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The Australian Thread: Part Nine

Rainbow Sky

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And you've got to be the one who distracts Cal while Liz and I sneak up behind him with chloroform. You're the shortest, and if he's leaning down to hear you talk, he won't notice us coming up behind.


Coming up from behind indeed. :das:


And hey... when you know you're going to be papped... you'll probably wear blush whether you like it or not. But of course.. mika is my vain so he likes it


Oooo that just sounds soooooo wrong. *shudders*


BTW- I'M the paparazzi! *slaps* :mf_rosetinted:


A Mikamite party would be cool...


You know what's weird... I can't see your birthday on the calendar... or Artsy's... :blink:


I coulda sworn yours was the 23rd though


:shocked: What calendar? I don't know about any calendar!


(and you're correct BTW)



I was looking at this one again...


It so looks like Jamie... :naughty:


How good is it hey? LOL


I feel the need to show everyone what the parentals bought yesterday...


It's a theatre lounge! With cup holders and everything!


*places order for theatre lounge*


LOLcats reminds me of MCATs (Medical College Admission Test)... somethingk I heard on "Tru Calling" shrug.gif (u know that flop tv show starring Eliza Dushku!) :mf_rosetinted:



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LOLcats reminds me of MCATs (Medical College Admission Test)... somethingk I heard on "Tru Calling" shrug.gif (u know that flop tv show starring Eliza Dushku!) :mf_rosetinted:

I like Tru Calling :sneaky2: *gives you wedgie*


I'm here...although I shouldn't be...I need sleeps but I've gotta study for effing science still...


still here :thumb_yello:

What are you studying?

Evening all :wub2:

Good morning Freds

what? No Cloak?

Are you risking being insibilated today?

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Bugger... We could have gotten packets of herbs somewhere (cause my grandfather's name is Herb :naughty:)...


I'm going to do it for Mum's birthday next year... gotta come up with 50 things starting with P...


Hmm mum turns 40 this year... might do it for her. And her name is easy.... S. Dad doesn't turn 50 for 5 years... his an s as well *is glad her parents have such a common letter* :naughty:



And I am back from the gym, showered and freshened up. No Mika in the jam program (but we knew that) though the instructer played a mika song while everyone was in the chatting stage


I had a blast being unco :wink2:

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Evening all :wub2:


Hey ya Freds...


Did you see the pic of the wallaby?


:shocked: What calendar? I don't know about any calendar!


(and you're correct BTW)



*places order for theatre lounge*


the birthday calendar...


And the lounge is comfy...


Hmm mum turns 40 this year... might do it for her. And her name is easy.... S. Dad doesn't turn 50 for 5 years... his an s as well *is glad her parents have such a common letter* :naughty:



And I am back from the gym, showered and freshened up. No Mika in the jam program (but we knew that) though the instructer played a mika song while everyone was in the chatting stage


I had a blast being unco :wink2:


Good idea isn't it?

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posted this in the British thread... but its so darn cute, I had to post it here too...












And I see I'm talking to myself... yet again...


That dog would hate me because I would love to play with its wrinkles. He'd probably be just like my cat who doesn't like to have her saggy belly played with. :naughty:

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Hello everybody!!


The dreaded swimming carnival is over. I didn't end up going in any races though! :naughty:


A little while ago I made a quick trip to Big W to check the roster for the next week and I was so excited by what they were playing on the big screen (9 widescreens joined together in a square) in the Home Entertainment section. 'Queen Rock Montreal'!! :wub2:


How is everyone else?

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