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CAST YOUR VOTE for the Mika Autograph Contest Winner!


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The MFC has spoken, and the winner is....




Her Marriage Certificate was voted the most unique, clever, and fabulous item that Mika could ever autograph! She is the winner of the autographed LICM booklet, and the awe and respect of the entire MFC! LOL! Congratulations!!!!



Our Second Place winner is Vitoria, who also had a clever and unique idea. Her transparent sticker was a huge hit.


Thank you to all the wonderfully creative folks who entered, and all of the proactive members who voted! You guys make the MFC a fun place to be!







Hooray! It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for! (some of you more than others, LOL!) Here are the entries for the Mika Autograph contest. The original contest thread can be found here:



(I am sorry if you missed it, but at this point, I cannot accept any more new entries.)



I asked the MFC what creative and unique items they would ask Mika to autograph, and I got quite the response! Please help me choose a winner by voting for your favorite item. Send me your vote via PM by putting the NUMBER of your selection in the subject line. That will make it easy for me to tally the votes. There are 22 entries altogether. ALL MFC members can vote (including those who entered the contest). Please only vote once, and do not submit votes on behalf of someone else. All votes must be in by Sunday, March 30th. I’ll announce the winner in this thread when the voting is through. Thank you, and good luck to the participants!


(NOTE: if you emailed me your entry before the deadline, but do not see it here, let me know right away.)




1) Greta found a freakishly cool hoodie for Mika to sign.





2) Mika-fan1001 wants the Big M to sign her sprained ankles. Get well soon!




3) Laurel wants Mika to sign her marriage certificate! Very sneaky….





4) Zaxiop says “My troops are bigger than yours!” with this awesome Roman helmet.





5) Vitoria wants Mika to sign a transparent sticker, so she can put it on anything she chooses!





6) How about this super cool piece of original art made by an MFCer’s friend? It’s called The Music Tree, and there’s someone special hiding in it’s branches.


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7) Rikk wants Mika to sign this funny little statue shaped like a….hm…what’s that word????





8) Purplegrape doesn’t want Mika to sign something, she wants him to sign someone! LOL!





9) Phunkygal wants M to autograph her kitty named Billy Brown! It looks like Billy is just dying to meet Mika.





10) Nadou would like Mika autograph the side of her Jeep, and to paint it with original artwork. Maybe Yasmine could help…





11) MFCer “Mika, I Love You” found some darling pooches sporting some unusual curls.





12) The Meyer Twins were lucky enough to bring home one of the giant balloons from the Lollipop finale. Now if only they could get Mika to sign it…





13) Kaeryana put together a jar of her most favorite things: her cell phone, Furby, candy, and of course, LICM!


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14) Kaatje066 wants Mika to sign these cool glasses.





15) Thank goodness, these are NOT official Mika merchandise! LOL! (but if they were, I KNOW some of you would buy them…)





15) Polish-girl wants Mika to sign a live hen! Good luck, girl.




16) Ircazo’s got a vacuum cleaner just waiting for Mika to autograph it. (I’m not sure what she has in mind for the hand cuffs….)





17) There are just no words to describe this entry from I <3 Mika…..oh my…..




18) Guineverer wants to know if Mika will sign this cute pink tongue!





19) Foal Baby painted this beautiful stool by herself. An autograph from Mika would make her masterpiece complete.


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20) Ewokwicket designed this amazing tee, and wore it to a Mika gig.





21) Mika has been known to make hearts skip a beat, so how about a cardiogram?





22) Cheeseygoodness wants to get a autograph for a friend on this cool photo frame of her own design.










There they are, folks! I can't wait to receive your votes!

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Awwww! There all such great entries- but i can tell it wont be me winning the autograph, i know it will be between the marrige certificate and the lol cockdoms!!! and i can sense the pants and the roman helmet getting alot of votes. I wish i had somthing better i could have given you, but Mika curls on 2 pugs is quite adorable :roftl::thumb_yello: I'm counting on the MFC to help me!!! Im working on my acceptance speach even if i dont win it lol!

PS: Hi Zaxiop!!! I LOVE YOUR ROMAN HELMET!!! We'll still be friends even if one of us win! :biggrin2:

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