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The Australian Thread: Part Fourteen

Rainbow Sky

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Failed today, then:wink2:

I actually wasn't here :naughty: I only came back for Chickadee's Banana Cake recipe..

Perhaps he's praying that we do hunt him down with blindfolds and handcuffs.

And whips

:das: And cream. :roftl:

Ooh! I used the M-word. we'll have to find an alternative, like :chkn: for ... err ...chicken

We do occasionally call him Twat.

There was a thread discussing this - not sure if I can find it again though

I listened, but didn't really listen.. *listens again*

I know, I wish I had an older sister like me. :thumb_yello:

Am I not close enough??

Well he does look rather submissive there.

Just how we like them.......


Geez, let me attend a few classes first

Hell no!!!!!!!!!



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We do occasionally call him Twat.

No no no, we call him "THE Twat". :thumb_yello:


Am I not close enough??

Well, you'd have to get blonde highlights, wear cute shirts and skirts, and forge a degree in Dentistry. Otherwise you'll do. :thumb_yello::naughty:


Just how we like them.......

Submissive, pliant and co-operative. :cheerful_h4h:

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But does a pirate beat a ninja... that is the all important question.




Actually, in year 12, we spent a maths lesson trying to determine who would win, a ninja or a pirate, rather than doing our work.


We had a heirarchy of who would win. An emo pirate was another tough one in the list. Not sure if the ninja would beat that either.


Captian planet was on it as beating all 3, but he was defeated by an ant (we figured Captain Planet would not harm the ant, unless the ant was polutting)


And we had a ninja Harry on there as beating everything....because he had both magic and ninja skills. Normal Harry was not as good :naughty:

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I'm not really here, I'm kind of listening to GNW at the same time...


Oh and my last song was Hazy Shade of Winter - The Bangles


"Time, time, time, see what's become of me etc...." I loved this version better than the original!

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Captian planet was on it as beating all 3, but he was defeated by an ant (we figured Captain Planet would not harm the ant, unless the ant was polutting)

A non-polluting ant is all that it would take to bring down Captain Planet? You have tainted the image of my childhood hero. :tears::roftl:

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A non-polluting ant is all that it would take to bring down Captain Planet? You have tainted the image of my childhood hero. :tears::roftl:

Yeah... because the Ant is part of nature and Captain Planet would not harm something of Nature. We couldn't have him losing his principles just to be at the top of the heirarchy :naughty:

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But does a pirate beat a ninja... that is the all important question.




Actually, in year 12, we spent a maths lesson trying to determine who would win, a ninja or a pirate, rather than doing our work.


We had a heirarchy of who would win. An emo pirate was another tough one in the list. Not sure if the ninja would beat that either.


Captian planet was on it as beating all 3, but he was defeated by an ant (we figured Captain Planet would not harm the ant, unless the ant was polutting)


And we had a ninja Harry on there as beating everything....because he had both magic and ninja skills. Normal Harry was not as good :naughty:




If OkD was here she'd post the question on Yahoo Answers for us. :naughty:


Ok.. Since Dances is probably lurking, I'll just say I'm going to make this *involves a yellow fruit* cake :bleh:

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Well, you'd have to get blonde highlights, wear cute shirts and skirts, and forge a degree in Dentistry. Otherwise you'll do. :thumb_yello::naughty:


NEVER.. :hmph:

Submissive, pliant and co-operative. :cheerful_h4h:

You forgot just breathing :thumb_yello:

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Times they are a changin'......

Someone (OkD) remind me to watch I'm Not There tonight. I never got around to it the other day.


Never heard of it. If this is a pay tv show I'll do nothing of the sort.


I agree with all that. I get sad when people say "I can't do anything for that animal" as if we're useless humans. We're not useless. Some of us are heartless though. Even just throwing some scraps in a bowl for it to eat is doing something. I'm not really religious, as most of you know, but I have certain beliefs. And one is that animals don't just turn up in our lives for no reason. There's something to be learnt from this stray cat.

Jen, even if it's just about petitioning to get an animal shelter running in your area.




See the bird with a leaf in her mouth.. After the flood all the colours came out...................

It was a beautiful day. Don't let it get away.....


Oh yeah, I was going to say that too, but I forgot.


My RL stuff ftd. walking to and swimming in the nearby lake, eating pain au chocolat from the cafe down the road, sunbathing, and finally going out for fush'n'chups. I love summer.


Pain au chocolat? Chocolate can't be painful!

Sounds awesome, I also had a fantastic day, playing with balloons and chalk. Pictures coming soon.


Kelz, you'll probably kick yourself when you see what this one turned out to be....


OKD, you might have been too young...


Too young, but I know it still :doh: I can never get songs in my head based on the lyrics :naughty:


Well he seems to be staying here over night. He's come out from under our deck a couple of times now when he's heard us in the kitchen. He's been staying under there since it's been raining so he's trying to stay dry which isn't really working.


He seems to be pretty young. He's really thin that you could tell he hasn't been fed much. We're hoping it's not our neighbors cat because they've packed up and they're moving out. We're hoping he wasn't there's and they decided to give him the boot. We've never ever fed another cat before because we didn't want to have the problem of them coming around wanting food from us all the time but there was just something different about this one. He kept on trying to get at what we were eating but he wasn't being pushy more of like "I don't mean to bother you but I'm starving may I have some... please?"


The other problem is he may have wandered in from Canada. We're definitely going to call the vet tomorrow to see if anyone has called in missing a cat. If not I want to see if they'll take him in and what they'll do like if they only keep them for so long or put them down. If they charge us though well I'll take him to the shelter.


He hasn't been near my cat so we're not too worried about the flea thing. The closest they've gotten is when my cat jumped up into the window and hissed and scared the other cat away. My cat is an inside cat that only gets taken out on a leash. I didn't want to deal with the fear of her not coming back, getting lost or hurt by a car or from the other cats around.


Awww, he sounds absolutely adorable. Poor thing. Yeah, call the vet then, and ask them about it. You might have to try a few. I only know about 2 vets here, but they both take in any animals, for free and look after them until they find homes or forever, and would never put them down. But I know one here that wouldn't take the kitten my friend found ... bastards.


My cat, Fatcat, was a stray cat :naughty: For a few months he was "Carport cat", because he moved himself into our carport. So we fed him, and he didn't leave. And then he found the dog flap and just moved himself on into the house :rolls_eyes:


But fleas can transfer on your clothes :wink2:

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If OkD was here she'd post the question on Yahoo Answers for us. :naughty:


Ok.. Since Dances is probably lurking, I'll just say I'm going to make this *involves a yellow fruit* cake :bleh:


It's a good job Dances isn't as bright as me then.:naughty:


And technically it's not a fruit, apparently:blink:

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*explains away gap inbetween posts by the fact that petra just came online :mf_lustslow: she's got internet at work, it's her first day - yaaaaaaay*


OKD I forgot to answer your question, but I don't really have any answers...


My SIL hired a cylinder for my FIL's 70th birthday party but that was nearly four years ago and I don't know anything about what volume it was and can't remember what it cost. If you ring the shops they will quote you prices on the different sizes and they should be able to tell you how many balloons approx that would fill.


Could only find one Patry shop in all Rockingham, and it costed $120 for the smallest helium thing, for 50 balloons worth, and $20-30 for them to blow up 5 balloons in the shop. WTF. We just bought some balloons and blew them up with air :naughty: And also some chalk.


OK, so I've been watching the Milan "On Live" stuff and here in part 2 when mika and the interviewer are in the pizzeria and she's giving him "school" type questions, she gets to geography and it sounds like the question she's gonna ask is about Australia but Mika is busy elaborating on his answer for the previous question and we never get to hear the whole question. I so want to know what she was going to ask.....


Also, does anyone know the song that Mika is singing in the soundcheck that isn't one of his? Or if it is one of his, it's not from LICM.


Anyone? Link here:


Ohhhh, I've been wanting to watch that for AGES! I saw the part 1 about 5 months ago, but it was like 3am so I favourited it and went to bed, and I've never gotten back to it. :doh:

(So I don't know. will watch in a min)


I'm very annoyed this afternoon. Today in religion I finished my essay that I've been working on for the past three lessons. Then I saved it as something but I thought I saved it as something else. Then I accidentally deleted it! :crybaby:


I asked the computer guy at school if it could be recovered but he said that it couldn't because it was only saved on a USB. Now I have to do it all again tonight because its due tomorrow!


I haaaate thaaaaaat! That is so sucky when that happens. I always delete photos off my memory card without meaning to.


Interesting... never heard of HDM... might look it up for Zoe as a pressie...


I've only read HP... and that sounds about right!


Oh yeah, it's pretty good :thumb_yello: I got it for my birthday. It's three books. You would have heard of it by the first book's name: "The Golden Compass"


Anyways, that said.... I woke up at 4pm today... a new record (but I didn't get to sleep till 5am, and I'm still in the nocturnal, overnighter mindset, and have an over tonight... so its all good)


Holy crap. Yes, I think you take the thread record, any takers?


I'm all for banning the use of the word "Mika" in this thread.


I had a relaxing afternoon vegging and watching DVDs and then had a lovely little chat with my younger sister on why I don't ever want to get married to a man and why she shouldn't either.




I just signed up for a 4 month trial in Karate.... a guy came around doing the whole 'promo offer' thing, so I thought why not?


I mean, I already have a gym membership I rarely use, so whats another thing eating my money in the name of fitness. Least this one only costs if I go



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The "cake featuring yellow food product" is now in the oven.

We can now return you to your regular programming.

Awww, he sounds absolutely adorable. Poor thing. Yeah, call the vet then, and ask them about it. You might have to try a few. I only know about 2 vets here, but they both take in any animals, for free and look after them until they find homes or forever, and would never put them down. But I know one here that wouldn't take the kitten my friend found ... bastards.


My cat, Fatcat, was a stray cat :naughty: For a few months he was "Carport cat", because he moved himself into our carport. So we fed him, and he didn't leave. And then he found the dog flap and just moved himself on into the house :rolls_eyes:

Awwww :wub2:

And apparently feeding a cat some garlic rids them of fleas..

old wives tail..:naughty:


It's a good job Dances isn't as bright as me then.:naughty:


And technically it's not a fruit, apparently

Wth is it then?? :blink:

And I'm glad Dances doesn't dance with Lemons.

Her posts would take on a whole new meaning.

Just breathing? Are we verging on necrophilia here?

Some men are dead beats..

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OK, so I've been watching the Milan "On Live" stuff and here in part 2 when mika and the interviewer are in the pizzeria and she's giving him "school" type questions, she gets to geography and it sounds like the question she's gonna ask is about Australia but Mika is busy elaborating on his answer for the previous question and we never get to hear the whole question. I so want to know what she was going to ask.....


Also, does anyone know the song that Mika is singing in the soundcheck that isn't one of his? Or if it is one of his, it's not from LICM.


Anyone? Link here:


I know- I was so annoyed that she didn't perservere with asking whatever that question was....


Last edited by chickadee : Today at 01:40 PM. Reason: Time, time, time, see what's become of me, while i look around for my possibilities, I was so hard to please.


You have already answered now but I knew it was the Bangles. They are playing in Perth at Burswood Theatre sometime soon, it was advertised on the weekend. I was giving Michael shiit cause he used to be madly in love with Sussanah Hoff

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Thanks Silver:thumb_yello:


It's a good job Dances isn't as bright as me then.:naughty:


And technically it's not a fruit, apparently:blink:


I know. According to Ponder Stibbons, it's a fish!:blink:


I know- I was so annoyed that she didn't perservere with asking whatever that question was....




You have already answered now but I knew it was the Bangles. They are playing in Perth at Burswood Theatre sometime soon, it was advertised on the weekend. I was giving Michael shiit cause he used to be madly in love with Sussanah Hoff


I'm sorry I got in before you could reply. Nobody else answered so I presumed no-one got it (or saw it, or cared, or could be bothered answering... choose whichever one is applicable). Sooooo, are you going? Or is hubby going without you perhaps? Oh and hey there Jols. I'm not sure if it's cos you're on here less or cos I'm now living on here all day (I did use to have periods of the day where I wasn't on here, but they're getting less and less. very worrying), but I feel like I never see you anymore.

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I know- I was so annoyed that she didn't perservere with asking whatever that question was....

Hey Jols!

I forgot to mention that I had the feeling it was going to be one of those "Australia was invaded by what country in 1788?" questions :naughty:

Oh and I love the bangles!! :punk:

Apparently - horticulturally speaking - the yellow food product is a herb

Is that Herb, or (h)Erb?

Who needs lemons? :das:

No comment..




Ohh.. that's definitely making me feel motion sickness.. :naughty:

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So, have you read all the Discworld books?


Almost all I think. We got quite a lot of them too and those I've read multiple times usually, but the ones I've borrowed from the library and we haven't got around to purchasing yet, I've only read once and don't know that well. like Reaper Man, Small Gods and Lords and Ladies. What about you?

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