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The Australian Thread: Part Fourteen

Rainbow Sky

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I think I'm a bit late for a good morning. But I was up at about 10:30am. I swear!


Yeah I reckon, it looks good :naughty: Alright, if you remember tomorrow :naughty: I still haven't relocated :doh: My mum's on holiday somewhere and not here to tell me to got to bed (:kachinga:)


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errrrmmm.. no :naughty:


Very nice uniform.. Much better than the ugly ones I had to wear to school..


I'll see if I can find a uniform like it to show you..

*wanders off to google*

I was being- nevermind :fisch:


It's not a uniform, I am just pah-reppeh.

:wink2: You're too smart to be a hot blonde.

I will ignore them, but it's weird because some are Mika related comments/posts.. so surely I know this private person???

Who says hot blondes are dumb?:fisch:


:blink: Any friends Mika fans?

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I think I'm a bit late for a good morning. But I was up at about 10:30am. I swear!

Ok.. Sure... we have to believe you because we can't prove otherwise :naughty:


I was being- nevermind :fisch:


It's not a uniform, I am just pah-reppeh.

:roftl: Ok.. I'll just say "Oh, they're nice .. buy them"

Who says hot blondes are dumb?:fisch:

Me, but it really depends on what TV show they choose to boost their careers with..

Any friends Mika fans?

Yeah, most of them.. can friends hide their identity when they send you something?? It says the profile is private and that I can't view it.. :blink:

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Ok.. Sure... we have to believe you because we can't prove otherwise :naughty:



:roftl: Ok.. I'll just say "Oh, they're nice .. buy them"


Me, but it really depends on what TV show they choose to boost their careers with..


Yeah, most of them.. can friends hide their identity when they send you something?? It says the profile is private and that I can't view it.. :blink:



Well, I guess I'm not hot then, lol . or i am dumb.

hmm...maybe is it a friend request then and you have to be their friend to view it?

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You're unique.. You're both.. *slap*

They aren't someone I have added..

Nevermind, I've got DC investigating it (somewhat) :naughty:

And I've gone to private-ish profile now.

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*actually attempts it*


*injures right boob*


Oooooh you've got problems. :naughty:


*gives you this*




*Cues fangurl squeals*

*waves "we love you )) )) " flag in the air*


*signs autographs and takes pics* )) ))

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Emmy, what in God's name are you doing up at this hour?


(hello, everyone.)

Hellllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooo Daughtahhhhhhhhhhhh!!


We're on MSN if you want to join us.. :das:

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Emmy, what in God's name are you doing up at this hour?


(hello, everyone.)

It's called



i'm - hot cold hot cold - cough cough cough - hungry - talking to kelzy - watching some canadian disney -type show about animals and a girl from highschool



but hello to you too :naughty:

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Get a clocky....that one that runs away. If the puzzle clock hadnt have been so much cheaper, I would have got that one...


A fact I know only too well.... and then I wake up at noon, and panic because I've missed whatever I was supposed to wake up for.


I need maybe another 2-3 alarms


But I'm pooooooooooor!

I know! I fricking hate that! Worse is when you are so used to that happening that when you wake up on a day off or something and see the time you jump out of bed in a panic before realising you don't even need to be up.


Oh we shall try to make the best good (bad) wrong answers we can




See, I though ahead and planned for your distraction :zhhz:

Good morning all... it is 7.30 am and I am awake, and debating with myself the best time to go to bed to ensure I sleep tonight.......


Good work. And I assume you made it through the night? Well done.


I love that song. My other fave off that album is ugly birds in a beautiful cage....


Nuh-uh, NOT off that album :naughty: I only have that album, and that song aint on it. *youtubes*


Yes, yes, I like it too *wub2*


And while we're talking alarm clocks... here's some which may work (I'm tempted to ebay a few of them to see prices... (since I think one site is us and the other us/uk?)




The grenade one is tempting.... I keep asking my dad to wake me and it doesn't work... but that way I would have to get out of bed and track him down




Haaaahaaaaa, that grenade one is hilarious. I doubt it's effectiveness though. You might be able to just throw it far enough away/seal it into something sound proof / make it stop with something pointy.


I love this one. So futuristic.


The Sfera alarm clock hangs from the ceiling above your bed. When the alarm goes off, you can reach up and touch it to activate the snooze function causing it retract towards the ceiling. When snooze goes off again, you have to reach higher to activate the snooze again. Each time you activate the snooze function the alarm retracts a little higher to the point that you get your butt out of bed.


Awesome. The person who designed it desgined heaps of random things, eg: http://www.hayatbenchenaa.com/floor.html

But on further reading this is actually a flawed design too http://www.hayatbenchenaa.com/sfera.html

To turn it off you have to reach up to the ceiling and pull down on it. I get out of bed and close the door when my mum opens it to wake me all the time. You can still easily go back to sleep after that.


The blowfly one, however, is like a cheaper version of clocky ... but also look like my dog could eat it easily, and would get SO lost in my room. Hmm, good point, Clocky wouldn't be able to go anywhere, because he'd roll off my bedside table and land in filth :naughty:


The blowfly alarm clock escapes from a cage in your room, moves and produces sound around you when the alarm goes off. To turn it off you have to catch it and put it back in its home. A similar alarm is available at Amazon for $25


This one, however, is HILARIOUS, and I don't see why any sane person would buy it:


If ' just 5 more minutes is what you promise yourself each time the Alarm Clock goes off and you hit the snooze button this is just the Alarm Clock for you.

SnuzNLuz-WiFi Donation Alarm donates a specified amount ( a minimum of $10 no less!) of your real money to your most hated charity/ non-profit everytime you hit the snooze button.



Oh my god. That is actually incredibly fff*&%$£$£^£^%ing (:naughty:) awesome!

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I know. Hopefully now you are able to understand his limitless amazingness. :naughty:


Good luck with the alarm clocks. I think I may need one.


You know, I really am :naughty:

Normally when your talking about this Brian May character it's just talking.gif

But he's pretty brilliant (but his solos are LOOONG:naughty:)


I know. It could even be worth the money, because it's really an investment in your schooling, work, LIFE. :naughty: But none of these seem more effective than 40 normal ones put together yet thinking2.gif

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You know, I really am :naughty:

Normally when your talking about this Brian May character it's just talking.gif

But he's pretty brilliant (but his solos are LOOONG:naughty:)


I know. It could even be worth the money, because it's really an investment in your schooling, work, LIFE. :naughty: But none of these seem more effective than 40 normal ones put together yet thinking2.gif


:roftl: He is brilliant. And they are long. But that's the way I like them. :naughty:


You know, forty normal ones would be VERY effective. But you'd end up being late to work/school anyway because of the fact that you would have to go around and turn them all off

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:roftl: He is brilliant. And they are long. But that's the way I like them. :naughty:


You know, forty normal ones would be VERY effective. But you'd end up being late to work/school anyway because of the fact that you would have to go around and turn them all off


Oh. Good point :boxed:



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It's 7.20pm and I've come to the conclusion my mum isn't coming home today :crybaby: And I finished all pre-prepared meals yesterday :shocked:

*goes to scavenge in pantry/freezer*


What are you going to have then?


There are two too many 'a's in your sentence :boxed:

I did it just to confuse you. :naughty:


Oh! Oh! Look what I figured out how to make!





Very clever!!

I've never gotten around a to trying to a make them.. :naughty:

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I might be going for my L's tomorrow morning, which is quite scary. Oh, and I got my semester one report today..


It can be a wee bit scary... but it's all good once you can drive yourself around...


How are you? How was your day? And don't just say "good"

I want an OkD style reply..


Erm.... good?



Okies... I got home yesterday around 11:45am with a car full of stuff (ft. very heavy and large tv), and ended up driving Dad's car back to Walgett and picking up the rest of the crap I left there... we packed the car up in 1/2 hour, and drove back to Orange... and may I just say that Red Bull and V both taste like crap! Anyways, we got home at 11pm, had some food, watched Voyager and went to bed...


Today, I got up around 9:30, tidied my room (Dad dumped all the stuff I brought back from Walgett in my room), and tidied till about 2pm... had a shower, went over to my aunt and uncle's house and then went to Zoe's to pick my up my Guitar Hero game... I was going to go down the street to look for a bean bag, but got distracted by playing games...


Oh, & it's my daughter's birthday today !!!

Technically speaking, I'm still in labour until midnight ... 24 yrs. ago !!!


Whoa... happy belated b'day to your daughter!


My day just keeps going.. My friend just turned up and said she and her BF would shout me the tix to Def Leppard in November ft. fancy hotel with spa. Bloody awesome!!


I just thought of something I saw on an old ep of GNW Night Lite... It was the fella in charge of Libya (can't remember his name), and he was shaking his fists... and Mikey reckoned he was saying "Turn down the Def Leppard!" :naughty:


I think the game was What's The Story... and they played a Def Leppard song, a car, and the fella from Libya...


The motivational media thing was actually pretty good. We had one last year as well which was alright as well, but I liked this year's one more (it mentioned the 1985 Live Aid!).


Ooooooh... shiny!



I got 43! I don't think I passed...


Hiya Soy !

I thought 70k's as an L plate & 80 as a P plate was standard ....

(mind you ... I did get my license in NSW ) ...


Not quite...


Well currently it's 80km maximum for both L and P plates (I think).




It must be. Because just before I got two wrong and failed. But sometimes I get two wrong and pass. I think certain questions are worth more than others on the NSW test. I'm not sure about the Victorian one though.


It's 80 for L's, 90 for red P's, 100 for green P's... though I got overtaken by a red P plater and I was going 110...


And you can only get a certain amount of questions in each section wrong... I think that in the general knowledge ones you can only get one wrong (my wrong answers were there so that's why I think I failed...)


I don't think I would have passed with 5 or 6 wrong here in NSW ... then again ... we also HAVE to get annual roadworthy certs. ....


*pbs* Road trip here !! Road trip here !! *pbs* *attempts to seduce with pot rice* ... hehehe ...


Mmmmmmmm.... yummy!


I think you can get up to 5 wrong...


Nope Vic has no speed restrictions on any L plates or P plates....


From what I can tell only Nsw and SA (100k/m on red ps), have speed restrictions.. with nsw having 80 = Ls, 90= red Ps and 100 = green ps...


Man, I'm glad we dont have those restrictions... its seems stupid to me


Annual RWCs seem like a pain in the arse as well... I'm glad vic is slack and just sends us the rego sticker and the thing to pay.... so much easier


But then, at the same time, it allows cars that should be consigned to the junkyard already to still haunt the roads


Vic sure is slack...


And that *points up* was my 8,000th post on MFC..


I feel thpethial..


That you are!



This one??

I can see up his nose.. Bear cub, left cave..


That is not a flattering pic... he looks like crap...


Oh, well, if Bono will be there ending poverty..


That reminds me of that vid I posted on AMF... the Onob one... :naughty:


I got my L's!! I even had my first drive this afternoon for about an hour. It was fun yet rather difficult.


I stalled it when I went for my first drive... but then again I am very unco... who knows how I can drive a manual...


Just dropping in to say hi to my aussies...


I tried a Violet Crumble yesterday. I must say, at first bite, I wasn't impressed, (we have something very similar around here called "Merengue Cookies"; same texture, but round and no chocolate coating) but something about it was slightly addicting and I will return to buy more next week. Luckily, they're extremely cheap; the drugstore put them on sale for 60 cents because nobody was buying them.


Well, that's all, I suppose. Just wanted to share that magical moment of US-transplanted Oz with you. Now I'm off to bed because it's fruckin' early.


Arts! huggles space she should be in*


Yummy... although they're practically the same, the Crunchies are a bit nicer... must be the gold wrapping...


Here it’s 100km limit for learners, and no limit for any P’s. I drove on the freeway heaps of times on my Ls. It must suck to be in NSW...


We might have restrictions on licences... but we got Mika first :bleh:







Hang on... that's not really something to be bragging about, is it? *zhhz*


Something that can go in the petition book, oh please please use your bad-wrong-answer-making-up talents to make some kind of quiz that would be topic-relevant for the book! You have permission to be as cynical as you please!


Hehe.. this book will be massive by the time we put it together...


I've discovered that this :naughty: is pretty much the only smiley I ever use.




*points and laughs*

Do you have any stupid/random rules of where you aren't allowed to drive? L's aren't allowed to drive in Kings Park here


No restrictions on where they're allowed to drive! YES!!!




Are you doing manual or automatic? (go automatic!)

Autos are a lazy man's car... and for really unco people!

And now I should get ready for work and work out how to stay awake until 7am when I'm already dead on my feet (coffee and other caffienated products here I come)


Red Bull? *shrug*


I'm starting with automatic and then once I've got the hang of that my parents want me to start learning in a manual.


If you get your P's in an auto, you can't drive a manual without a licenced driver... learn how to drive a manual, get your licence in a manual, then if you must, get an auto...


I started on manual (by choice of parents) and then was instructed by my instructor to give up


See? Unco!


Dad wouldn't let me drive his car very often (the only auto in the household), so I ended up driving the crapmobile (aka the escort)... then I got my little buzz box...


EDIT: Now that I think about it, the positioning of the guitar is a little questionable.


Just a wee bit :das::naughty:


*actually attempts it*


*injures right boob*


My first thought was "Do you want me to pat it better?"











I later thought it wasn't such a good idea...

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