fast at typing :shocked: .. can't wait for the rest .

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So we go back downstairs, spend some more time in the dressing room, and a few more girls walk in - they'd found some additional big girls in the queue. Moments later, some lollipop girls walked in, also pulled from the queue. Turns out they were all from the same group of friends - great for them, but a bit sad that the love wasn't spread around a bit more. They were alternating between stunned silence, and whipping out their phones to call everyone they knew, lol.


Eventually they got curious as to why Fran and I were there before they were - she explained she's a pro that got the job through her agency, and I explained about the mySpace contest, and about my involvement with MFC. They soon figured out that there wasn't much they could ask that I didn't know - I tried very hard to be a helpful MFC and Mika ambassador, although I can just imagine them telling their friends about what a know-it-all they were stuck with. :roftl:


They then moved us to another room, and brought our dresses over to us. I soon realized that black sports bras and pink Lollipop Girl dresses don't mix - so, off came the sports bra! (If that's too much info I apologize, but it's 4am and I'm totally wired). The dresses do up in the back with delicate little clasps through fabric loops, so we took turns doing each other up. Next came the poufy white crinoline - it's intense in its poufiness! Mika's a smart man when he says everything on stage needs to be exaggerated. Then came the wigs - cute, blonde, and with surprisingly long bangs (or fringe, as you'd say in the UK). Put that on, followed by the pretty pink hairband with a giant pink bow, and looked in the mirror - Oh my gawd - I had been transformed!


It's one thing to see it in gig after gig, but seeing it on yourself is just...wow. It struck me then - at this moment in time, I was part of Mika's team. This show, this brand new magical world that he transports fans to, all over the world - and here I was, getting to be part of it, getting to share in the magic. It was up to me to help spread a little portion of Mika's wonderful world, and then to take that experience and bring it back to all of you - for if it weren't for the MFC, this wouldn't have happened for me. I love you guys!


Yasmine came in a few minutes later - did I mention she's amazingly beautiful? - and gave us shoes and socks. Socks! See, I mean it when I say not one tiny detail is overlooked? Cherryl came in then with her iPod and portable speakers, so the Big Girls could practice their routine with music. I took the other Lollipop Girls aside, since they had no clue what to do.


Do you know what struck me as odd? I suppose this was extemely naive, but hear me out. On the MFC, we spend an inordinate amount of time interacting with other uberfans. The hard-core MFCers know a ton of minute details about Mika, his history, the band, and all that. So we get used to that level of intensity, since that's what we -or at least I - associate with Mika fans. It struck me as odd to come to the realization that the vast majority of fans have the album, think he's cute, and by tickets to performances - but that's it. Which is perfectly as it should be - albums are sold, bums are in seats at gigs, and Mika's career grows. However, the majority of fans don't know where the tour is every minute of every day. They don't rejoice over every YouTube video, every TV performance. They don't know little things like how last summer he fell off the drum kit, or how he gets disgruntled if you wish him "good luck" before a gig, or how he has a penchant for Ribena. I mean, logically that makes sense, and I'm sure Mika's glad that only a small minority of fans are downright stalker-like. But after spending almost a year on here, talking with all of y'all, it just was something I didn't consciously expect.


So I took the other lollies aside, explained to them how the finale would work (animal costumes, teddy bear's picnic, skit, music, first verse, then us). I showed them as best I could how to skip and bounce and try to look as cute and adorable as possible. To make it more fun, I decided that the three of us would hold hands and bounce around in a circle partway through, with (what would normally be) Cherisse's line as our cue. We practiced that for a few, then Fran (the prepared pro) offered to help us with makeup - but then Yasmine came in and asked the Big Girls to make sure their routine was polished. So we did our own makeup - bright pink lip gloss, and copious amounts of pink blush on our cheeks.


Yasmine came in and fixed all our bows at the back of the dresses, then made sure the Big Girls were set. She was like "oh, so Mika didn't talk to you, did he? Okay well make sure you jump and dance - he likes to see the white underneath," and pointed to the crinoline on my skirt. She then went back to the other room. I noticed it was like 10 to 9, with Mika set to take the stage at 9. I went to the room Yasmine was in, and asked her if it would be at all possible for us to see the show from the side of the stage. She's a great gal - sweet and softspoken. She said she'd try, but that it would depend on the venue and the size of the areas. His mom came over to where we were, and I pointed out the pink blush - she was like "aww, that's perfect! You know, sometimes we even add freckles."


Only about five minutes later, she and Cheryl came back - the show was about to start, and we would indeed get to watch from the side. They took our valuables and put them in a locker, then led us up the stairs...


Keep it coming, this is brilliant. Maybe we could make it a condition of the MFC becoming official that Mana has to be at every gig to give us this kind of detailed report. lol! I mean, if I can't be at them all, I want to at least feel like I was.

I was really intrigued by what you said about the difference between MFC'ers and "regular" fans. I've only been on here a few months and most of you have a much more vast knowledge of Mika trivia than me, but I'm addicted, I've got the passion and I'm learning. And I bet I know a heck of a lot more about Mika than most of the people around me in my daily life. But it's the fact that they don't care to know more that I just don't seem to be able to understand. I always think the MFC is so big, but when you think of the numbers of Mika fans who aren't on the MFC... :blink: well, let's just say I love my little MFC family.

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Greg Wells was playing the drums!


Lilmot, DaMango and Lollipop_monkey are all having coffee right now. Lollipop_monkey was a lollipop girl as you all know, and had a blast, and they all met and spoke with Mika and got stuff signed.




NO WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY !!!!! :shocked: :shocked:

that's AWESOME !!!!!!! :punk:

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I was really intrigued by what you said about the difference between MFC'ers and "regular" fans. I've only been on here a few months and most of you have a much more vast knowledge of Mika trivia than me, but I'm addicted, I've got the passion and I'm learning.


I'm surprised it doesn't freak Mika out. I mean it kinda freaks me out that I know more about him than I know about most of the people I've met in my life. In Toronto Andy was calling us the FBI. :naughty:

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I don't think anybody else could write a frickin dissertation like this with such detail...complete with pics in the the report. Its crazy good!


I just keep posting about how great it is while waiting for Part 3... LOL


*joins in the time-passing-posting*


Keep it coming, this is brilliant. Maybe we could make it a condition of the MFC becoming official that Mana has to be at every gig to give us this kind of detailed report. lol! I mean, if I can't be at them all, I want to at least feel like I was.



Yes, I'd be happy with this arrangement, what do you think, Mana?

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I was really intrigued by what you said about the difference between MFC'ers and "regular" fans. I've only been on here a few months and most of you have a much more vast knowledge of Mika trivia than me, but I'm addicted, I've got the passion and I'm learning. And I bet I know a heck of a lot more about Mika than most of the people around me in my daily life. But it's the fact that they don't care to know more that I just don't seem to be able to understand. I always think the MFC is so big, but when you think of the numbers of Mika fans who aren't on the MFC... :blink: well, let's just say I love my little MFC family.


I was interested to read this too. The MFC is big, but I wonder how many regular posters/lurkers there are out of the 9000+ people registered?

And we aren't all in one country, so it may seem a large number, but we are fairly rare I guess!:naughty:

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I was interested to read this too. The MFC is big, but I wonder how many regular posters/lurkers there are out of the 9000+ people registered?

And we aren't all in one country, so it may seem a large number, but we are fairly rare I guess!:naughty:


I checked the other night - 4100 folk registered her have never posted

one post - and thousands have posted between one and five - so.........

I guess that still leaves quite a few DH fans :mf_rosetinted:

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I was interested to read this too. The MFC is big, but I wonder how many regular posters/lurkers there are out of the 9000+ people registered?

And we aren't all in one country, so it may seem a large number, but we are fairly rare I guess!:naughty:


Well, in the Aussie thread we'd decided we would send regular polite requests to Mika's myspace comments asking about an Aussie tour. Checking it out tonight every third person seemed to be an Aussie doing just that. Which made me wonder if it was just coincidence or if we had a lot of lurkers or guests who'd read what we were talking about and decided to act on it, but have never posted. Wendi said in the oldlings the other day that there were over 4000 i think it was that have never made one post.


Edit: Whoops. Wendi got in before me.

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I was interested to read this too. The MFC is big, but I wonder how many regular posters/lurkers there are out of the 9000+ people registered?

And we aren't all in one country, so it may seem a large number, but we are fairly rare I guess!:naughty:


I think there are only a few hundred of us really. I don't know what it is about Mika but I can't imagine having this level of interest in any other artist. I'm not even interested to hear this much about the people I know. :naughty:


I wonder if it's just a collective thing. You kind of get sucked into this need for more information by hanging around other fanatics on MFC.

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I think there are only a few hundred of us really. I don't know what it is about Mika but I can't imagine having this level of interest in any other artist. I'm not even interested to hear this much about the people I know. :naughty:


I wonder if it's just a collective thing. You kind of get sucked into this need for more information by hanging around other fanatics on MFC.


There is certainly nobody else who's ever affected me this way (*thinking... maybe hubby*). O.K. there's no other artist who's ever affected me this way. So in that regard I believe that it is all to do with Mika being the fascinating and talented individual that he is. But do we have a bit of groupthink going on? Is that what you mean, Christine? And how is it that i keep reading posts from you but every time I look your light shows grey not green, like you're offline?

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This waiting around for reports all night is gonna be the death of me, honestly.

:) Its getting crazy! At least I'll be sleeping tomorrow night because there's no show....

Hey, am I like the only person in this timezone who's still up waiting and reading? :blink:


I wouldn't be surprised! There are only a few of us Aussies hanging around still chatting and it's not even 1am here yet. What time is it for you?

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Well, in the Aussie thread we'd decided we would send regular polite requests to Mika's myspace comments asking about an Aussie tour. Checking it out tonight every third person seemed to be an Aussie doing just that. Which made me wonder if it was just coincidence or if we had a lot of lurkers or guests who'd read what we were talking about and decided to act on it, but have never posted. Wendi said in the oldlings the other day that there were over 4000 i think it was that have never made one post.


Edit: Whoops. Wendi got in before me.


I know there are active fans who don't post much, just people I know.

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I think there are only a few hundred of us really. I don't know what it is about Mika but I can't imagine having this level of interest in any other artist. I'm not even interested to hear this much about the people I know. :naughty:


I wonder if it's just a collective thing. You kind of get sucked into this need for more information by hanging around other fanatics on MFC.


I don't know, it's a bit weird, even on my off Mika periods, I still feel the need to come here, to just, well, know things about him, where he is, what's going on, you know?

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But do we have a bit of groupthink going on? Is that what you mean, Christine? And how is it that i keep reading posts from you but every time I look your light shows grey not green, like you're offline?


I am invisible. :blush-anim-cl:


Yeah there's some groupthink at work sculpting people's perception of and interest in Mika. I think I'm a pretty strong minded individual but I still fall victim to it.


But by collectively I also mean that I've been exposed to so much information via others at MFC that I would have never been motivated to source on my own. Without even really meaning to, you suddenly have this huge knowledge base just from reading the board and socializing with people.

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So we go to take the elevator, but after holding it open to get us all inside, it freezes, so we head for the stairs. I ask Mika's mom if it's true about Cherisse being stuck because of a missing passport. She said yes, but not to worry - they're getting her sorted out as soon as possible, and that she's sure Greg will do a good job tonight. So we go up the stairs, and are led around to the back - the left side facing the audience, AKA Mikey's side. Cherryl tells us that we can stand there for the first two songs, as long as we kept a path to the costume closet thing which was behind us. Walking from the hall to the stage, there was a set of double doors followed by a red velvet curtain. To the left was the aforementioned costume closet, to the right a small narrow corridor, and directly in front of me the entrance to the stage. It was fairly dark, except for the lights coming from the main hall beside us, beyond the curtains.


We gather around, nervous but excited. John's there with us - and he's smiling! :roftl::shocked: He's stern and forceful, but efficient - and a genuinely nice guy, methinks.


I was nearest to the entrance from the hallway, and could see Mika's mom and Yasmine waiting there. Someone comes up with a walkie talkie, and they start laughing - Greg's on drums tonight, they say, and thus playing the washboard - so Holy Johnny's gonna be a "comedy routine."


Standing between us and the stage is Owen, a sweet fellow with a great Scottish accent. I chat him up - he tells me he's been with the tour since it first began - the longest running behind-the-scenes member. Cheryl tells us he's our "cue guy" - and he laughs and goes "I'm also a cute guy." I replied with "of course - especially with that accent!" He laughed again and said yeah, there wouldn't be many like his around Vancouver. He then handed out lollipops to all us LGs and BGs. :wub2:


Moments later I spot Saranayde come down, followed shortly by the other band members. Then...Mika. The band gathers around in a circle. What happened next was unbelievable - they all began this rhythmic hand clapping thing, with Mika leading and the others following, picking up speed and varying the beats. Finally, they ended off with their hands in the centre, the traditional "heyyyy, MIKA" thing you may recall from the DVD.


The band sprints out onto the stage, with Mika remaining behind. The stage hand has a box of tissues, and Mika takes not one but two, and methodically folds them before blowing his nose.


This may sound ridiculous, but that was kind of a moment for me. This man is my idol, my dream...my curly haired earth angel. And yet he wears underwear and blows his nose. He is, in fact, human - albeit a one in a gazillion, beautifully talented human.


He then comes through the doorway, and is RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I hear 9 to 5 starting, and the audience goes nuts. Mika's mom comes over, and he gives her the sweetest hug, followed by one for Yasmine. I don't think for a second that he's exaggerating when he talks about his family life being brilliant. He's so sweet - he sings to himself while waiting, softly, but man oh man. LOVE HIM.


He comes closer, and sort of cocks his head toward the stage, listening. It's the interlude, where Sara pops out from behind the balloon. He then gets a peeved look, and tells the stage hand - "they're doing it WRONG! It should be faster, like this!" And claps his hands to indicate the desired rhythm. Stage hand is off like a shot, and Mika seems to relax.


At that moment, he realized that there were seven pairs of adoring eyes staring at him, barely a foot away. He flashed us this amazing smile, and shook each of our hands. Then, Relax. Mika bounds through the opening to the stage, and a moment later, I'm hearing those unthinkable, wonderful opening notes - from backstage at his concert. His voice...that song...those notes...that smile. :mf_lustslow:


There's a door to the stage, with a window about 25 cm high by maybe 15 cm wide. I wrangle a position to peer through the window, and there's our Mika, performing Relax. He really is all over the stage - that's how he stays so damn skinny, his gigs are so high energy. I have a perfect view of Sara, who is amazing - a main part of her role, apart from singing of course, is to interact with the crowd, get them clapping and whatnot, when Mika's on the other side of the stage. And it works brilliantly.


We were all dancing to Relax, and John was like "good job - get warmed up, gals!"


Soon we hear - "Are there any big girls in the house tonight? Any skinny girls with the soul of a big girl? HEY - what are YOU cheering for - you're a bloke!" :roftl:


Our Big Girls take their places, and before long Owen cues them to go out. We watch them through the window in the door - the pulled-from-queue dancers follow pro-dancer-Fran's lead, and they look beautiful and sassy. Sara grabs one of the girls, and starts dancing with her.


Before long, it's over, and the girls come running back, exhilarated. Then, Cherryl tells us she's going to take us to the other side of the stage to watch the rest of the show...

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