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Hi Holly,


I'm so sorry to hear this bad news. That's indeed very worse. I will pray for you and your family that things will get better very soon. Stay strong and believe in better times! I'm sure they will come very fast! Good luck and take care!

Huge hug from Germany!



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omg...I have not been on here for ages and I have just read your post, I am so sorry to hear that, I am sure everything will turn out all right in the end, I dont know about you but i believe things happen for a reason maybe it is time for a career change or a chance to try somewhere else. Do not give up, we are all here for you! If you need to chat then message or email me, I will be around here more often now!


Hope you are ok!


Liz x

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I want to thank each and every one of you . . . who offered me words of hope and encouragement! You have no idea -- JUST how uplifting it was for my bewildered spirits to know that there are people in the MFC community that ♥ me as much as I ♥ them! :roftl:


. . . It is my first official day of being unemployed. :boxed: Feels weird - to say the least. But, I am not anywhere near as heart-broken as I was yesterday! Things are looking up - already!


. . . I could have sat there yesterday and cried (well I did for a while) then I wiped the tears away - and said you know what . . . this is not going to help me or my family - SO I got dressed *again* (Make-Up was all over my face - BLACK running down my cheeks) :naughty: S C A R Y


. . . and I went to the local career center to see make a plan for my future - and explore my options.


. . . and the options are looking quite good. Better then g o o d - they are GGGRREEEAAATTTTT! :thumb_yello:

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By the way -- for those of you who were confused THIS never was a goodbye thread!!!! :no:


I couldn't bare a goodbye -- it was a means for me to easily communicate when I have long times of absence . . . I mean come on -- I am here pretty much all day EVERYDAY! It is torture for me!


MFC is like a drug to me -- it is my own personal brand of heroine! (is that how you spell it) :insane:

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I want to thank each and every one of you . . . who offered me words of hope and encouragement! You have no idea -- JUST how uplifting it was for my bewildered spirits to know that there are people in the MFC community that ♥ me as much as I ♥ them! :roftl:


. . . It is my first official day of being unemployed. :boxed: Feels weird - to say the least. But, I am not anywhere near as heart-broken as I was yesterday! Things are looking up - already!


. . . I could have sat there yesterday and cried (well I did for a while) then I wiped the tears away - and said you know what . . . this is not going to help me or my family - SO I got dressed *again* (Make-Up was all over my face - BLACK running down my cheeks) :naughty: S C A R Y


. . . and I went to the local career center to see make a plan for my future - and explore my options.


. . . and the options are looking quite good. Better then g o o d - they are GGGRREEEAAATTTTT! :thumb_yello:


o im glad things are looking up :D

id say more, but im pressed for time. i havee to go to school in a few minutes, but MFC has distracted me again :bleh:

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This is my day yesterday - after I pulled myself together following the news and my break-down!


I got ready, as I said -and went to the career center - they were AWESOME there . . . you know how people often say *we are here to help* but, they don't really mean it --- well these people said it - and they MEANT it!


I filed for unemployment - which I will be getting. I will also be getting (in the mean time) some benefits for the kids - while I am unemployed.




due to the economic stimulous package that President Obama just signed -

my county actually NOW has funding avaliable (never happens in this area)

and TUESDAY - February 24, 2009 . . . I am going for orientation


I AM GOING TO COLLEGE to get a 'CAREER' (not just a j o b) so that I will be able to come out of this TERRIBLE situation - and be more self sufficient to take care of my family the way I want to - the way they DESERVE!


I am SO happy and excited -- because under ANY other circumstances - I would have never been able to go back to school. It truly is a blessing in disguise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥


Thank you all for you love and support! You lifted me up . . . to beleive that this was not the end of my world - rather the start of a whole new one!



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OMG Holly!!! Im really sad to hear that! Even more in your situation. I totally understand how you feel about finding anew job on a country which is on recesion, cause I have the same problem, but, at least, my parents are taking care of me. Dont you have someone who can help you??? I would do it, but I find it kinda hard. All I can do is wish you the best luck ever and cross fingers for you and your kids :huglove:

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OMG Holly!!! Im really sad to hear that! Even more in your situation. I totally understand how you feel about finding anew job on a country which is on recesion, cause I have the same problem, but, at least, my parents are taking care of me. Dont you have someone who can help you??? I would do it, but I find it kinda hard. All I can do is wish you the best luck ever and cross fingers for you and your kids :huglove:


Thank you so much Isa! Things are going to be okay! In the end things always turn out just as they were meant to. I have ALOT of hope and faith! And a very positive out look on life and the situation in general! Today is a brand new day! :wub2:

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This is my day yesterday - after I pulled myself together following the news and my break-down!


I got ready, as I said -and went to the career center - they were AWESOME there . . . you know how people often say *we are here to help* but, they don't really mean it --- well these people said it - and they MEANT it!


I filed for unemployment - which I will be getting. I will also be getting (in the mean time) some benefits for the kids - while I am unemployed.




due to the economic stimulous package that President Obama just signed -

my county actually NOW has funding avaliable (never happens in this area)

and TUESDAY - February 24, 2009 . . . I am going for orientation


I AM GOING TO COLLEGE to get a 'CAREER' (not just a j o b) so that I will be able to come out of this TERRIBLE situation - and be more self sufficient to take care of my family the way I want to - the way they DESERVE!


I am SO happy and excited -- because under ANY other circumstances - I would have never been able to go back to school. It truly is a blessing in disguise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥


Thank you all for you love and support! You lifted me up . . . to beleive that this was not the end of my world - rather the start of a whole new one!




Thats fantastic news Holly, I am so happy to hear things are going well for you! Any idea what sort of career you want?


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Thats fantastic news Holly, I am so happy to hear things are going well for you! Any idea what sort of career you want?



I am SO excited for orientation next week -- so I can see just what all is offered! They recommended that I go for Paralegal Studies since I worked at a Law Firm for the past 2 years. But - i KNOW that is something that I personally would NEVER want to do! :no:


I am hopeing there is something avaliable in the counseling field.

whether it be a college admissions counselor or guidence ANY TYPE really!


MY ULTIMATE goal *dream* in life has always been to be a psychologist -- so we will see what happens! i will let you know Tuesday when I get back from orientation!!!! :woot_jump:

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I am SO excited for orientation next week -- so I can see just what all is offered! They recommended that I go for Paralegal Studies since I worked at a Law Firm for the past 2 years. But - i KNOW that is something that I personally would NEVER want to do! :no:


I am hopeing there is something avaliable in the counseling field.

whether it be a college admissions counselor or guidence ANY TYPE really!


MY ULTIMATE goal *dream* in life has always been to be a psychologist -- so we will see what happens! i will let you know Tuesday when I get back from orientation!!!! :woot_jump:


wow, that sounds so cool, I am sure whatever you choose you will succeed at! counselling would be such a good job to have, helping all those people, I reckon u would be really good at that ( considering you have helped me out before which I really appreciated)

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wow, that sounds so cool, I am sure whatever you choose you will succeed at! counselling would be such a good job to have, helping all those people, I reckon u would be really good at that ( considering you have helped me out before which I really appreciated)


Yeah -- see I think I have a knack for counseling! The people I have helped all seemed to take at least SOMETHING positive from it - and appreciate it -- like you! :huglove: And above ALL . . . I sincerely ENJOY it - SO much!!!!

It is just the perfect fit for me! :naughty:

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Thank you so much Isa! Things are going to be okay! In the end things always turn out just as they were meant to. I have ALOT of hope and faith! And a very positive out look on life and the situation in general! Today is a brand new day! :wub2:


You are welcome!!


Its great to hear such good things! Im happy that the situation has change so much since yesterday, and to hear things are going so well and you have tons of confidence :wink2: Good luck on your orientation!


I wish things where that way in Spain, but they're not.........:thumbdown:

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Yeah -- see I think I have a knack for counseling! The people I have helped all seemed to take at least SOMETHING positive from it - and appreciate it -- like you! :huglove: And above ALL . . . I sincerely ENJOY it - SO much!!!!

It is just the perfect fit for me! :naughty:


awww....then I def think you should go for it if that is what you want to do, there is nothing to stop u from living your dream, go for it Holly! :punk::thumb_yello:

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You are welcome!!


Its great to hear such good things! Im happy that the situation has change so much since yesterday, and to hear things are going so well and you have tons of confidence :wink2: Good luck on your orientation!


I wish things where that way in Spain, but they're not.........:thumbdown:


Things did take a completely different turn all of a sudden yesterday -- once I did not let it completely bring me down to the ground! Almost as if it was MEANT to be this way! :wub2:


awww....then I def think you should go for it if that is what you want to do, there is nothing to stop u from living your dream, go for it Holly! :punk::thumb_yello:


YAY -- you are like my own personal little life coach over there!!!! :naughty:

I am gonna go for it! And I am going to do it!!!!! :huglove:

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