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The Oldling Thread -- Lucky #13!!!


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well that gives me a good reason to get to bed early, have to be up at 6am, pupil has test first thing.


I shall bid you all sweet dreams, when you waken you will be 1 day closer to hamsterjam.


nite nite all


Sweet Mika Dreams :)

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Boourns is a term from the tv show "Simpsons" and it pretty much means 'awww that's too bad!"


should have asked my son, he is simpson daft,


the only simpson I know has a shoe shop with his mate mr stead !!!!!!

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i'm still here wendi :thumb_yello: your b/f sounds great :original: i wish i could go to Hamsterjam


He is - he said I am getting to be a Mika jet-setter, but

was really happy I am going to another gig :wub2:


Hey come back everybody!

I was at someones house for dinner and just got got back.

Don't leave me!LOL!


Hi Rose - how are you tonight? :)

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Hey come back everybody!

I was at someones house for dinner and just got got back.

Don't leave me!LOL!


hi rose :biggrin2: how's you? i sent you a friend request on myspace, i don't know why, i don't go on there much


He is - he said I am getting to be a Mika jet-setter, but

was really happy I am going to another gig :wub2:




Hi Rose - how are you tonight? :)


i haven't watched your vid (lost the link) but from what i hear it could have gone better, maybe this will be your chance :punk:

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hi rose :biggrin2: how's you? i sent you a friend request on myspace, i don't know why, i don't go on there much




i haven't watched your vid (lost the link) but from what i hear it could have gone better, maybe this will be your chance :punk:


I think it is a page or two back. The sound on my video is not

too good though - the camera I have is not great!! :boxed:

Its on the last page of the gig thread :thumb_yello:

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Heya...i know im not an oldling but ive come here for some comfort ...

the love of my life told me it was over yesterday out of the blue


BexxY, I'm sorry to hear that you just found out your boyfriend was a coward and has no respect for people. You sound like such a wonderful person. He sounds like a total schmuck :thumbdown:


He needs to grow up and stand on his own two feet. How old is he? 25 turning 10? What a child.. Someone cut the umbilical cord pleeaasee.. Actions speak louder than words hun, and his actions are a horrifying glimpse into the future you would've had.. He would've taken 'mummy' and 'daddys' advice over your wants and needs on everything.. Even on what to name the children.. His mother would've been telling you how to raise kids "her way".. And you'd have to cook all "her" recipes.. She'd be the other woman and his dad would always look down at you and treat you like crap, making you feel insecure..


Oh Dear.. He's done you a big favour.. I don't know if you believe in God or a higher power, But I believe everything happens for a reason.. He had to be removed from your life in order for something better to happen.. Now, when you're ready, you can find yourself a real man and live a real life.. I know it's hard because it's a shock, but You did not deserve to be treated so appallingly.. *hugs*

When people say 'It's his loss' They're telling you the truth.

They were even talking about hiring me out to Oxfam or the Red Cross so that I could be sent to countries where there was a drought.:biggrin2:

You wanna have a holiday in Australia? We desperately need rain here :naughty:


And I can't believe it.. 17 pages overnight :blink:

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Thankyou wendi your words comfort me a little.

Its nice to know im not the only one who has been in this kind of situation.

It just hurts though he looked me in the eyes and told me he loved me and then looked away and said its over between us im not losing my family.


Maybe his love for me was a lie and that makes me hurt just that extra bit more ...he gave me his granddads ring that he had kept on his finger for 16years and never taken off he gave it to me and said this is how much i love you my most prized possession im giving to you.


my life is rubbish right now and the worst thing about this whole situation is i still love him :boxed:


I'm sorry to hear about your situation, dear. You don't know me, but I know your situation. I understand how you can still care because it's like his parents weren't fair to make him have to make a decision like that. It's horrible and I"m sorry you have to go through it.


Keep the love that you did share close to your heart, cherish it, but don't languish on it. Be thankful you had something to beautiful that some people never have a chance to share. If your love is meant to be, then one day, when you least expect it, you will find one another again, and have learned and grown so much.


On the pessimistic side, he could just be a mama's boy who, no matter how long you were together, would always defer to his parents, regardless of his own happiness, or yours. Gotta cut the apron strings sometime, or you'll be stuck there forever.


Perhaps this is a catalyst to shoot you forward into something even more fantastic, something completely different. At this point, the possibilities are endless! Find your silver lining, wherever it may lay, and move forward into the future :)

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Crystal, You said that so much better than me :naughty::wink2:

I'm used to giving advice on MSN where I don't have to be tactful :fisch:


LOL I went back and read what you said, and we said pretty much the same thing, didn't we? LOL

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