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Am I mad?


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I'm torn.

Of course it makes me happy to see how Mika makes his way and I really can't imagine how it could be otherwise. From last year this time on a lot of what I saw of him affirmed my conviction that he just had to become big sooner or later. Sooner more likely.

But I'm also glad that things are not as crazy here (yet) as they are e.g. in France. The Frankfurt gig was the most pleasant one I attended so far and when we were waiting after the Munich concert there were only about 20 of us. No barriers. It makes me sad to think that those days are probably gone, even for Germany. Still, of course it would make me the happiest to see Mika over here again. Soon.

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Over here in Holland, Mika's quite big. Good at one hand because he gets in magazines etc. Bad on the other hand because like the coming gig in Amsterdam, it's going to be huuuuuge:blink:

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Over here in Holland, Mika's quite big. Good at one hand because he gets in magazines etc. Bad on the other hand because like the coming gig in Amsterdam, it's going to be huuuuuge:blink:


Yeah, I'm so scared:shocked: This is going to be my first Mikagig and I want to make the day as best as possible, I mean, I waited soooo long for this. I'm afraid that we arrive too late and stand somewhere in the back and can't see anything. And that it's too crowded to meet MFC-ers:boxed:

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Caz you're not mad at all. It still surprises me to hear Mika on the radio or when people talk about him and say how much they like his music and his style. But that's because they weren't so nice to him last year...if they knew who he was...I remember when I told my friend about Grace Kelly and he was like: "oh, that's s.hit".

So, he's not really a big star here, at least not like Leona Lewis or Tokio Hotel.:naughty: But I like it that way actually, because I know that those who really like Mika have a great taste in music in general, and that they're not some ''superficial'' fans but they are people who really appreciate his music.:)

However I must say I was really pleasantly surprised after his gig in Bologna, to see that he has lots of men fans in Slovenia. I went to that gig by bus (with an agency that organizes transports to concerts all over the Europe) and there were a lot of men on that bus, and they weren't some teenage boys, but adults one and they all loved his gig.

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well, it's so much different when you leave outside the UK. in Poland, when i mentioned Mika one time in my uni (i was talking about my not that successful trip to London for the dec 3rd and 4th gigs..) not even one person knew his name. some do, mostly because relax was used in a mobile phone add, but great majority has no idea who he is.

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I hadn't seen him when I heard him on the radio. But his voice and style was something quite different to my ears and it was only later on that I became curious about what he looked like.

I saw GK and thought he was a bit odd looking to be honest.

At the time there were hardly any pictures of him on the web or on youtube really, and he looked quite different in all of them.

For instance, compare GK vid to the London Paper interview, to the AOL Winter warmer, to me his look is different in each one and when I first looked, to my untrained eye, I did question if it was the same guy.


It was really weird at that time, MFC was really small, same with Mikasounds, hardly anything on youtube or photographs on the web - a voyage of discovery!


I'm getting a bit seasick now, though. :newyear:


so did I actually! A tall, slim curly haired guy? In complete red? Playing the piano?

But there was something about him. It wasn't the video, or the song, OR THE VOICE that captured me, it was his CONFIDENCE. His "f--k you" type attitude, it was very ballsy and showy and it drew me right in. On first impressions he seemed like one of those typical Indie guys who seemed to love partying and be surrounded by women :wink2:

that was honestly my first impression. i'm very naive when it comes to guessing people's sexuality because i just don't think about it lol. i know in the above sentence i said i imagined him to be the type to like the company of women but think of it this way: i didn't imagine him the way others did. I didn't think his appearance/attitude was in camp in any way, shape or form. When I heard that he didn't discuss his sexuality and rumours were speculating about what he may be, I can honestly say I was surprised. I just didn't see him like that.

Not to say he ISN'T, he may well be, but I'm just trying to prove how naive I am lol. who cares anyway? seriously?

but anyway, I was on msn with Charlie (pinkstylist) watching Mika's Grace Kelly vid, and I was like "is it wrong to say he's actually quite good looking?" and charlie was like "OMG I NO HE'S PHITT!" :roftl:

He was just different, a breath of fresh air, and then I saw Mika's interview on Pop World at the Zoo and i STILL didn't see any bloody gay things going on. I was like "wtf is everyone's problem?" i just didn't think it was worth all the fuss or speculation; as far as i was concerned there was nothing to see but a guy :blink:

i mean, i remember telling Charlie that no-one knew what his sexuality was, and Charlie, who is in fact a typical gay, was even surprised! he was like "REALLY?! OMG so he like, mite be gay??" :doh:

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so did I actually! A tall, slim curly haired guy? In complete red? Playing the piano?

But there was something about him. It wasn't the video, or the song, OR THE VOICE that captured me, it was his CONFIDENCE. His "f--k you" type attitude, it was very ballsy and showy and it drew me right in. On first impressions he seemed like one of those typical Indie guys who seemed to love partying and be surrounded by women :wink2:

that was honestly my first impression. i'm very naive when it comes to guessing people's sexuality because i just don't think about it lol. i know in the above sentence i said i imagined him to be the type to like the company of women but think of it this way: i didn't imagine him the way others did. I didn't think his appearance/attitude was in camp in any way, shape or form. When I heard that he didn't discuss his sexuality and rumours were speculating about what he may be, I can honestly say I was surprised. I just didn't see him like that.

Not to say he ISN'T, he may well be, but I'm just trying to prove how naive I am lol. who cares anyway? seriously?

but anyway, I was on msn with Charlie (pinkstylist) watching Mika's Grace Kelly vid, and I was like "is it wrong to say he's actually quite good looking?" and charlie was like "OMG I NO HE'S PHITT!" :roftl:

He was just different, a breath of fresh air, and then I saw Mika's interview on Pop World at the Zoo and i STILL didn't see any bloody gay things going on. I was like "wtf is everyone's problem?" i just didn't think it was worth all the fuss or speculation; as far as i was concerned there was nothing to see but a guy :blink:


I thought exactly the same! About the whole thing, I mean. The odd looking, there was something about him, and that was actually the reason why I went looking for stuf on youtube. About the gaything I thought the same. My first impression when i saw him wasn't: Wow, what does he look gay.

Maybe we are naive. Lol:naughty:

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I thought exactly the same! About the whole thing, I mean. The odd looking, there was something about him, and that was actually the reason why I went looking for stuf on youtube. About the gaything I thought the same. My first impression when i saw him wasn't: Wow, what does he look gay.

Maybe we are naive. Lol:naughty:


glad its not just me lol xDDD but still, there's this guy at work who's gay but i had NO idea. we were talking and laughing and as a joke i said "oh you gay lord" and someone turned around and said "he is actually gay" and i was like "what? naahh..." and then he was like "no i am" and i felt so stupid LOL i was like "omg im so sorry" :roftl:

so it MAY be same with Mika, but i dunno...i just don't get that vibe from him personally :blink:

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glad its not just me lol xDDD but still, there's this guy at work who's gay but i had NO idea. we were talking and laughing and as a joke i said "oh you gay lord" and someone turned around and said "he is actually gay" and i was like "what? naahh..." and then he was like "no i am" and i felt so stupid LOL i was like "omg im so sorry" :roftl:

so it MAY be same with Mika, but i dunno...i just don't get that vibe from him personally :blink:


Oh, that sounds really emberassing:naughty: Things like that never happen to me.

I don't get that vibe either. But I don't know much gays, so maybe I can't judge

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I thought exactly the same! About the whole thing, I mean. The odd looking, there was something about him, and that was actually the reason why I went looking for stuf on youtube. About the gaything I thought the same. My first impression when i saw him wasn't: Wow, what does he look gay.

Maybe we are naive. Lol:naughty:


Here's another one who thought the same. Ok I didn't really find him that odd looking (but then again not many people look odd to me:naughty: )+ it was just something about him that made me stay on youtube the whole day, watching GK over and over again. Same about the gay thing: there was absolutely nothing that would make me think- he's so gay.

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Our Vix showed me him singing GK on Sat Night Project all excited saying "this is that guy I saw on tv the other day, this song is brilliant" then she decided he was really really cute and loved his flopsy hair (she goes for that kinda hair on a guy). I didn't pay too much attention ( I don't like that kinda hair on a guy...lmao :naughty:I DO NOW!!!). So yeah it's HER fault I am here now cos she kept playing his song and then I think we both started looking for things about him on utube, I have no idea why, I think I wanted to know more about what the song was about but ended up really fascinated by his personality, he was not like other musicians, he came across as genuine, kind yet a strong character, and his snese of humour I found very attractive.


When I first saw him I didn't think he looked gay either, I still don't think he LOOKS gay, he does however have some characteristics that are a little more feminine, maybe that is one of the reasons why so many women are drawn to him, I don't care what he is he has the most amazing personality that intrigues me immensely, I think he is a beautiful and exceptionally talented human being, simple as that.


One of my bosses at work is gay and really a bit camp but he is really funny and open about it (he thinks it's funny I go swanning off to Mika gigs and once mentioned how young he is (well compared to me he is lol) and "isn't he gay?" and I said, "yeah he is young isn't he and I don't know if he is gay or not, but he is sooo dam pretty" lol and my boss agreed lol.

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Is it just me, or do other early fans still find it hard to believe that Mika is actually famous?


I mean, I have Heat Magazine in my house and there's a small pic of Jordan a.k.a Katie Price and MIKA, and it says "Mika vs Jordan", and I just read Ingie's thread about men's hairstyles and that Mika's hairstyle was in there, and I so find it hard to believe that Mika has MADE IT.


I've been a fan since late Jan/early Feb last year and he was still practically unknown. I remember going around saying "You heard Grace Kelly by Mika?" and all I got was :blink:

And today at work I was discussing eccentric names and I said "well, you know Mika..?" and the girl was like "oh, yeah!"


Whenever I see his name around in the newspaper or whatever, I keep thinking to myself OMG THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT HIM, YES, THAT'S MY BOY! (well not really lol but you get the drift...)


and how we had VERY few members on here, and we were trying to spread the word....and now there's so many....and that Sunny Monkey used to own it and now it's Jerry's and Mika's...


It feels so surreal. Our boy has made it, and he's living the dream he's always wanted, and...





I'm so happy for him, seriously.


I'd say it's only just really hit me lol, but I still have to rub my eyes sometimes.


I'm so proud of you, Mika. It's had it's bumps but I've enjoyed journeying with you, and your fans, and hopefully will continue to enjoy the ride...this time a little more closer to you.


*bows and takes an exit*


It is a strange feeling, isn't it? I think all of us are happy that Mika seems to be starting to get the recognition that he deserves. It certainly is a strange and happy feeling. :)

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I still get "Mika who?" Most people I know, knows his songs,but I guess they don't pay much attention about who sings (blind?)

But EVERYONE knows Relax!

Relax was in top 5 songs for 2007 at my favourite radio station (but eventualy lost #1 place by Armand van Helden's I Want Your Soul)

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Our Vix showed me him singing GK on Sat Night Project all excited saying "this is that guy I saw on tv the other day, this song is brilliant" then she decided he was really really cute and loved his flopsy hair (she goes for that kinda hair on a guy). I didn't pay too much attention ( I don't like that kinda hair on a guy...lmao :naughty:I DO NOW!!!). So yeah it's HER fault I am here now cos she kept playing his song and then I think we both started looking for things about him on utube, I have no idea why, I think I wanted to know more about what the song was about but ended up really fascinated by his personality, he was not like other musicians, he came across as genuine, kind yet a strong character, and his snese of humour I found very attractive.


When I first saw him I didn't think he looked gay either, I still don't think he LOOKS gay, he does however have some characteristics that are a little more feminine, maybe that is one of the reasons why so many women are drawn to him, I don't care what he is he has the most amazing personality that intrigues me immensely, I think he is a beautiful and exceptionally talented human being, simple as that.


One of my bosses at work is gay and really a bit camp but he is really funny and open about it (he thinks it's funny I go swanning off to Mika gigs and once mentioned how young he is (well compared to me he is lol) and "isn't he gay?" and I said, "yeah he is young isn't he and I don't know if he is gay or not, but he is sooo dam pretty" lol and my boss agreed lol.


I love the way you describe Mika-I so agree- he is a beautiful human being!

I am a newie MFCer, and I just think all you original? first MFCers deserve a 'hats off and bow' for all your loyalty and huge faith in him!!:thumb_yello:

I think you guys are awesome! i wish I had been an 'original MFCer'!:groupwave:

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Well I feel that way because I'm removed from it, but I kind of understand what you're saying- but with Justin Timberlake. I know he's "made it," but realizing the phenomenon he is now. In the past year, he's become slang- eeeeverybody knows who he is. Back in the Justified Days, when I was reeaaally into him, he was just another superstar for young people, I guess? Okay, it's on a different level than what you're saying about Mika, but I get the difference. Realizing it. Our point of view is skewed, because we're constantly reminded of Mika in our own minds.


Then again, I try to insist to people, "No! Mika really is super famous! All over the world!"

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