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The Australian Thread: Part Fifteen

Rainbow Sky

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Don't worry, the boob joke was a long running joke we have here. :wink2:

I don't know if you already know, but Mika has a thing for cleavages.



I had stumbled upon some comments and asked about that ages ago when I first joined but didn't really get any details.


No I didn't know Mika had a thing for cleavages! *makes mental note to make a cool avatar which discretely shows off cleavage*


Mine are pretty big :D

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Do you honestly think I read the 30 or so new pages added to this thread


Say yes, say yes, say yes. Now that GC looks unlikely for me I need a new light at the end of the tunnel, something to look forward to at the end of a 13 week semester + 3 week exam period. Beach bumming and crashing at your place would be just the thing. :cheerful_h4h:


Maybe closer to summer I migt be able to arrange something :wink2:

Its definately possible

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I had stumbled upon some comments and asked about that ages ago when I first joined but didn't really get any details.


No I didn't know Mika had a thing for cleavages! *makes mental note to make a cool avatar which discretely shows off cleavage*


Mine are pretty big :D


That's one of the few things I particularly remembered you posting just after you'd joined. The fact that you said people called you The Milkmaid:roftl:

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Posters they usually make equivalent to a certain amount of words... you can use diagrams and things as well, as long as the poster as a whole conveys the information that is equivalent to a 1000 words (at least thats how it works in my course... might not be the same there)...


Its weird, yes, and hard to determine... but it works


That sounds incredibly confusing, but they showed examples today and they are 1000 words, in like size 6 or something, by A4 what they really mean is A1 :blink:


It could only be you, OKD


And the camera


But sorry to hear about not getting the ducklings


Thanks. :blush-anim-cl:




And I just want to say that I was distracted by this gif - every time I see it I just have to watch it again


Brilliant :clap:


Thanks. :blush-anim-cl:


I got a spiderman watch for £2 in a charity shop today.






You're so flattering OKD. No wonder I love you.




A friend sent me a Mika tour poster (like the one in your sig) as a secret santa gift (pretty awesome hey, and its someone i have never met!!!)


Anyway I had it right up the top of my wardrobe in the most secure location I could find.


I just found it on my bedroom floor covered in Sticky Christmas Labels!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAARRGHHH!!!!


Cause they had just been stuck on I was able to get most of them off with out damage.


I felt that hanging it on the wall would be pushing it too far with DH but I just had a great idea, if I hang it in DD11's room I can go in and look at it and DH wont get jealous


(so crazy that here I am in my 30's with less freedom than I had as a child - is it supposed to be like that)




Tragedyyyyyyyyyy! D:


My dad put my big Mika poster on the bed in the spare room and then left the door open and the dog jumped all over it :crybaby: But that one fitted perfectly on the inside of my door, with my French-magazine one from mikamail going on the wall behind the door (so they are perfectly visible to me in my room, but not at all to anyone else who comes in my room, providing they don't close the door) but Petra sent me 3 more posters and now I can't decide where to put them all so I haven't put any of them up since moving back in my room...


So if we tease our hair up our boobs will look smaller? Flat hair when Mika comes everyone!! FLAT HAIR!



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hello OkD

Whatever pic you've just put in your siggy, isn't showing.


Oh I see, I'll upload it in my photobucket then :naughty:




I bumped into my brother in Coles today, when he works in Woolworths. So I said (to get his attention) in a semi-obnoquiously loud voice "Don't you do you shopping in Woolworths?" (or something), and he was like "Shh-uuussshhhh!" :lol3: It turns out he was doing that 'perving on each other's prices/stock' thingy :naughty::doh::fisch:

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Hiya Twatty ! :wub2: Awww ... i wish you could all find a few days to come to my summer beach house .... *dreams*

Hey, HK. Your summer beach house sounds lovely. But since the others are going to GC this summer something local and cheap (i.e. Bec's house = free, transport = $5 train ticket) is ideal. :thumb_yello:


Hopefully we will....


And there's also day trips :das:

Day trips are always fun. :das: But I always feel like I spoil everyone's possible night-time fun by living so far away and having a f*cking curfew. I can't wait to move out. :thumbdown:

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Well the way I understand it (I'm looking at the subject/explanation book now) is that there is a minimum of 12 units in year eleven and a minimum of 10 units in year 12. So yes, you only need 10 units to get a UAI. If I wanted to I could do more, but I have a feeling that 14 would be too many for me to keep up with next year. I'm hoping that all of that made sense. :naughty:


Now, there are two different combinations of subjects I'm considering doing. The first one adds to 14 units and the second one adds to 12 units.


The first one is made up of English Advanced (2 units), English Extension 1 (1 unit), Mathematics (2 units), Mathematics Extension 1 (1 unit), Biology (2 units), Physics (2 units), Studies of Religion II (2 units) and Music (2 units).


The second one is very similar but with a couple of slight changes so that I have less units. It's made up of English Advanced (2 units), Mathematics (2 units), Mathematics Extension 1 (1 unit), Biology (2 units), Physics (2 units), Studies of Religion I (1 unit) and Music (2 units).


I bolded the changes. If there's anyone who understands what the hell I'm going on about any advice would be helpful, because I'm REALLY undecided.


Well, I assume that you're doing the EXT1 Maths cause you're very good at it... I honestly would stick with the second one... I'm not sure what the difference between RE1 and RE2 is, but I doubt it's very much... I think 12 units is plenty... I had 13 units in yr 11 (Advanced English and Maths, Biology, Geography, Drama, Hospitality and RE 1 unit) then I dropped Hospitality cause I hated the teacher...


Drama was my best subject (along with Geography), but it didn't do too much to my UAI... actually I believe it dragged it down...


How come ??!! Is he going to a Catholic school ??


We had to do RE in yr 11 and 12... it was RE 1 unit, or another subject which was basically RE but didn't do what we did... can't remember what it was called though...


We got to go on the RE excursion to Sydney cause of it!




hey! I think it's Coo Coo ka Choo too!!


I too thought it was Coo Coo Ka Choo .


Oh yeah! :punk:


It totally is! I have some of the song as a ringtone...


Re: School status ??? I was always a weirdo ...



... albeit a kind & fine one ...


Like the kind and fine wiz? :naughty:


Okay, goodnight bumblebee tuna




I love Ace Ventura...


"Excuse me, your balls are showing... Bumblebee tuna!"




And I just want to say that I was distracted by this gif - every time I see it I just have to watch it again




Has anyone worked out why he stares at the camera like he does?


I also found out the other day that one of the big differences between asperger's and autism (as well as others of course) is that with Asperger's there is no learning delay.


So lets just say its the Asperger's in us then.


And chn with Asperger's generally have no speech probs, whereas Autistic chn often do... but I'm sure you alreayd know that! :blush-anim-cl:


So if we tease our hair up our boobs will look smaller? Flat hair when Mika comes everyone!! FLAT HAIR!


Will do Kelz...


Yay! All of us Coo Coo Ka Choo'ers must band together!


BLoody oath!


I had stumbled upon some comments and asked about that ages ago when I first joined but didn't really get any details.


No I didn't know Mika had a thing for cleavages! *makes mental note to make a cool avatar which discretely shows off cleavage*


Mine are pretty big


I love telling this story...


Okies... When Mika came to Oz (Many moons ago! :naughty:), some of us got a pic with him... one of the pics features Mika looking down soangel's top...


I said later that I could get Mika to look at my girls, and she didn't think so... so the cleavage war was started... Twatty, Mika and FREDDIESDOUBLE are the judges (I assume Freds still wants to be a judge)...


We might have to tell Meeks what he started..

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Oh I see, I'll upload it in my photobucket then :naughty:




I bumped into my brother in Coles today, when he works in Woolworths. So I said (to get his attention) in a semi-obnoquiously loud voice "Don't you do you shopping in Woolworths?" (or something), and he was like "Shh-uuussshhhh!" :lol3: It turns out he was doing that 'perving on each other's prices/stock' thingy :doh::fisch:


Just as well he is not a Store Detective!! You'd have blown his cover :roftl::roftl:


I can see your picture fine :blink:

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I bumped into my brother in Coles today, when he works in Woolworths. So I said (to get his attention) in a semi-obnoquiously loud voice "Don't you do you shopping in Woolworths?" (or something), and he was like "Shh-uuussshhhh!" :lol3: It turns out he was doing that 'perving on each other's prices/stock' thingy :naughty::doh::fisch:




That's illegal... is here at least...


What the frick is GC??


Is something I have been wondering for quite some time now :naughty:


Gold Coast... some of us are going...

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What the frick is GC??


Is something I have been wondering for quite some time now :naughty:




Well, I assume that you're doing the EXT1 Maths cause you're very good at it... I honestly would stick with the second one... I'm not sure what the difference between RE1 and RE2 is, but I doubt it's very much... I think 12 units is plenty... I had 13 units in yr 11 (Advanced English and Maths, Biology, Geography, Drama, Hospitality and RE 1 unit) then I dropped Hospitality cause I hated the teacher...


Drama was my best subject (along with Geography), but it didn't do too much to my UAI... actually I believe it dragged it down...


Oh yeah! :punk:

It totally is! I have some of the song as a ringtone...


Thanks for the help! :biggrin2: Hurrah! We must be right if there are so many of us!


Anyway.. I'm really excited! New Queen+Paul Rodgers single! I've heard the live version before but this is the first time I've heard the studio version.


'C-lebrity'.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hdk3Uli5lw


I love it! The guitar.. :wub2:

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Okay so did the war get judged? I've breastfed 5 babies, I am not afraid to hang mine out lol.


FLASHBACK, I just remembered I was gonna reply back there somewhere... Yes catholic school.


I reeeeealy want to see love guru!


*high five* Same here - but after feeding five I have nothing LEFT to

hang out!!! :roftl::roftl:

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