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Yearbook: TIMELINE team headquarters!

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Quoting all the ideas (sorry if I missed some) so it can be easier for us to choose.


Anyway, have you seen the poster for the parc des princes ?


I was thinking that we could write the months (or anything else) with a similar font as "Mika", it's so beautiful !

And to contrast from the other timeline, it could be something a bit more colourful, like the poster with the same kind of colours!


Well, there'd be some kind of banners where the dates and stuff'd be written and they'd be carried by clowns, or trapezists or people working in circus etc.

But who would be able to do that? :fisch:


Anyway, I got some kind of inspiration momentum yesterday night_nothing fantastic but loads of little ideas! (Most of them are a bit irrealistic, just so you know :bleh:)


So, as it's a timeline we need to do, I was thinking that we could make some kind of line linking the dates altogether as a snake since they're quite recurrent in DaWack's designs.




We could take a (black or white) background with mime eyes like mime marceau's (http://www.francebourse.com/images/analyses/jdh/AFP%20Mime%20Marceau.jpg) who is admired by Mika (he said it a couple of times in french interviews, it seems quite a big deal to him)


I know it's far away from the colourful idea BUT it could make a contrast if we use colourful things for the timeline, the writtings and all th lilttle drawings. IMO, it'd be even better, as it's even more characteristic of Mika's "thinking",of what he wants to show, to do for the album.


(I had the same idea but with a skull as well ,the skull being quite recurrent in DaWack's drawings too)




Another idea, which I got from looking at the poster : You can see in the center this "red-orange circle" which personally make me think of some kind of sun,center of the solar systerm, and it's in the center, the center of his own world, universe,which is all around.It's kind of interesting,don't you think? Or is it really just me raving on my abstract ideas :naughty:

So maybe we could work on that idea, and use it for the background or something else, I don't know :bleh:


For the background (as well) we could play on the word "time" of timeline with a clock (it's round so it's similar to the weird round idea :naughty:) or even something with pyramids, which were a symbol of eternity (I am going way too random there)



The Yearbook theme is "How much do we love you" partly because it's a bit of the second album that we know_shall we do something about Rain then?



Look at martin's make-up_that's exactly what I meant for the background!



I love some of the other ideas you've been tossing around -- I agree

that the idea of a snake, or snakelike Chinese dragon seems to be

a theme in the new artwork we're seeing by DaWack...


I like the idea of trying to use the circular wheel thing, too.


Trapezes are interesting... one trapeze artist could be linking an

event to the next one as they swing toward each other...



Great idea! Although they'd have to be quite tall :bleh: or it could be multiple trapezists linking the events or it could be that giant circus person with the stilts!




about the actual design for the timeline now, i'm trying to get inspiration from things that have to do with circus and mimes like m.marceau, even from comics. you know at the comic books when a character is thinking about something and you see what he's thinking in a little clowd above his head? i was thinking that maybe we could have this sort of clowds in our design, one for each month, containing the gigs and maybe some pics and we could connect them to some circus artists like clowns or to ordinary people(representing us the mfc-ers). this could show that everyone's been the thinking about all the lovely things that happened in 2008. what do you think about that?


here's a sketch of what i meant



what we write in the cloud on the left is the thought of the person we choose to draw( a clown, Grey Skelly etc.)

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Guys! We need to pick someone as Melanie mentioned it in the PM we have received. With school starting again (and it not being such an easy year), I don't think I can, I will log on less and less...Anyone else?


If the rest of you are busy with school and stuff, I can do it. But if

one of you will have the time, that's fine too. I'll only offer if no one

else can, OK? :wink2:



Right, but should we mention all the gigs of the beginning of the year? Or just say that he toured here (with the first and the last gig of the tour> and have a pic for each ) plus highlighten the gig in Salt Lake City with anoter picture? Mmm.


I see what you mean. As I recall, last year, we didn't list every

single gig -- just said something like "North America tour started" on

whichever date. Kind of consolidated things a bit.



It wasn't so big actually.. Just a show where he sung BG and Relax and he won a gold disc(?) (the aim of the show being, who sold the most albums this year or something similar)


OK, I vaguely recall that now.



Can you add some of her pics in the album so we can choose from there? Thanks :) (and we should also ask her for her authorisation)


OK, I'll do both. :)





All of them? It might take a bit too much time :boxed: which we don't have anymore.

I have Racha pics in the album for Beirut but we don't have pics for Jordan...



OK, I thought you just meant the last two Middle East dates... I think it

may be too many to mention, yes. But I do think Beirut needs to be

included for sure.


I see your point but I was thinking it could be a bit more personal with fan things, you know? :bleh: Even if it's just pics of MFCers as BG and Mika/ the stage, that sort of stuff.


I understand what you're saying. I think we could include some fan pics as

part of the timeline to represent the gigs, yes. A pic of Queenie and Mirtilla

as Big Girls at the Madrid gig, just as an example... Yes, that could be

a nice touch.



I don't know if someone did that, I mean Melanie could have checked the yearbook threads and just seeing it could have given her the feeling, you know? Anyway, if it did happen, it could be understandable, we're one month close to the deadline and let's face it,nothing accurate has been done, one of the reasons being the fact everyone wasn't there. Now it's going to be even harder IMO with everyone working but what is done is done and the least we can do is try to finish it as well as possible.


Before I forget, we should choose from the designs ideas that were posted (unless someone else has an idea)


OK, I'll write to Melanie, unless someone else here wants to do it.

And then yes, we need to decide on a design -- I'll take another look at

those this afternoon. :thumb_yello:



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Oooh so good there are other people now.

And nice to see some of the idea's are sorted. I won't have much time anymore either, cause of school.


Deb, of course I understand we can't use copyrighted pics, do you think there are enough non-copyrighted pics of the award shows?

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I see what you mean. As I recall, last year, we didn't list every

single gig -- just said something like "North America tour started" on

whichever date. Kind of consolidated things a bit.



I think it'd be wiser if we only put the important gigs for the American tour-- THE OTHERS, WHAT DO YOU THINK WE SHOULD DO???

Only thing, I have no idea which one were important :naughty:



OK, I vaguely recall that now.



Same- SHALL WE PUT IT? (the disques d'or thing)

IMO, it's not something so prestigious that he'd remember all his life but if we want to add more "awards/ tv appearances" kind of stuff, we shall include it.



OK, I thought you just meant the last two Middle East dates... I think it

may be too many to mention, yes. But I do think Beirut needs to be

included for sure.


Oh totally! If there were only 2 dates to put it'd be this one and the Paris show one :bleh:


I understand what you're saying. I think we could include some fan pics as

part of the timeline to represent the gigs, yes. A pic of Queenie and Mirtilla

as Big Girls at the Madrid gig, just as an example... Yes, that could be

a nice touch.


That'd be fab! Shall we also put the frenchies who were there? Some are on the MFC after all,even if they're not active posters..



OK, I'll write to Melanie, unless someone else here wants to do it.

And then yes, we need to decide on a design -- I'll take another look at

those this afternoon. :thumb_yello:




Errr...what for? I don't get it, maybe I what I said wasn't clear :blush-anim-cl:

Or I'm just plain stupid :naughty:


EDIT: For the design, we should defo ask Sivan's idea...she's the one who's gonna do it after all :bleh:

Should we PM her or anything? In case she doesn't see it in time

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EDIT: For the design, we should defo ask Sivan's idea...she's the one who's gonna do it after all :bleh:

Should we PM her or anything? In case she doesn't see it in time


Since the final design will be made by Sivan I think we should let her decide if there is enough space for all the north american gigs in the timeline. In my opinion it'd be nice to see all the dates, if they can fit in the timeline of course.


About the disque d'or if there's space in the timeline i'd love to see this one there too:thumb_yello:


I think we should definitely pm Sivan. If Deb is pm-ing Melanie I can pm Sivan.

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I think it'd be wiser if we only put the important gigs for the American tour-- THE OTHERS, WHAT DO YOU THINK WE SHOULD DO???

Only thing, I have no idea which one were important :naughty:


I think, as Louiza said, we let Sivan see what she can fit with the

final design...


Same- SHALL WE PUT IT? (the disques d'or thing)

IMO, it's not something so prestigious that he'd remember all his life but if we want to add more "awards/ tv appearances" kind of stuff, we shall include it.


If there's room, of course we can include it! :thumb_yello:



That'd be fab! Shall we also put the frenchies who were there? Some are on the MFC after all,even if they're not active posters..


Oh sure -- I didn't mean to exclude them. It's just that Mirtilla and Queenie

came to mind right away as I know them. But I know that some of the

French girls were at a lot of the gigs -- of course we ought to include

them, too! :thumb_yello:


Errr...what for? I don't get it, maybe I what I said wasn't clear :blush-anim-cl:

Or I'm just plain stupid :naughty:


EDIT: For the design, we should defo ask Sivan's idea...she's the one who's gonna do it after all :bleh:

Should we PM her or anything? In case she doesn't see it in time


I mean the design ideas -- like you posted about a few posts above here.


The actual physical creation of the timeline -- that's Sivan, yes. :)

But I mean the concepts or ideas for the design -- you haven't decided

100 percent on those yet, have you? Maybe I'm just behind and don't

realize what you've done...?



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Deb, of course I understand we can't use copyrighted pics, do you think there are enough non-copyrighted pics of the award shows?


I don't think we need to necessarily have all pics of MIKA at the awards

shows... IIRC, last year we used some of the awards shows' logos, as well as

photos of the awards, which are available on the awards shows' websites.

Those types of photos aren't usually copyrighted, so they can be used. :thumb_yello:



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I don't think we need to necessarily have all pics of MIKA at the awards

shows... IIRC, last year we used some of the awards shows' logos, as well as

photos of the awards, which are available on the awards shows' websites.

Those types of photos aren't usually copyrighted, so they can be used. :thumb_yello:




Oh okay. Didn't think about it like that:naughty:

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I think, as Louiza said, we let Sivan see what she can fit with the

final design...




If there's room, of course we can include it! :thumb_yello:





Oh sure -- I didn't mean to exclude them. It's just that Mirtilla and Queenie

came to mind right away as I know them. But I know that some of the

French girls were at a lot of the gigs -- of course we ought to include

them, too! :thumb_yello:




I mean the design ideas -- like you posted about a few posts above here.


The actual physical creation of the timeline -- that's Sivan, yes. :)

But I mean the concepts or ideas for the design -- you haven't decided

100 percent on those yet, have you? Maybe I'm just behind and don't

realize what you've done...?




Oh, not at all! Those are just random ideas for the design- but now that we're getting closer to the deadline, I was thinking that we should choose something asap :bleh:


Which ideas do you prefer? (everybody)

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I was just reading again all our ideas about how the timeline should look like and I think that we all agree that it should be inspired by the circus and feature characters like clowns, trapeze artists etc. I think that at this point we have to decide about how all these characters will present somehow the events that will be featured in the timeline.


I'm pm-ing Sivan now. Deb have you pm-ed Melanie?

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Oh, not at all! Those are just random ideas for the design- but now that we're getting closer to the deadline, I was thinking that we should choose something asap :bleh:


Which ideas do you prefer? (everybody)


I like the idea of circus performers very much. I wish I could

draw so I could sketch out for you something I see in my mind...

Maybe I'll attempt it and scan it for you, if you all promise not to

laugh at me! :blush-anim-cl:


I was just reading again all our ideas about how the timeline should look like and I think that we all agree that it should be inspired by the circus and feature characters like clowns, trapeze artists etc. I think that at this point we have to decide about how all these characters will present somehow the events that will be featured in the timeline.


I'm pm-ing Sivan now. Deb have you pm-ed Melanie?


I did PM her yesterday. I have to write to Charlotte about her Salt Lake

City pics, and I need to get over to the photobucket account and

see what you all have there already. Anybody have the link close

at hand?


I think what we may want to do is assign each of us a group of dates,

and then that person chooses the pics for that set of dates. Then

we can send them to Sivan, and she'll obviously be the final decision as

to what will fit and what won't... I'll see if I still have a PM from last year,

to illustrate what I mean...



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I like the idea of circus performers very much. I wish I could

draw so I could sketch out for you something I see in my mind...

Maybe I'll attempt it and scan it for you, if you all promise not to

laugh at me! :blush-anim-cl:




I did PM her yesterday. I have to write to Charlotte about her Salt Lake

City pics, and I need to get over to the photobucket account and

see what you all have there already. Anybody have the link close

at hand?


I think what we may want to do is assign each of us a group of dates,

and then that person chooses the pics for that set of dates. Then

we can send them to Sivan, and she'll obviously be the final decision as

to what will fit and what won't... I'll see if I still have a PM from last year,

to illustrate what I mean...




I promise not to laugh:naughty:


Good idea:thumb_yello:

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I like the idea of circus performers very much. I wish I could

draw so I could sketch out for you something I see in my mind...

Maybe I'll attempt it and scan it for you, if you all promise not to

laugh at me! :blush-anim-cl:




I did PM her yesterday. I have to write to Charlotte about her Salt Lake

City pics, and I need to get over to the photobucket account and

see what you all have there already. Anybody have the link close

at hand?


I think what we may want to do is assign each of us a group of dates,

and then that person chooses the pics for that set of dates. Then

we can send them to Sivan, and she'll obviously be the final decision as

to what will fit and what won't... I'll see if I still have a PM from last year,

to illustrate what I mean...




Should we do something special for the background?


That idea is probably best than the one we had :naughty:

And here is the link:http://s539.photobucket.com/albums/ff355/Timeline2008/

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I like the idea of circus performers very much. I wish I could

draw so I could sketch out for you something I see in my mind...

Maybe I'll attempt it and scan it for you, if you all promise not to

laugh at me! :blush-anim-cl:




I did PM her yesterday. I have to write to Charlotte about her Salt Lake

City pics, and I need to get over to the photobucket account and

see what you all have there already. Anybody have the link close

at hand?


I think what we may want to do is assign each of us a group of dates,

and then that person chooses the pics for that set of dates. Then

we can send them to Sivan, and she'll obviously be the final decision as

to what will fit and what won't... I'll see if I still have a PM from last year,

to illustrate what I mean...




Assigning each of us a group of dates is a great idea:thumb_yello: Who's deciding which dates each of us gets?


Post your sketch Deb, you know we'd never laugh at you.

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I'm okay with having Brixton and the Parc des Princes as I have already posted the most pics there are :bleh:


EDIT: For the design, if we go with the acrobats thing,should the names be on banners?

Do we write the word "Timeline"?

How do we show the parc des princes and the beirut gig are more important?

Special background?

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I'm okay with having Brixton and the Parc des Princes as I have already posted the most pics there are :bleh:


EDIT: For the design, if we go with the acrobats thing,should the names be on banners?

Do we write the word "Timeline"?

How do we show the parc des princes and the beirut gig are more important?

Special background?


If you're choosing the pics for Brixton and Paris can I choose for Amsterdam and Beirut? I think we need to decide who is choosing the pics for each gig as soon as possible.


I think the word timeline will be written in the first page like last year.

About the Parc des Princes and Beirut gigs, the way they will be presented will have to show that they are the most important. Like using a different color in the writing, having bigger pics of them or a special background as you've said. And i think we should somehow show that the Ivor Novello" songwriter of the year" award was hugely important too!

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If you're choosing the pics for Brixton and Paris can I choose for Amsterdam and Beirut? I think we need to decide who is choosing the pics for each gig as soon as possible.


I think the word timeline will be written in the first page like last year.

About the Parc des Princes and Beirut gigs, the way they will be presented will have to show that they are the most important. Like using a different color in the writing, having bigger pics of them or a special background as you've said. And i think we should somehow show that the Ivor Novello" songwriter of the year" award was hugely important too!


About the Beirut gig, I'd rather take care of it if you don't mind cuz I had asked Racha for her permission to use them and I had to tell her the ones we chose :)


Was it? I don't remember that :blink:

Good idea for the Ivor award! But can we put a different background for them? That would be strange to me.

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And here is the link:http://s539.photobucket.com/albums/ff355/Timeline2008/


Thanks! But do I need a password?


Assigning each of us a group of dates is a great idea:thumb_yello: Who's deciding which dates each of us gets?


Post your sketch Deb, you know we'd never laugh at you.


LOL! Well, I would laugh at me -- I'm not artistic at all. I'll try to do

something today, though. :)


If you're choosing the pics for Brixton and Paris can I choose for Amsterdam and Beirut? I think we need to decide who is choosing the pics for each gig as soon as possible.


I think the word timeline will be written in the first page like last year.

About the Parc des Princes and Beirut gigs, the way they will be presented will have to show that they are the most important. Like using a different color in the writing, having bigger pics of them or a special background as you've said. And i think we should somehow show that the Ivor Novello" songwriter of the year" award was hugely important too!


I agree with all that. :thumb_yello:


And it sounds like maybe I could do the North American gigs from earlier

this year for photos? Does that cover everything then?



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Thanks! But do I need a password?




LOL! Well, I would laugh at me -- I'm not artistic at all. I'll try to do

something today, though. :)




I agree with all that. :thumb_yello:


And it sounds like maybe I could do the North American gigs from earlier

this year for photos? Does that cover everything then?




I had PMed you a loooong time ago with all the details (including the password):bleh:


I guess you could.. but there are still some left like all the other European gigs and the awards,tv appearances. I guess we can also include the release of "one night in Paris" :naughty:

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I had PMed you a loooong time ago with all the details (including the password):bleh:


I guess you could.. but there are still some left like all the other European gigs and the awards,tv appearances. I guess we can also include the release of "one night in Paris" :naughty:


I can take care of the awards and tv appearances if you like:thumb_yello:And the dvd release perhaps:naughty:

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About the Beirut gig, I'd rather take care of it if you don't mind cuz I had asked Racha for her permission to use them and I had to tell her the ones we chose :)


Was it? I don't remember that :blink:

Good idea for the Ivor award! But can we put a different background for them? That would be strange to me.


Of course you can do the beirut gig:thumb_yello:


About the pics we've got so far:


melman92: Beirut, Brixton, Parc des Princes

dcdeb: North American tour

xLinde: tv appearances, awards, Amsterdam


So I guess I can choose for the July tour gigs except Amsterdam, Paris and Beirut


As for the different background for the most important gigs we could just use brighter colors in the background or sth that attracts the attention of the reader to these gigs.

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Of course you can do the beirut gig:thumb_yello:


About the pics we've got so far:


melman92: Beirut, Brixton, Parc des Princes

dcdeb: North American tour

xLinde: tv appearances, awards, Amsterdam


So I guess I can choose for the July tour gigs except Amsterdam, Paris and Beirut


As for the different background for the most important gigs we could just use brighter colors in the background or sth that attracts the attention of the reader to these gigs.



All of them? There are quite a lot of them, if you want,we can share them :)

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