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The Australian Thread: Part Fourteen

Rainbow Sky

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Almost all I think. We got quite a lot of them too and those I've read multiple times usually, but the ones I've borrowed from the library and we haven't got around to purchasing yet, I've only read once and don't know that well. like Reaper Man, Small Gods and Lords and Ladies. What about you?


Absolutely everything (including the Science of Discworld spinoffs).


And the three related children's books.


But not (yet) Nanny Ogg's cookbook.

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It's because we all picked on his BIG feet and HE thought::


"hmmmm they think I've got big feet. Clowns have big feet. Clowns? OMFG :shocked: I'm Ronald McDonald!!"


It's yet another of his plans to get to Bec's Maccas's Cleavage..


We so desperately need a clown smiley now.

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Someone recommend me some good literature: something that'll make me laugh and cry and think. I'm only a week into the holidays and my mind is already getting sluggish with all this TV and DVDs. :rolls_eyes:


Terry Pratchett!!!



Actually, what sort of books do you like?

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Terry Pratchett!!!



Actually, what sort of books do you like?

What did Terry Pratchett write?


I used to read mostly sci-fi and fantasy but now I'm up for anything if it's engaging and intelligent (no wishy-washy predictable romance novels but conversely no over-taxing Nietzsche either) preferably with dark humour but not a prerequisite.

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Thanks for this... There's going to be a bit of buzz about this I think, considering how many people are frightened of clowns!


Absolutely everything (including the Science of Discworld spinoffs).


And the three related children's books.


But not (yet) Nanny Ogg's cookbook.


I've read all the regular books (including the Science of the Discworld ones, which I have to confess I just read the story chapters and not the science chapters. Hubby wades through the whole lot, but I just can't follow it and I don't enjoy those chapters)


I've read two of the Tiffany Aching books, but isn't there a third one out now? If so I haven't caught up with it yet. I've also read Maurice et al rodents.


I have Nanny Ogg's cookbook. It's on the funny side, if not quite as funny as the actual books. We have a Discworld trivia question book, which is bloody hard and which I can't find atm to see what it's actual title is.


I haven't read any of the graphic novels, or the plays, nor seen any of the plays. I watched Hogfather on tv last Christmas though. I've not seen any of the map books except the one about Lancre and that was a damn long time ago (library book). I've also read the Pratchett Portfolio but not The Discworld Companion. And I'm not as keen on Paul Kidby's artwork as I was on Josh Kirby's, and I'm pretty sure that Paul illustrated the Pratchett Portfolio. Having said that, whoever has done the covers of the Science of the Discworld books (which might be Paul, but I can't check atm as they're all packed away to stop our 11yr old getting into them) has a much closer interpretation of what Rincewind looked like in my head than Josh ever did. I think that's everything.


I've also read all the Johnny ones, I've read the Bromeliad trilogy (just bought it for my son actually, but had read it long before) and his collaboration with Neil Gaiman, Good Omens, but no other non-Discworld books.


That was probably more info than you were looking for!

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What did Terry Pratchett write?


I used to read mostly sci-fi and fantasy but now I'm up for anything if it's engaging and intelligent (no wishy-washy predictable romance novels but conversely no over-taxing Nietzsche either) preferably with dark humour but not a prerequisite.


Terry Pratchett writes a comic fantasy series about a place called Discworld. If you were nearer, I'd loan you some. The Discworld is kind of earthlike, except that it's flat (ie a disc) and is a world governed by the laws of magic not science. I honestly can't even begin to describe the books, I'm sure I'm making a hash of this, but they are funny. I actually didn't start at the beginning of the series and I'm glad I didn't cos I don't like the first two as much as the rest of the series. They are incredibly popular and I often find it difficult to lay my hands on copies at the library as they are usually out.


Are you interested to know any more?

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Terry Pratchett writes a comic fantasy series about a place called Discworld. If you were nearer, I'd loan you some. The Discworld is kind of earthlike, except that it's flat (ie a disc) and is a world governed by the laws of magic not science. I honestly can't even begin to describe the books, I'm sure I'm making a hash of this, but they are funny. I actually didn't start at the beginning of the series and I'm glad I didn't cos I don't like the first two as much as the rest of the series. They are incredibly popular and I often find it difficult to lay my hands on copies at the library as they are usually out.


Are you interested to know any more?

Hmmm, sounds interesting so far. But how many books are there? Is it still ongoing? Will it require commitment? :naughty:

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I can see a part that says something like:

Dans la solitude de son petit appartesol londonien (blanc avec des objets de couleur) en sousol, qu'il n'a pas voulu quitter, il collectionne des meubles et les tableaux de l'artiste australienne Sophie Blackall


Which thanks to babel fish translates like this:


In the loneliness of its small London apartment (white with objects of color) in sousol, qu' it n' did not want to leave, it collects pieces of furniture and the tables of l' Australian artist Sophie Blackall

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Hello! Another invader I see :P

yes,another shamless european invading Australia...


:jawdrop: OMG! WTF? Now that is just a little too creepy for my liking. That is why I don't want pics and private stuff posted all over here.


On another note... Serious issues aside... that is freaking hilarious. :lmfao:


I guess that's fair not to post anything personal,because thousand of people have received this email,and can have a look in here,but it's fun being mentioned by google,kinda gives a sense of importance!:naughty:

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Hmmm, sounds interesting so far. But how many books are there? Is it still ongoing? Will it require commitment? :naughty:


sorry, had to answer this before i went.


number of books? Can't tell you. Lots. But you don't have to read them all. And the stories kind of follow character themes. There's the wizards ones. the witches ones. The death/susan ones. the Vimes/police watch ones. Therefore there are timelines, for instance in one of the earlier susan ones she's still at school, but then there are others where she's older etc etc. And having read the earlier ones does help you understand the later ones, but you can usually still understand them and they are still funny. Terry does a pretty good job at filling in a lot of the blanks in case you haven't read earlier ones. it's not quite all presumed knowledge. Plus there are a few stand-alones that don't follow the character themes.


i wouldn't say it requires commitment. you might quite easily become addicted though and want to keep reading!


And yes they are still ongoing at present. Who knows how long he'll continue to write though. but even if he left it now, it's not like there would be major story arcs incomplete.

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yes,another shamless european invading Australia...

Many people want one particular shameless European to invade Australia, but no cigar. :naughty::mf_rosetinted:



Anyway, due to the lack of quality literature in the house that I haven't read a dozen times already I'm going to have an "early" night. Ciao, all.

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sorry, had to answer this before i went.


number of books? Can't tell you. Lots. But you don't have to read them all. And the stories kind of follow character themes. There's the wizards ones. the witches ones. The death/susan ones. the Vimes/police watch ones. Therefore there are timelines, for instance in one of the earlier susan ones she's still at school, but then there are others where she's older etc etc. And having read the earlier ones does help you understand the later ones, but you can usually still understand them and they are still funny. Terry does a pretty good job at filling in a lot of the blanks in case you haven't read earlier ones. it's not quite all presumed knowledge. Plus there are a few stand-alones that don't follow the character themes.


i wouldn't say it requires commitment. you might quite easily become addicted though and want to keep reading!


And yes they are still ongoing at present. Who knows how long he'll continue to write though. but even if he left it now, it's not like there would be major story arcs incomplete.

Thanks for the explanation. I'll check it out next time I'm in the local library. :thumb_yello: But I have just one more question: what age group are they targeted at (if any)?

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Many people want one particular shameless European to invade Australia, but no cigar. :naughty::mf_rosetinted:



Anyway, due to the lack of quality literature in the house that I haven't read a dozen times already I'm going to have an "early" night. Ciao, all.


:naughty: I had to read your post twice before understand that the european guy you were talking about is the Mikster :doh:

sorry,here is a freakin hot summer and my brain is slowly melting...



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yes,another shamless european invading Australia...




I guess that's fair not to post anything personal,because thousand of people have received this email,and can have a look in here,but it's fun being mentioned by google,kinda gives a sense of importance!:naughty:

Hello again!!


Many people want one particular shameless European to invade Australia, but no cigar. :naughty::mf_rosetinted:

I don't think clowns smoke..

Anyway, due to the lack of quality literature in the house that I haven't read a dozen times already I'm going to have an "early" night. Ciao, all.

I'm going to watch these movies I've been saying I would watch for 3 days now. Ciao tart. :bye:

This time I really will go. Bye!



I used raw sugar instead of caster sugar though.. mmmmm yummmy!


Ok, Goodnight.. I might be back though.. :naughty:

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Quick update before I need to leave...


Kitty is still here. He/she stayed over night under the deck. Mom woke me up to tell me my friend was still here and we fed him a bit more. She told me she already called the vet and no one had reported a missing cat but they took the description and our info.


I'm thinking I might actually be able to keep him if nobody is looking for him. :blink: I asked mom, as much as I'm allergic to my cat, I really, really wanted her to move in with me after I graduated college next year... I also felt bad because my cat is very much attached to my dad as he is with her so I kind of felt bad for wanting to take her away from him.... so I asked that if maybe we kept this cat if nobody showed up for him I could take one of them after I moved that way they'd still have one. I know mom doesn't care whether or not they get our cat after I graduate but also it's my dad... she said she doesn't know... so maybe just maybe this kitty will have a good home soon enough. I'm not getting my hopes up too high though. Everything is up in the air right now.


I checked to see if he has fleas and I haven't noticed any so far which surprises me. :blink:

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