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Could it be? PART 8!! Pink Pony riders club. Insanity is welcome, sanity is not.


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HOKAY. So this starts off with Emmeline, the crazy girl next door with a rat who is shrouded in an aura of mystery. They live in a perfect little suburbian heaven many years in the future, but Emmeline and her brother, Chester's house is a big blimp and therefore the neighbours hate her for it.

Candace finds her fascinating and regularly spies on the house with her binoculars.

As the story begins, Emmeline is experimenting in her lab and something goes wrong. A puddle of glowing green goo sucks her rat, Leopold, into its midst, and turns him into a human girl, who subseqently disappears.


Meanwhile, we are introduced to Amelia, a girl who has run away from her parents because she doesn't conform to societal rules--i.e, talking about the past and what the world used to be like. We don't have too much of a background of the world in this story yet, but we have found out that it's very repressive/sexist. Amelia has gone searching for the truth, which so far has led her to Emmeline's house.


At the same time, Chester is upstairs and hears a knock on the door. He moves to open it and sees a man with flaming red hair standing there--who turns out to be Emmeline and Chester's father. He is a horrible person, but we don't know why yet. Chester slams the door, and Emmeline comes upstairs to see what's going on. Chester tells her, and Emmeline promptly whisks him down to the basement and starts opening a trapdoor when she notices Amelia spying through the window. Emmeline grabs her and drags her into the secret tunnel the trapdoor has exposed. All this time, Candace has been spying. She recognizes the man at Emmeline's door and runs inside, yelling at her family to get inside THEIR secret passage. They run down is for a while and then smash headlong into Emmeline and Co.

And that's as far as we've gotten so far. :biggrin2:


I hope that didn't confuse you even more. :roftl:

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Mmm, yeah. I can imagine that is not a cool feeling.:blink: Well, Mika will make up for it next time for sure.:biggrin2:


Hahaha, glad to know we're not alone in this world of confusion.:aah:


He f*cking well better! I expect a VIP pass and consolation flowers. :mad3:

But with any luck, I'm going to be moving back to England soon...so I won't have to wait another 3 years before he can be bothered to come back to Canada. :rolls_eyes:


Well, it's been nice to talk to you both, but I am off. Have to pack and then get to bed so I can catch the train to SSU at the lovely hour of 6am.


Good night, ladies.:wub2: I shall try to be back on in a few days or so.

I'm gonna hold you to that :naughty:

Mm, gotta love those early mornings...good night! Sleep well :huglove:

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He f*cking well better! I expect a VIP pass and consolation flowers. :mad3:

But with any luck, I'm going to be moving back to England soon...so I won't have to wait another 3 years before he can be bothered to come back to Canada. :rolls_eyes:



I'm gonna hold you to that :naughty:

Mm, gotta love those early mornings...good night! Sleep well :huglove:


Demand it.:aah: Make sure you're let in 10 minutes before everyone and take the middle of the front row.

Ooh, cool! That would be awesome! I hope it works out for you!:biggrin2:



Oh, and thank you. I'm not confused anymore. :biggrin2:

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Demand it.:aah: Make sure you're let in 10 minutes before everyone and take the middle of the front row.

Ooh, cool! That would be awesome! I hope it works out for you!:biggrin2:



Oh, and thank you. I'm not confused anymore. :biggrin2:



Yeah. There is nothing so frightful as a Mika Fan scorned. :teehee:


Hmmmm...I was going to post but I have to go now...I'm going out!!! On a weekend!!!!! One for the history books, folks...my life has been SO boring lately :aah:


Goodnight my dear :bye: It's nice to see you back (again) :)

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"Some where with moderate temperatures, of course." I stated.

"Deffinitely not too warm or too cold, safe, no guns, well no legal guns, uhm...not too far away, a long flight sucks for M and I." added Becky.

I nodded my head scarcely at the thought of what had happened on the helicopter.

Finn wrapped a loving arm around me, having missed me on our excursion.

"I have an idea." piped up Mac.

"How about we go to Latvia?"

"Latvia...that's random." Said Mika stubbornly.

Artsy nudged him.

"I forgot, he doesn't like going to warm places." said kelzy glaring at Mika. He chuckled quietly and stared at his feet as Soa, Nico, Kelzy, and JJl glared at him.

I rolled my eyes.

"California's nice."

Arstsy nodded and I high fived her.

"France." said Calvin.

Artsy turned to look at him.

"Baby loved france, she said it as her favourite place on earth. Let's go."

His eyes sparkled with a crystalized form of tears shileding his eyes.

"Are you sure, hunn?" asked Artsy.

"I'm positive, you'll love it, Ames."

Artsy grinned.

"France it is then. Let's book it." Reece turned off to go to his laptop and everyone settled around the coffee table.


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OMGAWD Artsy and Tay.. :swoon:


Hey, Mzee.. I don't think you were annoying..


frustrating or irritating perhaps.. banging head against a wall at times.. constipated face.. :mf_pain:



but never annoying... :huglove::naughty:

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Hey, Mzee.. I don't think you were annoying..


frustrating or irritating perhaps.. banging head against a wall at times.. constipated face.. :mf_pain:



but never annoying... :huglove::naughty:


:lmfao: :lmfao:


I find myself annoying, sometimes I'm just like I have a good idea why don't you STOP TALKING.. good idea, why thank you. :wub2::roftl:


Omg.. that's a year and half ago. :lmfao: Back when we would glare at Mika. :naughty:

:lmao: That's right, we did a hellavalawt of "Mzee glared at Mika."



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I can win at the random memory game.


Anyone remember the giant cheese blob that attacked us at one point? :lmfao::lmao:

:lmfao: :lmfao:

No!! I can't hahahahaha!!!


Anyone remember being held captive in a room while music played through the vents as torture? :roftl:

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