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The Australian Thread: Part Fourteen

Rainbow Sky

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Kelzy - no wuzzas. When I kidnap Mika and send him over, we'll get him to perform in the toilets.

:roftl: Excellent.. Excellent.gif

:blink:That last bit didn't come out quite the way I meant.

I was happy with it.. :naughty:


I am posting this picture again because I am obsessed with it atm, although I don't know why.



:ninja: *backflips into thread*

Hi, I'm Ninjzy.. Don't tell Kelzy I was here.. But I like that pic too.. :biggrin2:

*cartwheels out of thread*

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:pbjt:Girls! This one is much better :mf_lustslow::licks_lips:



Heya Dances!!!

errmm.. it looks like he's about to kiss the microphone :naughty:

Is he wearing fluffy handcuffs on one hand?

o0OHhhhh he is..

He's helping us prepare for the abduction.. :naughty:

BYO Handcuffs :das:




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Well, I'm not going to bitch about other people.. it only encourages further bitching..

Although Christine just made a comment about the people in wheelchairs being in a horrible spot because it's next to the urinals.. it kind of bugged me.. Well, considering I have a unstable bowel disease, and sometimes I get next to nothing warnings for a "gtg RIGHT NOW moment" It's logical that it might be safer for me to sit with the people in the wheelchair area, isn't it? Rather than having to bravely fight my way from front row to the toilets in the case of an emergency.. And whenever I leave the house I mentally visualise where the closest toilets are to where I'll be.. Not that I always need to use them, but without that comfort factor, I get stressed out. And THAT is what I meant when I said just because they're upright and standing it doesn't mean that persons life is perfect... but once again... It's all about what people see on the surface..

Someone at centrelink once said to me "But you don't look sick?"

And I said "That's because you're looking at my face - not my bowel, you moron."


The other thing I didn't mention is that for me to actually be in the front row of any concert will require high amounts of anti-inflammatory's/painkillers on the day, maybe the day before and day after. Which I will do to make the experience a comfortable one for me.. However, coming down off large amounts of drugs like that is no picnic... When Bec and I travelled to HK's verandah I had to take large amounts of Nurofen and Steroids. So much that I technically passed out a few hours after arriving there. I was dosed up for 5 days straight.. Then for 3 days after I got home I was in excruciating pain as I weaned off them. I know it doesn't compare to a wheelchair, but I am stuck with this for life too, until a cure is found.


Aw, I totally get what your saying. Like if you saw Mika give a girl in a wheelchair special treatment you would be a bit pissed because she's getting it because her um .. diability thing is so visible. You can't say "Hi, I'm Kelzy, I have Crohn's disease, so give me a picture" :naughty: But yeah, I see what you mean about what you would think about what was being said about Mika taking a picture with the girl in the wheelchair.

But he took pictures with heaps of other random people too, so the people complaining were really complaining about not getting a picture while others did, not just the wheelchair girl getting one.


We have exactly the same problem here OKD.. In fact there's been a lot about it in the press lately.


Yeah I did a lot of research last year (well, I did an assignment on it :Pbut I did it as my assignment because I had already done most of the research) - Australia, England and half the US states are the only places that still allow money-driven greyhound racing. That's really good that there is press on it there, we don't have any here.

I was thinking about what you said to Peej, Kelzy, when another two were lead in today, after I got over the "no ****ing way", it got me thinking that okay, I got extra shifts this week, and this week is some kind of stocktake week down at the kennels or something, it didn't happen for no reason, and I can do more than spoil the **** out of them for their last few hours. So I got planning and now (well not now, because my friend is coming over quite soon :P) I'm going to first email all my greyhound-helpy contacts and ask them to give me some way to help them, and then I'm going to write up a nice ranty email and send it to everyone in my year, because as much as I don't want to get in people's faces with things I care about, there is no point in boycotting anything on your own. And then I will see what else I can do from there. Maybe write a letter to the editor thingy actually. Because there should be press here, especially right here where I am, yes I think I will write a letter to the editor.

Sorry if anyone read that. That was me talking to myself :naughty:


I am posting this picture again because I am obsessed with it atm, although I don't know why.



I have the B&W one from the same photographer as my wallpaper :P


I think I might change it before my friend comes :naughty:


It does look like it, and it's the only pic I have seen. I like that idea, so I am going to stick with it. Nobody shatter my illusions.


*fisch* ... It's a feather


:ninja: *backflips into thread*

Hi, I'm Ninjzy.. Don't tell Kelzy I was here.. But I like that pic too..

*cartwheels out of thread*


:yikes: Oh uh, we're getting too many split personalities/inner-teens to keep up with in this thread

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Aw, I totally get what your saying. Like if you saw Mika give a girl in a wheelchair special treatment you would be a bit pissed because she's getting it because her um .. diability thing is so visible. You can't say "Hi, I'm Kelzy, I have Crohn's disease, so give me a picture" :naughty: But yeah, I see what you mean about what you would think about what was being said about Mika taking a picture with the girl in the wheelchair.

But he took pictures with heaps of other random people too, so the people complaining were really complaining about not getting a picture while others did, not just the wheelchair girl getting one.

Yeah, my peeve was just that people think wheelchair = the worst possible existence. I understand it must be hard, having spent 2 weeks in a wheelchair myself, and although it doesn't compare to a lifetime or part-lifetime in one, (whatever her tragic story may be) it still taught me that it's not easy and made me grateful for walking..

But people forgot there are other forms of physical hardship. A person fighting cancer with only 6 months to live might not visibly look like they only have 6 months to live. They may still be strong enough to stand/walk/jig a little :groovy:and they might even be up in the front row - livin' it large!! But they'll be dead in 6 months and the person in the wheelchair won't be.. You know what I mean? An extreme example, but still life throws worse things at people than a wheelchair. It's like I remind myself (but not often enough) that if Crohns is the worst I get then that's pretty damn good still.


As for the rest of the night with Mika taking random, limited photos - I think that's a nice way to make people jealous. *pink bow smiley*


Yeah I did a lot of research last year (well, I did an assignment on it :Pbut I did it as my assignment because I had already done most of the research) - Australia, England and half the US states are the only places that still allow money-driven greyhound racing. That's really good that there is press on it there, we don't have any here.

I was thinking about what you said to Peej, Kelzy, when another two were lead in today, after I got over the "no ****ing way", it got me thinking that okay, I got extra shifts this week, and this week is some kind of stocktake week down at the kennels or something, it didn't happen for no reason, and I can do more than spoil the **** out of them for their last few hours. So I got planning and now (well not now, because my friend is coming over quite soon :P) I'm going to first email all my greyhound-helpy contacts and ask them to give me some way to help them, and then I'm going to write up a nice ranty email and send it to everyone in my year, because as much as I don't want to get in people's faces with things I care about, there is no point in boycotting anything on your own. And then I will see what else I can do from there. Maybe write a letter to the editor thingy actually. Because there should be press here, especially right here where I am, yes I think I will write a letter to the editor.

Sorry if anyone read that. That was me talking to myself :naughty:

What's new?? :naughty:

I think that's a good plan.

*fisch* ... It's a feather


Don't shatter my fantasies.. *tears*

:yikes: Oh uh, we're getting too many split personalities/inner-teens to keep up with in this thread

:bleh: sufferrrghhhhh

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Am I the only one who thought for a moment that he was wearing a dress? :blink:


(But I must say he'd look damn fine in a red flowy dress. :naughty:)


I have the B&W one from the same photographer as my wallpaper


Do you have the rest of the photos by that photographer? It's quite a good shot. :thumb_yello:



*makes bi-monthly post and wanders off again*

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I thought you normally call us sexy and beautiful people?? :naugty:
OK, OK...:naughty:


Sexy, Bootafool and Outray-jussssss!


We've been downgraded. It must be the new-found winter flabs. :naghty:

Summer here!



Or my long johns..


I want those *das*


Or the "custom made" control briefs?







And we don't own custom made sports bras


(I'll just link)






I can imagine the tagline: "for a realistic feel". :rotl:

Lucky for those hands!




"Get your hands on a pair :thumb_yello: "

Of bras?...


... or *das*

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