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The Australian Thread: Part Eleven

Rainbow Sky

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*I just edited this part of my post because I have a feeling alot of Aussies might call past and read the Aussie thread in the next few days or so.. considering there'd be some out there wondering WTF happened to Mika performing at V Fest.

Half of what I'd written was assumptions based on the feeling of neglect*

I hear Mika on the radio quite alot too.. It's because he's Pop. And Pop is safe to play on the radio.. He'll end up being a gap filler on the radio..


Unfortunately, it's probable Mika will be classed as a one album hit wonder in Australia because the young uns can't keep their attention focused long enough to remember his name...

:blink:My-ka?? who's that?


Sad, but true..


Well you Mikamites will have to make sure he's not forgotten.

I promise if I ever meet him :mf_lustslow: that's the question I will ask, "When are you touring Australia"

*crosses heart*


What else? I own a hat with the Australian flag, an Australian scarf and a couple of Aussie-tshirts. And I know that the capital is Canberra and not Sydney :original::blink::naughty:*wonders if that's enough to convince them*



Test! Test! Test!


today i am 14.


Wish I was. :naughty:


Although at that age I was still horse mad - no time for pop stars

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Ah, but you study Geography, that's cheating!


Why the heck does everyone think that we really have courses in which we learn where a country is and which capital city is has?? :blink:


IMPOSTOR!!! We'd never own an Aussie t-shirt Throw that out!!


Which wouldn't you eat:

Pie and sauce.

Chips and gravy.

Peanut butter and jam.



I LOVE my Aussie-shirts! These are Rugby-shirts and I'm definitely not going to throw them out. :boxed: Oh dear, do I have to to be allowed to post here? :crybaby:

And I'd eat everything.. why not? :naughty:


awww!! that's so cute!!! I want to bite his nose!!

Hope you pass your test!! seeya later (when I get up)


You want to bite his nose? :roftl:

*wonders what Kelzy wants to do to gigantic soft-toyed feet if this is her reaction to gigantic soft-toyed noses*


My test is on the 22nd but I haven't learnt anything yet so I should really get started. I tried for two hours but then I was dragged back to my computer :blink: .

*wonders why Australians seem to have a fetish with stuffed animals* *glares at Bianca*



Okay, so I thought of a question also, for when you get back. Inspired by the one completely broken at work and stuck at the frustrating height of a midget (normal person).


What is a Hills Hoist, and what is it used for by;

a). adults, and

b). children?


No idea. *googles*

The Hills Hoist is an Australian version of the rotary clothes line, the distinguishing feature of which is a crown and pinion winding mechanism invented by Adelaide based Lance Hill in 1945. This allows this clothesline to be lowered and raised. This style of clothes line was popularised in Australia by Lance Hill and is a common backyard sight in Australia and New Zealand. It is considered one of Australia's most recognisable icons, and is used frequently by artists as a metaphor for suburbia in Australia. For many post-war baby boomers it is a symbol of their childhood and an Australian national icon.

The rotary clothes line itself had been invented as early as 1855, diagrams of which were published in Scientific American that year. Though widely believed to be an Australian invention, American precursors existed decades before it was produced in 1945 in the Adelaide suburb of Glenunga by Lance Hill.


Ok? :naughty:

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No idea. *googles*

The Hills Hoist is an Australian version of the rotary clothes line, the distinguishing feature of which is a crown and pinion winding mechanism invented by Adelaide based Lance Hill in 1945. This allows this clothesline to be lowered and raised. This style of clothes line was popularised in Australia by Lance Hill and is a common backyard sight in Australia and New Zealand. It is considered one of Australia's most recognisable icons, and is used frequently by artists as a metaphor for suburbia in Australia. For many post-war baby boomers it is a symbol of their childhood and an Australian national icon.

The rotary clothes line itself had been invented as early as 1855, diagrams of which were published in Scientific American that year. Though widely believed to be an Australian invention, American precursors existed decades before it was produced in 1945 in the Adelaide suburb of Glenunga by Lance Hill.


Ok? :naughty:


Referee - Google no fair!:sneaky2:

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Why the heck does everyone think that we really have courses in which we learn where a country is and which capital city is has?? :blink:


Cos we do here in GB. :wink2:




I aint taking it though cos I'll fail miserably :annoyed_h4h:


Have a read of it.. It's hilarious! Especially the spilling of the pint part


[Edit] I got 7 right. Go on! Have a try to beat my score :D

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I was just a part of the chorus. I did have a small part in which I had to get the main character's autograph as he's becoming famous though. But yes, mostly just background singing, dancing and acting. :naughty:


Here you go (my friend told me to smile as widely as I could!)..



EEE! Pretty!!!!!!


Personally I prefer marshmallow sucks.


Me too.


SQUEE!!! I got a congrats!!! I'm all special now!!! Thanks Kelly *huggles* hehe, I don't think I got a congrats from Tegan when I hit the 100 mark... but then again can't expect too much from her!!!


Sisterly love...hehehe...love your sig, btw...


Marshmallows do suck... I can't eat them... ick :cool:


Well, you obviously have never eaten a s'more.




Yes, here's the picture (too lazy to try and take one not ft the flash), I present, 11 year old OkD:



One guess who's me?

1). Not looking at the camera at all.

2). Freakishly gigantic. Half the row in front of me and at least my entire row are around 5 years older than me :roftl:

*wonders if there is a video of this*



OK, who's the girl on the bottom right? Does she realise what it means when you wear knee-high pleather boots, a miniskirt, and flash your knickers at the camera??

And OD...are you seriously only 11? You look way older...


today i am 14.



*showers you with confetti and bakes you a cake*




Appetizing, no? *smiley with pink bow*


Hello Australia, you get my 950th post.:thumb_yello:


Can I make 2000 before we become officially official?


Definitely. Anyone can do anything by the 'top of next week'.

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EEE! Pretty!!!!!!




Me too.




Sisterly love...hehehe...love your sig, btw...




Well, you obviously have never eaten a s'more.





OK, who's the girl on the bottom right? Does she realise what it means when you wear knee-high pleather boots, a miniskirt, and flash your knickers at the camera??

And OD...are you seriously only 11? You look way older...





*showers you with confetti and bakes you a cake*




Appetizing, no? *smiley with pink bow*




Definitely. Anyone can do anything by the 'top of next week'.

:huglove: yum.

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a little :no:



mummy took me out for baskin robins to cheer me up and we have swiss chalet on the way


Aww...sick on your birthday, that's the worst...*pats and gives Panadik*


Yummy...I want chocolate but I finished all my easter stuff...

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hey chickadee, my post has nothing to do with yours i just read ur reply to one of mine ages ago so am replying to this one


um yeh im still around occasionally i found i had nothing to contribute to most conversations and the longer i stayed away the less i knew what was going on, but now i am unemployed and "a lady of leisure" i will most likely be back on here a lot more, untill i run outta money and have to live on the street and have no internet


how have you been? and what real life things have kept you from us?? (nothing bad i hope)


I've been O.K. We had to move house and were without phone and internet for about a month, then we got the phone and had to wait another week for the internet. I was occasionally going to the public library or to a public pay-for-service computer, but it was killing me to be disconnected!


IAaaah Lovely pics =)


Pretty snow pictures indeed:wub2:


Here you go (my friend told me to smile as widely as I could!)..



You look absolutely nothing like the picture I had in my head! For starters you look older. And I didn't know you were tall. Or blonde. Until PO mentioned seeing you at Big W. I'd always pictured you as small and darkhaired!


Okay. Here it is..


You can see me but I'm right at the back for most of the song. I'm standing on a riser on the right hand side and I'm always punching my hand in the air. But then towards the end of the song there's a shot of me at the front on the right, still punching my hand in the air!


I saw you!! I was sitting with toddler on lap, watching, going "Where on earth is she?" and then saw you in that bit near the end!!


Here's another song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfBExvOMSZU


That guy singing played the lead character, Jack. Watch out for him in the future. I'm willing to place money on the fact that he's going to be a famous jazz musician.


We watched this one too and my daughter clapped hard at the end!


Apparently a couple were dancing to Mika's version of Sweet Dreams on SYTYCD tonight.. I only know because I have DC updates on my mobile.


I saw some of that and cacked myself laughing cos I kept thinking "There should be Carolina dancing happening right about now!"


I was too busy trolling through the forum on sytycd that I missed a page of our thread. How cool!


Next single......... no, we will prob get another rehashed song (actually I am looking forward to seeing Relax released, BG is doing nothing in the charts......)


Yes, I hear BG on the radio but not in any of the chart shows. (It's amazing, 6 months ago I didn't listen to any of the charts or the music on them and now because of Mika I suddenly care!) I never thought BG would really do well in the charts here in Aus. For some reason I just never saw the song connecting with the Aus public. Now, Relax is a different story. I so wanted that to be a summer release here, I thought it would do really well during our summer hols. (I'm fairly sure I've said this on here before). But alas, that was not to be. And I wonder if we will even see a release of Relax, now that the focus is more on the recording of the second album....


Right, I have just finished splitting SD's to make into a ringtone, so I shall pop off to bed now.




Waaaahhh!! What are you talking about? Splitting mp3's? What does that even mean, why do you do it, how do you do it etc etc etc??? Oh, I'm such an infant when it comes to all this stuff!

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I love how we aren't scanning every tiny piece of Mika related news onto the MFC and making a new thread. We're just too laid back to do it. Apparently a couple were dancing to Mika's version of Sweet Dreams on SYTYCD tonight.. I only know because I have DC updates on my mobile.



Why bother buying and scanning some sh!tty mag just because Mika takes up 5cm2 of space? :cool:

Rule #4 MQ's must be made using smiley's only when necessary. Pointlessly breaking up MQ's based on the 7 smiley limit rule is to be only used if you absolutely must use a smiley and cannot remove one of the other smileys.


(geez that sounds petty :naughty:)





(and it isn't as petty as my no pointless postwhoring rules)

PJ's - non-slip socks.. TP.. BEC! Get outta mah bed!!


But its warm and toasty


Mine were from IGA and only cost me $2 *upurs smiley*

And look like this:



Are they Marshmallow socks then?

ft. Wonder Woman PJ's!!


Their slipper socks... I nearly brought them, but got the marshmallow instead...


Photo coming later :wink2:




FY&GN Teegs!




Power failure at Bec's. Had to use Mobile to locate torch. Power was off for at least 10 minutes. Unknown Reason.


Thanks for that... reason is still unknown





Pshh psshhh and who is the judge of the smilie necessity? I judge my smilies to be entirely essential *hmph*



Pft, as in any system with represses the wishes of the minority, it only needs 1 or 2 people to decide, and force others to agree, thus making it appear that the majority is in agreeance



And you guys are going to make sucks another of the 'bec typos', aren't you?



Bec will decide if that's a fair rule when she gets back



Its fair...





Bec's power is back on but net is being dysfunctional. Laptop does not like Power failures.



It wasn't my laptop that didn't like them, it was Dads computer... but dad fixed that this morning :cool:

Well it would be abnormal and irresponsible of me to take a photo ft. my computer and MFC not be in the background.



Thats right... I shall do a similar pic tonight (maybe)



I want to be Australian as well :


Membership is easy.... just pass this test


The New Australian Citizen Test


1. Do you understand the meaning, but are unable to explain the origin of, the term ‘died in the arse’?


2. What is a “bloody little beauty”?


3. Are these terms related: chuck a sickie; chuck a spaz; chuck a U-ey?


4. Explain the following passage: ‘In the arvo last Chrissy the relos rocked up for a barbie, some bevvies and a few snags. After a bit of a Bex and a lie down we opened the pressies, scoffed all the chockies, bickies and lollies. Then we drained a few tinnies and Mum did her block after Dad and Steve had a barney and a bit of biffo.’


5. Macca, Chooka and Wanger are driving from Broady to Surfers in their Torana. If they are travelling at 100 km/h while listening to Barnsey, Farnsey and Acca Dacca, how many slabs will each person on average consume between flashing a brown eye and having a slash?


6. Complete the following sentences:

a) ‘If the van’s rockin’ don’t bother ?

b) You’re going home in the back of a ?

c) Fair crack of the ?


7. If someone says, “I’ve had a gutful and I can’t be fagged”, what do they mean?


8. Is there someone you are only mates with because they own a trailer or have a pool?


9. Do you have a friend or relative who has a car in their front yard ‘up on blocks’? Is his name Bruce and does he have a wife called Cheryl?


10. What does “sinkin at a mate’s joint and gettin para” mean?


11. What are the ingredients in a rissole?


12. Demonstrate the correct procedure for eating a Tim Tam.


13. Do you have an Aunty Irene who smokes 60 cigarettes a day and sounds like a bloke?


14. In any two-hour period have you ever eaten three-bean salad, a chop and two serves of pav washed down with someone else’s beer that has been flogged from a bath full of ice?


15. When you go to a bring- your-own-meat barbie can you eat other people’s meat or are you only allowed to eat your own?


16. What purple root vegetable beginning with the letter ‘b’ is required by law to be included in a hamburger with the lot?


17. Do you own or have you ever owned a lawn mower, a pair of thongs, an Esky or Ugg boots?


18. Is it possible to ‘prang a car’ while doing ‘circle work’?


19. Who would you like to crack on to?


20. Who is the most Australian: Kevin ‘Bloody’ Wilson, John ‘True Blue’ Williamson, Kylie Minogue or Warnie?





The funnier the answers the better

(i got auroaras... got to alternate the tests)


today i am 14.


Happy Birthday


Why the heck does everyone think that we really have courses in which we learn where a country is and which capital city is has??




Because we have a course like that... not that anyone remembers anything from it

No idea. *googles*

The Hills Hoist is an Australian version of the rotary clothes line, the distinguishing feature of which is a crown and pinion winding mechanism invented by Adelaide based Lance Hill in 1945. This allows this clothesline to be lowered and raised. This style of clothes line was popularised in Australia by Lance Hill and is a common backyard sight in Australia and New Zealand. It is considered one of Australia's most recognisable icons, and is used frequently by artists as a metaphor for suburbia in Australia. For many post-war baby boomers it is a symbol of their childhood and an Australian national icon.

The rotary clothes line itself had been invented as early as 1855, diagrams of which were published in Scientific American that year. Though widely believed to be an Australian invention, American precursors existed decades before it was produced in 1945 in the Adelaide suburb of Glenunga by Lance Hill.




You know.... if this wasn't a country that prides itself on its laziness you would lose points for cheating...


Now you just lose points cos your answer wasn't funny...:naughty:

Hello Australia, you get my 950th post.


Can I make 2000 before we become officially official?

You can... go for it


And now its time for me to get dressed.... daylight savings confuses me...


Anyways... chat later y'all

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I love how we aren't scanning every tiny piece of Mika related news onto the MFC and making a new thread. We're just too laid back to do it. Apparently a couple were dancing to Mika's version of Sweet Dreams on SYTYCD tonight.. I only know because I have DC updates on my mobile.


yeah, a couple did dance to sweet dreams, they also played stuck in the middle while the couple were rehearsing. they're playing quite alot of mika songs on that show..

they played grace kelly and big girl a few weeks back.


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Worst day ever!..:mad3: ..I've been like a volcano waiting to erupt all day, and as usual all the stupid people gravitate toward me. I'm trying to do someone else's job while they're away as well as my own and now I have to train someone for the next two days and the person that went on leave has a left a total of 47 un-actioned jobs in the Inbox (one from September 3 2007) and I'm getting calls and e-mails left right centre complaining because they're not completed yet.....and I think I may have broken the record for swearing.


Shock, horror, I've had Mika on repeat all day and for the first time it didn't help...except to annoy the crap out of anyone within earshot that is!


*thinks she should have waited to post until she had a drink and relaxed a bit*


Now I'm relying on all my lovely fellow MFCers to bring a smile back to my face. I tried do an MQ but when I got to the point of posting my reply I couldn't remember what I was replying to….and that was after reading it again!


OD, how did your exam go and did you get your form in?


*takes deep breath apologises for psychopathic outburst :sorry: and heads back to try MQ again*


Oh, and Hello! :thumb_yello:

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Hey Aussies! :wink2:


How's it going?

:punk: Hiya LAF Sista !!!

Worst day ever!..:mad3: ..I've been like a volcano waiting to erupt all day, and as usual all the stupid people gravitate toward me. I'm trying to do someone else's job while they're away as well as my own and now I have to train someone for the next two days and the person that went on leave has a left a total of 47 un-actioned jobs in the Inbox (one from September 3 2007) and I'm getting calls and e-mails left right centre complaining because they're not completed yet.....and I think I may have broken the record for swearing.


Shock, horror, I've had Mika on repeat all day and for the first time it didn't help...except to annoy the crap out of anyone within earshot that is!


*thinks she should have waited to post until she had a drink and relaxed a bit*


Now I'm relying on all my lovely fellow MFCers to bring a smile back to my face. I tried do an MQ but when I got to the point of posting my reply I couldn't remember what I was replying to….and that was after reading it again!


OD, how did your exam go and did you get your form in?


*takes deep breath apologises for psychopathic outburst :sorry: and heads back to try MQ again*


Oh, and Hello! :thumb_yello:


Awwwww ..... *hugs Tanya* ..... :huglove:

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Worst day ever!..:mad3: ..I've been like a volcano waiting to erupt all day, and as usual all the stupid people gravitate toward me. I'm trying to do someone else's job while they're away as well as my own and now I have to train someone for the next two days and the person that went on leave has a left a total of 47 un-actioned jobs in the Inbox (one from September 3 2007) and I'm getting calls and e-mails left right centre complaining because they're not completed yet.....and I think I may have broken the record for swearing.


Shock, horror, I've had Mika on repeat all day and for the first time it didn't help...except to annoy the crap out of anyone within earshot that is!


*thinks she should have waited to post until she had a drink and relaxed a bit*


Now I'm relying on all my lovely fellow MFCers to bring a smile back to my face. I tried do an MQ but when I got to the point of posting my reply I couldn't remember what I was replying to….and that was after reading it again!


OD, how did your exam go and did you get your form in?


*takes deep breath apologises for psychopathic outburst :sorry: and heads back to try MQ again*


Oh, and Hello! :thumb_yello:


Hi Tanya,

so sorry you had a crappy day. :thumbdown:

It sounds maddening, I would be pissed off too...


And no need to apologize, sometimes you just have to vent.... :wink2:

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:lmfao: classic!!!! I love you tegan!!! Night!!! see you tomorrow!!!


Hehe... which bit was classic though?


Selling Mole or the "How very Bruce Campbell of you!"


I know! the family is hilarious I think. It's pretty much the same but without the cartoons, and that the main character looks frekishly like Britney



Ohhhh.. righto...



Rule #4 MQ's must be made using smiley's only when necessary. Pointlessly breaking up MQ's based on the 7 smiley limit rule is to be only used if you absolutely must use a smiley and cannot remove one of the other smileys.


(geez that sounds petty :naughty:)


hahahaha!! BRUCE!!!


Works for me...


Yes... Bruce... :wub2:


I have found a photo of miniature OkD 70's style Blame it on the Boogie, it's a really bad one, but seeing as I'm now actively avoiding study I shall upload it for kicks and giggles (is that a phrase? or is it supposed to be sh*ts??)


That would be sh*ts and giggles...


Yeah yeah we believe you... billions wouldn't! :naughty:


Well, they don't matter then! Who pays attention to weird people like that?


Do you know the only reason I came in here tonight was to find a post by Teegs so I could m her my address ... but them SD started talking about her play and I got drawn in and I STILL HAVEN'T PMED HER NOW!


Nice one!


[Edit] I got 7 right. Go on! Have a try to beat my score :D


I got 5... I thought that wasn't too bad... there were a few I should hhave gotten right though...


Sisterly love...hehehe...love your sig, btw...


Don't encourage her...


OMG I have that lion.


I have a similar one... his name is Alex and he's wearing a kilt...






I would have done a longer MQ but I couldn't be arsed...

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