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Mika goes to India!


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I have one word for you.


How cruel of you to taunt me so. Luckily I'm going to a Lebanese restaurant on Wednesday and any cravings will be satiated.


I'm going to a Lebanese restaurant tonight:wub2:


And I was soooo close to buying these super yummy looking Baklava yesterday at a market, but I managed to contain myself thinking I should REALLY start getting serious about losing some of the spare 10 or 15 kilos I have on me:sneaky2:.

Of course I ended up eating chips later on, so maybe I should have just gotten the baklava after all.Sigh.



I know how you feel Sara. Ever since I was little, I always felt terrible about lobsters being eaten--you would always see them in a tank in restaurants, crawling, looking squashed-in and miserable, and then to imagine them being boiled alive for your order...

I was in a supermarket while ago at 3 am, and saw the tank of lobsters, and I really wanted to just steal the tank and free them somehow. It just really bothered me to see them here, trapped and a day or two away from death, and just pass on by.


After he caught the fish, he wanted his dad to get it off the hook, but his dad insisted he do it. The boy didn't want to, he kept going "I can't touch it," and the father was yelling at him, "just put your hand on it and press it to the floor! Like you'd put a foot on someone's neck! Just do it!"


It's also odd though how people get upset at dogs being eaten, when it's really no different from eating cows or pigs or lamb or chicken. All of these are living creatures, all of them could be beloved if you grew up watching over them, all of them end up suffering in order to be put on our table. And chickens are some of the most horribly mistreated animals out there, both for meat and for their eggs.


Even a "free-range" label isn't a guarantee of great living conditions for them (often, a farm can call its chickens free-range just because it lets them out on a grubby yard once in a while, as opposed to keeping them cooped up in cages all the time, but it's still not great), but it's something.




I totally agree on the lobsters and oysters.

Like you, I can't look at those tanks in resturants, or even in supermarkets, when I see them moving and start thinking of how they will end up cooked alive....Just a short while ago they "found" scientific evidence of the fact that lobsters and crustaceans actually "feel" on their claws and react to touch, hence they now believe that they also feel pain.


:sneaky2: To me that was an obvious thing all along, but in any case it highlights how the boiling them alive shoudld IMO be an outlawed practice. Why, why, why inflict that on anyone? Human or not, it's wrong.


By the way, they do that to all shellfish as well, like mussles, etc...



That incident about the boy in the park left me speechless.

Even if you forget about the fish, what sort of parental guidance is that??? "like you'd put a foot on someone's neck" :shocked:

I find it incredibly worrying that anyone would say that to someone else, let alone to his kid. Shocking.

No wonder things are going wrong in the world, if this is the type of message that is being passed along generations.


I feel the same as you about fishing as an activity or sport, it's like shooting as a sport.

I do eat fish, which, as with my eating chicken i know is incoherent, but Id' never condone fishing and just killing the fishes or letting them die, or mistreating them like that.


And mind you, I do feel a bit bad when I watch fish being fished on tv...Although I usually buy line caught fish as fish suffer far less than when they suffocate in nets.


About the free-range chickens and eggs, like Bab said, standards and checks in the UK are very good regarding that, and when you buy certain brands you can be guaranteed that those animals have had the life of kings.

They have a far nicer life than me, I'm sure....:roftl:


Pigs are my favourite animal :blush-anim-cl: I have piggy sheets and pillowcases on my bed :wub2: I like ham, and i mean i feel bad when i eat it but somehow i cant stop. Sausages and bacon gross me out, but why njot ham?? WHY CANT I STOP EATING HONEY GLAZED HAM? i want to know what they're doing to this portion of the pig that makes me addicted.


IF you really want to stop eating it, maybe you should start trying to visualize a cute, REAL, living pig every time you are about to take a bite off the ham? I find that this sort of thinking puts me off every time.


I'd say that you probably find it easier to eat the ham in its neat little packet because it's so "processed" and looks so different from the original pig, that it's harder to associate it to the animal.



I know I am a hypocrite and weak, but I try to remember that I can't change the world and can't help everyone/thing, so I just quietly try to do what I can do, at least that's something.


I feel a bit the same regarding what I DO eat, but hey....Things are quite complex

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Well since this is a very sensitive subject to me, I will add my two cents.


Well im a Vegetarian and a Vegan and have been since i was 10, so nearly 11 years. And i wasnt forced it was my own choice.


I dont eat anything that comes from an animal, i just think its wrong to take another creatures life just for the sake of a nice meal or two when there are plenty of other things available for us to eat. Its just Vile. They have a right to live just as we do, just because we are seen as 'Higher in the food chain' then them does not mean that we have the right to take their life. As for being a vegan...well you have all seen what goes on in battery farming and so on, Thats just as bad to me.

I think some poeple just forget that they have feelings just as we do.

People should think twice about tucking into a McDonalds burger.


That story that Jack wrote about the fishing sickend me.

...But i wont babble on because i could talk about this all day.

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MIKA said on japanese music mag before,

"my inspiration is my daily life,like people on the bus,

or on the street.they are my inspiration.

I dont need to visit India to get it like other musicians "


Did he change his mind?

but its great if he enjoy his own life:)

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I'm going to a Lebanese restaurant tonight:wub2:


About the free-range chickens and eggs, like Bab said, standards and checks in the UK are very good regarding that, and when you buy certain brands you can be guaranteed that those animals have had the life of kings.


You're right actually, I was thinking about the USA. UK does indeed have better standards. :thumb_yello: I hope we adopt them soon as well. I agree with babs that everyone does what they can, and picks which issues are important to them, but it's nice that in the UK if you buy free range, it's at least more of a difference than when you do it in the US (unless you do research on the specific companies).



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I agree with the lobster thing Jack, also oysters, I always want to buy the oysters and free them.

When I used to work in supermarkets I used to hate it at the end of the day when meat or fish had to be thrown away , at least if we eat it there was a purpose for it's death, but to throw it away......


I agree :thumbdown: or also when people have meat/fish as a meal but don't finish eating it and just throw it away, even if it's edible

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I'm not trying to compare a fish to a person, I compared a fish to a kitten. We don't depend on cats for our economy either. You don't have to pretend I was being unreasonable in my comparison.


Although are you saying that the only reason why you don't kill people is that we need them for the economy? :naughty:



:lmfao: haha no!!! I'm saying all the things we have in our economy ARE important in one way or another. It is unfair to kill any creature as if it comes extinct it will affect our way of life. If all kittens were gone we'd suffer in some way.

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I'm going to a Lebanese restaurant tonight:wub2:


And I was soooo close to buying these super yummy looking Baklava yesterday at a market, but I managed to contain myself thinking I should REALLY start getting serious about losing some of the spare 10 or 15 kilos I have on me:sneaky2:.

Of course I ended up eating chips later on, so maybe I should have just gotten the baklava after all.Sigh.





I totally agree on the lobsters and oysters.

Like you, I can't look at those tanks in resturants, or even in supermarkets, when I see them moving and start thinking of how they will end up cooked alive....Just a short while ago they "found" scientific evidence of the fact that lobsters and crustaceans actually "feel" on their claws and react to touch, hence they now believe that they also feel pain.


:sneaky2: To me that was an obvious thing all along, but in any case it highlights how the boiling them alive shoudld IMO be an outlawed practice. Why, why, why inflict that on anyone? Human or not, it's wrong.


By the way, they do that to all shellfish as well, like mussles, etc...



That incident about the boy in the park left me speechless.

Even if you forget about the fish, what sort of parental guidance is that??? "like you'd put a foot on someone's neck" :shocked:

I find it incredibly worrying that anyone would say that to someone else, let alone to his kid. Shocking.

No wonder things are going wrong in the world, if this is the type of message that is being passed along generations.


I feel the same as you about fishing as an activity or sport, it's like shooting as a sport.

I do eat fish, which, as with my eating chicken i know is incoherent, but Id' never condone fishing and just killing the fishes or letting them die, or mistreating them like that.


And mind you, I do feel a bit bad when I watch fish being fished on tv...Although I usually buy line caught fish as fish suffer far less than when they suffocate in nets.


About the free-range chickens and eggs, like Bab said, standards and checks in the UK are very good regarding that, and when you buy certain brands you can be guaranteed that those animals have had the life of kings.

They have a far nicer life than me, I'm sure....:roftl:




IF you really want to stop eating it, maybe you should start trying to visualize a cute, REAL, living pig every time you are about to take a bite off the ham? I find that this sort of thinking puts me off every time.


I'd say that you probably find it easier to eat the ham in its neat little packet because it's so "processed" and looks so different from the original pig, that it's harder to associate it to the animal.





I feel a bit the same regarding what I DO eat, but hey....Things are quite complex

No no, not the processed ham, i like you know like spiral ham...for some reason. I am very into all earth and enviroment thigns and against animal cruelty, but i just dont know why ham or steak doesnt disgust me

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Today I was walking in the park and saw a young boy fishing. The fish are too small to really eat, people fish them just for sport. I kind of wished I could go up to the boy and ask what he was planning to do with the fish, but it would have been really rude to talk to him about how he was wounding and suffocating the fish just for fun. On the other hand, if he was doing that to a kitten, surely I'd try to stop him? But fishing is considered ok, so I have no right to talk.




How bad do I feel?


For tea tonight we had Thai fish cakes made from fish (trout) that Rob had caught and killed yesterday. Actually I prefer him to catch 'food' fish than to catch and throw back coarse fish. But I admit, I don't watch while he kills or guts them.

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I think we missed a post.


Hama said "MIKA said on japanese music mag before,

"my inspiration is my daily life,like people on the bus,

or on the street.they are my inspiration.

I dont need to visit India to get it like other musicians "


Did he change his mind?

but its great if he enjoy his own life:)"


Hama, you probably need to read the posts on this thread late on April 1st.




MOre photos like the above, please bab!!

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MOre photos like the above, please bab!!


:jawdrop:You've shattered my image of you!Ah the old facade of being the non-threatening, married mother...everyone should know by now that we're the worst.



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OK I'll resurrect this picture, just to bring the tone down.


I would like to stress that I did not make this picture I found it.






*Stares some more*


*Saves to computer*


Gosh he don't 'arf wear the tightest trousers.... :wink2:


Not that I'm complaining... or noticing or looking or drooling even :wub2:


Very colourful :blush-anim-cl:

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Mika planning to move to India

MIKA on the move

By Lydia Reeves

Published: 31 March 2008


24-year old popstar Mika, real name Mica Penniman, has decided to forget about his roots and turn to Hinduism. "It brings me peace and that's just what I need in these pressured times," The singer reveals. According to sources close to Mika, he's even planning to move to India for a year to get inspiration for his new album. Sources say that the Grace Kelly singer has already arrived in India, taking a connection flight at the Indira Ghandi International Airport on Monday to Rishikesh, to find a place to spend the coming year. But the sources reveal: "It could take about 3 months before he definately moves there, but it's only a matter of time, he loves India," It is reported that he will spend the year in India to study Transcendental Meditation, yoga and yoga flying, and embracing the Hindu way of life. The exact date of Mika's move and return and the release date of his second album are still unknown.



Did someone make this up? :blink:

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Mika planning to move to India

MIKA on the move

By Lydia Reeves

Published: 31 March 2008


24-year old popstar Mika, real name Mica Penniman, has decided to forget about his roots and turn to Hinduism. "It brings me peace and that's just what I need in these pressured times," The singer reveals. According to sources close to Mika, he's even planning to move to India for a year to get inspiration for his new album. Sources say that the Grace Kelly singer has already arrived in India, taking a connection flight at the Indira Ghandi International Airport on Monday to Rishikesh, to find a place to spend the coming year. But the sources reveal: "It could take about 3 months before he definately moves there, but it's only a matter of time, he loves India," It is reported that he will spend the year in India to study Transcendental Meditation, yoga and yoga flying, and embracing the Hindu way of life. The exact date of Mika's move and return and the release date of his second album are still unknown.



Did someone make this up? :blink:



:shocked::blink: Has someone read your thread and then made this up?


Huh??? What's going on?

Oh, they even have the underwear modelling thingie there, LOL!


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Mika planning to move to India

MIKA on the move

By Lydia Reeves

Published: 31 March 2008


24-year old popstar Mika, real name Mica Penniman, has decided to forget about his roots and turn to Hinduism. "It brings me peace and that's just what I need in these pressured times," The singer reveals. According to sources close to Mika, he's even planning to move to India for a year to get inspiration for his new album. Sources say that the Grace Kelly singer has already arrived in India, taking a connection flight at the Indira Ghandi International Airport on Monday to Rishikesh, to find a place to spend the coming year. But the sources reveal: "It could take about 3 months before he definately moves there, but it's only a matter of time, he loves India," It is reported that he will spend the year in India to study Transcendental Meditation, yoga and yoga flying, and embracing the Hindu way of life. The exact date of Mika's move and return and the release date of his second album are still unknown.



Did someone make this up? :blink:


where did you get this? who is lydia reeves?

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