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Not a goodbye.


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Hey MFC.


This thread is truly what the title is...not a goodbye.


I will never "officially" leave the MFC---you guys have become my second family, in a sense, and always offer comfort and support for me.


But, I find myself becoming increasingly more busy as summer rolls on, and it's harder and harder to find time to get on the computer.


I will still most likely log on almost everyday, but not post as frequently as I used to; I still want to know what's happening in your lives, and what our dear Mika is up to. My obsession has peaked, and is slowly waning, but it will not EVER disappear. Without Mika's influence, I would not be where I'm at today, and I wouldn't know any of you. (and that would really be horribly sad!!!!!!!)


Anyways, I want most if not all of you to keep in touch with me!

Add me on Myspace, email me (all.you.need.is.love64@gmail.com) or add me on MSN.


Thank you everyone for all that you've done for me!


Oodles and oodles of love,



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I probably won't be on for the rest of this week, but, the way things are going, I will most likely make my big re-appearance in July, there's not a lot going on for me in that month. (I've only been able to get on a little more today because my mom isn't home working!)

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Aww, we'll miss you.


Don't forget to come say "hi" every now and then. And of course, you'll be able to find all makor Mika news on the MFC MySpace. :thumb_yello:


Who runs the MFC myspace?

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:sad: I remember when we met...and I would confuse you with Megan. And i called you megan, and you were like "i'm hilary!!!!!!!" and i would call megan hilary and she'd be all "yo, i'm megan biiiiitch!"


I will miss you with all my fart and soul :tears::wub2:

I misshyou already, my luff!! :(


(even though I'm not exactly for "real" leaving--just a temporary absence...you'll still see me around!)


AW I'll miss u! We don't speak often but I remember in the earlier days we used to chat sometimes! Take care and see u around!!!



I'll miss you too Kavi!!


I will try to come around more in the next little while....I've been on here more today than I have in the past month or so :shocked:

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Hi Hilary,

we haven't met on threads in a while but I hope you have a great summer, and you know the MFC is always here :thumb_yello:

take care and talk soon!



Hi Niamh!


aww, thanks. :)


I've been trying to get on here more the past little while...

I tend to be able to get on in the afternoons! huzzah!

And after I get my wisdom teeth out in July, I'll be able to get on a lot more than usual--I have nothing going on until August 1st after that. :D

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