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Mika goes to India!


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Is that another joke or is he really going to Lebanon?


I can never tell with you peeps. *coughIndiacough*



All this talk of hummus is making me crave Lebanese food again. Mmmm.


I have one word for you.


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i eat hummus all the ****ing time and i cant even spell it:mf_rosetinted:


no i think he should be there in lebanon for the live of pop idol, its on friday, tomorrow, sometimes its recorded for people like celine dion or rihana but i think mika will take benefit of the situation to stay a while there, though i dont have a clue but thats coherent



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I don't think I've ever had Korean food. But the restaurant does look interesting.


Korean food is delish! If you're still in NY, there's a strip of Korean restaurants in Midtown, around 32nd street and 5th ave. They're not very cheap though.


If you just want to try some for cheap, Woorijip is a cute deli that serves really cheap pay-per-pound Korean food. It's at 12 W 32nd St, between 5th Ave & Broadway. :thumb_yello:



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*peeks in*


Is this a favorite ethnic food thread now? I see Middle Eastern foods mentioned--love hummus, falafel, galaya, baklava, etc. Mmm...


Also love Mexican and Italian. :mf_rosetinted:


(Sorry if I'm totally off topic and random.) :naughty:

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*peeks in*


Is this a favorite ethnic food thread now? I see Middle Eastern foods mentioned--love hummus, falafel, galaya, baklava, etc. Mmm...


Also love Mexican and Italian. :mf_rosetinted:


(Sorry if I'm totally off topic and random.) :naughty:


Ever had any Tex-Mex? :mf_lustslow: (will be one thing I shall miss greatly when I leave the area...hahaha)

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Don't Koreans also eat cats and dogs, and in fact breed a "special" type of dogs (I think it was dogs, or maybe cats??) with no hair, so that they are easier to eat?

And they sell them in markets.....The day I saw that (in pics) it broke my heart:sneaky2: :sneaky2:


Edit: so I went searching for info, and I SO wish I hadn't. I just can't deal with this sort of thing. When I see these things, I feel like going and singlehandedly freeing each and one of those poor animals.

Such beautiful animals, intelligent and sweet, and eaten? I don't get it.


Anyway, I don't want to upset anyone (if they are anything like me) so I'll stop going on about it now.

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Don't Koreans also eat cats and dogs, and in fact breed a "special" type of dogs (I think it was dogs, or maybe cats??) with no hair, so that they are easier to eat?

And they sell them in markets.....The day I saw that (in pics) it broke my heart:sneaky2: :sneaky2:


Edit: so I went searching for info, and I SO wish I hadn't. I just can't deal with this sort of thing. When I see these things, I feel like going and singlehandedly freeing each and one of those poor animals.

Such beautiful animals, intelligent and sweet, and eaten? I don't get it.


Anyway, I don't want to upset anyone (if they are anything like me) so I'll stop going on about it now.


It's ok, but I'm just doing the avoidance thing because I can't bear to think about it, much less look. Weak I know, sorry.

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It's ok, but I'm just doing the avoidance thing because I can't bear to think about it, much less look. Weak I know, sorry.


I know, I found a few links (even with videos) but I could not watch them or even read the whole thing...:boxed:..It makes me want to cry.

I mean, we are talking about someone who cries watching documentaries, when the bambi gets eaten:shocked:. I'm a nightmare like that.So yes, I can totally see what you mean.

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Don't Koreans also eat cats and dogs, and in fact breed a "special" type of dogs (I think it was dogs, or maybe cats??) with no hair, so that they are easier to eat?

And they sell them in markets.....The day I saw that (in pics) it broke my heart:sneaky2: :sneaky2:


Edit: so I went searching for info, and I SO wish I hadn't. I just can't deal with this sort of thing. When I see these things, I feel like going and singlehandedly freeing each and one of those poor animals.

Such beautiful animals, intelligent and sweet, and eaten? I don't get it.


Anyway, I don't want to upset anyone (if they are anything like me) so I'll stop going on about it now.


I really try to show respect for foreign cultures but this so hard to tolerate!:sad:

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I really try to show respect for foreign cultures but this so hard to tolerate!:sad:


I agree.

It's a bit like some things that happen in Spain relatig to animals- I feel deeply ashamed of my country when I see those, like bull fighting, and some "traditions" like throwing a goat off a church :shocked: .

I mean, I thought that nowadays there would be better attitudes towards animals, and it deeply saddens me when I see these things. My country has very bad attitudes towards animals, and it's one thing that I like about the UK: they respect animals a lot more here.

And now I am off for real, I was supposed to do a quick check before I go off to do paperwork bullsh!t at the consulate (for my wedding) but I ended up staying here for ages, and need to get a move on, or they will close before I get there!!!

What a haaaaaaaaaaaaaard knock life this is:naughty:

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I don't want to start a debate here, but how is electrocuting a farmed dog then eating it different to electrocuting a farmed cow then eating it? That is merely a difference of cultural culinary preference. Outlawing the torture of dogs and more painful methods of killing them such as hanging I can understand but outlawing eating them altogether is hypocritical unless you also oppose the killing and eating of all animals. If you do oppose that then I understand.

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I don't want to start a debate here, but how is electrocuting a farmed dog then eating it different to electrocuting a farmed cow then eating it? That is merely a difference of cultural culinary preference. Outlawing the torture of dogs and more painful methods of killing them such as hanging I can understand but outlawing eating them altogether is hypocritical unless you also oppose the killing and eating of all animals. If you do oppose that then I understand.


I agree Scut- there are things that I would just rather not think about. As part of "on the job training" at a steakhouse I worked for we went to an abbatoir and saw the cows being slaughtered and the process of carving them up- not an experience I want to do again, but at the same time it didn't stop me eating beef. As long as the killing is not done in a barbaric manner we need to respect it.


Needless to say I am not going in search of any of the those videos....

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I agree with you Scut. I'm of East Asian descent, but have never had anything more exotic than calamari and salmon roe on sushi.


And like Jolene, I remember becoming vegetarian for a month after watching a documentary in Environmental Studies regarding the beef used by fast food chains.


But I can also understand babs and sariflor regarding domesticated animals being used as food. But I wouldn't limit the animals to only cats and dogs. As a child I visited the Philippines and grew close to a pig that was in the yard in a pig pen. After a few days, he was killed to celebrate my cousin's 1st birthday. :blink: I could not bring myself to the table. It was one of the saddest moments I ever experienced as a child. :tears:

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I agree with you Scut. I'm of East Asian descent, but have never had anything more exotic than calamari and salmon roe on sushi.


And like Jolene, I remember becoming vegetarian for a month after watching a documentary in Environmental Studies regarding the beef used by fast food chains.


But I can also understand babs and sariflor regarding domesticated animals being used as food. But I wouldn't limit the animals to only cats and dogs. As a child I visited the Philippines and grew close to a pig that was in the yard in a pig pen. After a few days, he was killed to celebrate my cousin's 1st birthday. :blink: I could not bring myself to the table. It was one of the saddest moments I ever experienced as a child. :tears:

I understand what you mean about domesticated animals but in Korea dogs are also farmed like cattle are here and in the latter case I see no difference between them - they both involve humans raising animals for the purpose of food.

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I understand what you mean about domesticated animals but in Korea dogs are also farmed like cattle are here and in the latter case I see no difference between them - they both involve humans raising animals for the purpose of food.


Yes, which is a very valid point and I agree.

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Oh I totally agree that it's not a very "rationally" or "logically" sustainable position to oppose eating some animals but not others, and I've always admitted that.


My post had two points: one, that I personally find it horrid to eat cats and dogs, as I see them as pets, and the second was the way these animals are cruelly made to suffer.


'm certainly describing how I feel about eating domesticated animals that I have as pets, but on the other hand I don't condone any type of animal cruelty.


The only meat I eat is chicken, and only if it's farmed and killed meeting certain standards. I don't do this to prove any sort of point, but just because it's how I feel about the matter.


For example I grew up with a family that eat rabbit and all sorts, it's a very normal dish in Spain, but I just cannot bring myself to eat them. I've had them as pets, and like ducks, dogs, cats,etc, I could never eat them.My family don't care, and say that they are delicious:blink:.


In fact, on the meat eating, I only started eating chicken again very recently, after many years or not eating any meat at all.


I obviously know that I don't have a leg to stand on to justify why I do eat chicken and not other animals, just because I don't see them as equally "domesticated", but that's just me, and against feelings nothing can be said:wink2:.


In any case, one of my main points here was mainly about how these poor animals live, and are made to die suffering as much as possible.


I have the same issue with the way other animals are kept and killed, and if I decided to eat some other animal again I can assure you that I would never eat them unless they had been kept in a certain way, and again, killed respecting certain rules.

Heck, I don't even buy eggs that are not from "free range" chickens.


But going back to the dogs, even though I can't personally bring myself to eat any other animals other than chicken, obviously cats and dogs are still up there at the top of my list of "non edible" because of how I view them.


I hope this makes sense, I think it came out a bit confused:roftl:.



As a child I visited the Philippines and grew close to a pig that was in the yard in a pig pen. After a few days, he was killed to celebrate my cousin's 1st birthday. :blink: I could not bring myself to the table. It was one of the saddest moments I ever experienced as a child. :tears:


Suzy, that is terrible, I can imagine how you felt. I totally agree that it depends on what animal you have been close to personally.

Heck, even after the "Babe" movie I felt so close to pigs:naughty:

Incidentally, some pigs like the pot bellied type, are meant to be as intelligent, sociable and trainable as dogs.

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When I see these things, I feel like going and singlehandedly freeing each and one of those poor animals.


I know how you feel Sara. Ever since I was little, I always felt terrible about lobsters being eaten--you would always see them in a tank in restaurants, crawling, looking squashed-in and miserable, and then to imagine them being boiled alive for your order... :boxed: I was in a supermarket while ago at 3 am, and saw the tank of lobsters, and I really wanted to just steal the tank and free them somehow. It just really bothered me to see them here, trapped and a day or two away from death, and just pass on by.


Today I was walking in the park and saw a young boy fishing. The fish are too small to really eat, people fish them just for sport. I kind of wished I could go up to the boy and ask what he was planning to do with the fish, but it would have been really rude to talk to him about how he was wounding and suffocating the fish just for fun. On the other hand, if he was doing that to a kitten, surely I'd try to stop him? But fishing is considered ok, so I have no right to talk.


After he caught the fish, he wanted his dad to get it off the hook, but his dad insisted he do it. The boy didn't want to, he kept going "I can't touch it," and the father was yelling at him, "just put your hand on it and press it to the floor! Like you'd put a foot on someone's neck! Just do it!" And I thought how strange it was that the kid was ok with ripping open the fish's mouth and hauling it out of the water, but was scared to touch it. It's not him who who had anything to fear there...


If you live in America or even the UK, it's really easy to go vegetarian or at least make sure to buy free-range meat and dairy. I think if people are disturbed by how animals are treated when they are slaughtered (actually animals tend to suffer more while they are still alive, since factory farms keep them in awful conditions), they might consider looking into it. It's really not that big of a change, and eating a lot of meat isn't good for us anyway.


It's also odd though how people get upset at dogs being eaten, when it's really no different from eating cows or pigs or lamb or chicken. All of these are living creatures, all of them could be beloved if you grew up watching over them, all of them end up suffering in order to be put on our table. And chickens are some of the most horribly mistreated animals out there, both for meat and for their eggs.


Even a "free-range" label isn't a guarantee of great living conditions for them (often, a farm can call its chickens free-range just because it lets them out on a grubby yard once in a while, as opposed to keeping them cooped up in cages all the time, but it's still not great), but it's something.



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I know how you feel Sara. Ever since I was little, I always felt terrible about lobsters being eaten--you would always see them in a tank in restaurants, crawling, looking squashed-in and miserable, and then to imagine them being boiled alive for your order... :boxed: I was in a supermarket while ago at 3 am, and saw the tank of lobsters, and I really wanted to just steal the tank and free them somehow. It just really bothered me to see them here, trapped and a day or two away from death, and just pass on by.


Today I was walking in the park and saw a young boy fishing. The fish are too small to really eat, people fish them just for sport. I kind of wished I could go up to the boy and ask what he was planning to do with the fish, but it would have been really rude to talk to him about how he was wounding and suffocating the fish just for fun. On the other hand, if he was doing that to a kitten, surely I'd try to stop him? But fishing is considered ok, so I have no right to talk.


After he caught the fish, he wanted his dad to get it off the hook, but his dad insisted he do it. The boy didn't want to, he kept going "I can't touch it," and the father was yelling at him, "just put your hand on it and press it to the floor! Like you'd put a foot on someone's neck! Just do it!" And I thought how strange it was that the kid was ok with ripping open the fish's mouth and hauling it out of the water, but was scared to touch it. It's not him who who had anything to fear there...


If you live in America or even the UK, it's really easy to go vegetarian or at least make sure to buy free-range meat and dairy. I think if people are disturbed by how animals are treated when they are slaughtered (actually animals tend to suffer more while they are still alive, since factory farms keep them in awful conditions), they might consider looking into it. It's really not that big of a change, and eating a lot of meat isn't good for us anyway.


It's also odd though how people get upset at dogs being eaten, when it's really no different from eating cows or pigs or lamb or chicken. All of these are living creatures, all of them could be beloved if you grew up watching over them, all of them end up suffering in order to be put on our table. And chickens are some of the most horribly mistreated animals out there, both for meat and for their eggs.


Even a "free-range" label isn't a guarantee of great living conditions for them (often, a farm can call its chickens free-range just because it lets them out on a grubby yard once in a while, as opposed to keeping them cooped up in cages all the time, but it's still not great), but it's something.




I totally agree! The halibut population went waaaaay down in newfoundland to a point of distinction, and if we killed as many people as we did Fish surely that would be "wrong." How sick is that? Fish are a part of our economy, with out them people would be out of jobs, we'd go hungry, the whole market and way of life we have provided would crash. We're so selfish this way, seeing "Today anna nicole smith died." on like CNN! CNN!?!?!? that's major. Yet that's one person, and one fish being killed would never make it on the news. Horrible, really.

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Oh I totally agree that it's not a very "rationally" or "logically" sustainable position to oppose eating some animals but not others, and I've always admitted that.


My post had two points: one, that I personally find it horrid to eat cats and dogs, as I see them as pets, and the second was the way these animals are cruelly made to suffer.


'm certainly describing how I feel about eating domesticated animals that I have as pets, but on the other hand I don't condone any type of animal cruelty.


The only meat I eat is chicken, and only if it's farmed and killed meeting certain standards. I don't do this to prove any sort of point, but just because it's how I feel about the matter.


For example I grew up with a family that eat rabbit and all sorts, it's a very normal dish in Spain, but I just cannot bring myself to eat them. I've had them as pets, and like ducks, dogs, cats,etc, I could never eat them.My family don't care, and say that they are delicious:blink:.


In fact, on the meat eating, I only started eating chicken again very recently, after many years or not eating any meat at all.


I obviously know that I don't have a leg to stand on to justify why I do eat chicken and not other animals, just because I don't see them as equally "domesticated", but that's just me, and against feelings nothing can be said:wink2:.


In any case, one of my main points here was mainly about how these poor animals live, and are made to die suffering as much as possible.


I have the same issue with the way other animals are kept and killed, and if I decided to eat some other animal again I can assure you that I would never eat them unless they had been kept in a certain way, and again, killed respecting certain rules.

Heck, I don't even buy eggs that are not from "free range" chickens.


But going back to the dogs, even though I can't personally bring myself to eat any other animals other than chicken, obviously cats and dogs are still up there at the top of my list of "non edible" because of how I view them.


I hope this makes sense, I think it came out a bit confused:roftl:.





Suzy, that is terrible, I can imagine how you felt. I totally agree that it depends on what animal you have been close to personally.

Heck, even after the "Babe" movie I felt so close to pigs:naughty:

Incidentally, some pigs like the pot bellied type, are meant to be as intelligent, sociable and trainable as dogs.

Pigs are my favourite animal :blush-anim-cl: I have piggy sheets and pillowcases on my bed :wub2: I like ham, and i mean i feel bad when i eat it but somehow i cant stop. Sausages and bacon gross me out, but why njot ham?? WHY CANT I STOP EATING HONEY GLAZED HAM? i want to know what they're doing to this portion of the pig that makes me addicted.

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I totally agree! The halibut population went waaaaay down in newfoundland to a point of distinction, and if we killed as many people as we did Fish surely that would be "wrong." How sick is that? Fish are a part of our economy, with out them people would be out of jobs, we'd go hungry, the whole market and way of life we have provided would crash. We're so selfish this way, seeing "Today anna nicole smith died." on like CNN! CNN!?!?!? that's major. Yet that's one person, and one fish being killed would never make it on the news. Horrible, really.


I'm not trying to compare a fish to a person, I compared a fish to a kitten. We don't depend on cats for our economy either. You don't have to pretend I was being unreasonable in my comparison.


Although are you saying that the only reason why you don't kill people is that we need them for the economy? :naughty:



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I can go for weeks without eating meat, though I don't know if I could ever be vegetarian.


I always buy free range eggs and try to get free range meat, but it is expensive. Most of our big supermarkets have some kind of welfare policy on most of their meat and chicken so if I can't afford free range I get that.


I agree with the lobster thing Jack, also oysters, I always want to buy the oysters and free them.

When I used to work in supermarkets I used to hate it at the end of the day when meat or fish had to be thrown away , at least if we eat it there was a purpose for it's death, but to throw it away......


I know I am a hypocrite and weak, but I try to remember that I can't change the world and can't help everyone/thing, so I just quietly try to do what I can do, at least that's something.

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