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The Australian Thread: Part Twenty

Rainbow Sky

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Teegs Luna park rides are on its website. And scienceworks is a museum, but science based (website would explain better than us)



Wendi Tomorrow I'll give you the test. Be ready, there are some hard questions in there


Everyone else. Good night

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:lmfao: Hahaha !!! I was wondering how you managed to post just one smiley ... freak ... :naughty:





What were you doing up still? :sneaky2:


I went to bed after I posted that..


T.L.M kept me up.. :naughty:

..and is it wrong that I just read the MQ button as "Mika Quote"?.. :dc:

Edited by deconstruction
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I went to bed after I posted that..


T.L.M kept me up.. :naughty:

..and is it wrong that I just read the MQ button as "Mika Quote"?.. :dc:



I'm going to assume you have Mika on the brain :teehee:



I guess it's better than having Mike on the brain *zhhz*


lilzy allen?



Kelz is going to Melbourne see Lily Allen in June. They refer to her as Lilzy (why I don't know :dunno:)...

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I went to bed after I posted that..


T.L.M kept me up.. :naughty:

..and is it wrong that I just read the MQ button as "Mika Quote"?.. :dc:

The Lanky Minogue? :freak:


Yes, it's wrong. So very, very wrong. :rolls_eyes:


lilzy allen?

:blink :


Kelz is going to Melbourne see Lily Allen in June. They refer to her as Lilzy (why I don't know :dunno : )...

Because, I add "ZY" on the end of names for fun, Teegzy. :teehee:

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Really? I didn't think I would enjoy it :shocked: Chris has just text to

say it's not his dvd player that is faulty - it's the cable!! I

will re-order it soon :biggrin2:


I don't think it would be a movie for everyone, but I found it very interesting and well done.

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OKD - loved the infomercial


:biggrin2: It went AWESOME, everyone in the lecture theatre was pissing themselves.


Its a subsitute for breakfast in bed (because some kids just shouldn't be let near the kitchen)


I wish we could do something cool like that... but ours have to be speeches


Good point, and did you ask? :naughty:


That infomercial was pretty hilarious, Oakie Doke. The cat was really cute!


I know right! The random fluffy white bits sticking out of her face - soooo cuuuuute!


I officially hate can-openers.

I bought the kittehs real tuna as a treat, but I got the no brand version. Which of course doesn't have lift/flip toppy things. So, I got out the electric can opener ft. Knife sharpener. It put a hole in the can but it wouldn't cut the tin all the way around. So I pulled it off the machine and tuna brine went everywhere. After 10 tries I realised it was too blunt, but I decided on one last try. Of course, that's when the machine broke. So I threw it back in the cupboard and searched the draw for a bottle opener ft. can-stabber-thing. I stabbed the can with the can-stabber thing and tuna brine went all over me. I gave it greaso's and I decided it wouldn't open up the lid properly anyway. So, finally I found a real can opener hiding in the corner utensil holder thingy which is about 15 years old, and after trying to use it the wrong way 5 times I finally managed to open the can of tuna ft. leaking all over the sink and my hands..


At my birthday party last year, when I went camping in the middle of the bush, if you recall, we realised we didn't have a can opener and several canned-items. We all stabbed and cut and hacked at the cans with knives/scissors/etc. It was quite fun and from it the fantastic "but I had a good stab at it" injoke was born.




Oakie Doke!!!


That Patience girl from The Grates was on 'Talkin' Bout Your Generation' tonight! It started at 8:30pm (I'm not sure of the time difference so you'll have to figure it out).


Ah, I know! Me and my friend were supposed to record it but both forgot. But honestly, who cares when at the exact moment it was playing we were groping her whilst rubbing against sweaty strangers!!!!!


Amazing Grace - the life story of William Willberforce!! I was not that sure

I wanted to see it, but Chris did so..........................Then his dvd player packed in!!!!


Who? :fisch:

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And now...




Seriously. I'm pretty sure that was the best show I've ever been to. Yes, I just said the Grates are better than the Kooks. Patience is better than Luke and Paul and Hugh put together. Patience and Alana and John, that is. Well, Alana and John are awesome and lovely, but it's physically impossible to look at anyone else when Patience is in the room. I LOVE PATIENCE! HOW CAN ANY ONE PERSON BE SO FREAKING AWESOME???


HOLY CRAP! She crowd surfs EVERY song, she constantly points and high fives and shakes hands and whatever else to every single person in the crowd, AND SHE DANCES/SINGS LIKE A CRAZY PERSON. AND SHE'S AWESOME!


Bleeaahghhh, awesome awesome awesome. In Rock Boys, where she used to dance with a twirly ribbon baton thing, a girl at the front was twirling with her hair ribbon, which Patience took and danced with, ****ing awesomely. Half the audience climbed on stage and danced/sexually molested Patience during 19-20-20. And she did an encore duet with the lead singer from Children Collide (the support band)! Oooh, and Children Collide are also AWESOME, woah!


The stage was full of wagon wheels (literally, not cookies), cactii and crazy statues, and Patience was wearing a cowgirl outfit with sequinned undies (*cough* which we saw a lot of :das:)


Afterwards we waited in the venue for like .. well it wasn't even waiting, we went and bought merch, went to the toilet, and then we came out and Patience and Alana and John were there :biggrin2: And, well, me and Dani were a bit awkward because of all the TREGBO people, just imagine trying to talk to Mika at an afterparty full of MFCers when you aren't one (or have only made 2 posts and sturked a bit) :naughty: We could have talked to Alana and John, who almost no one was talking to, except for 1 or 2 people each, who they obviously knew quite well, as in, who have been stalking them for years, but we just din't want to interrupt, I don't know, I wanted to, but couldn't work up the courage. So we just stood around Patience's general vicinity, because she had a mob of people around her :naughty:


As we were standing around waiting her her to finish with the TREGBO mob I was nervously fiddling with my bracelet, and then I looked up and she was like a metre away from me and turned around, grinning at me with her permanently-too-happy face and giving me a thumbs up, and I was like ":shocked:" and then she turned back to take the photo she was posed for. She is so awesome. Then shortly after she was like "I have to go and see these girls now!" and then came and talked to us. AWESOMELY. Just ... ugh, how can she be so awesome? She was chattering away to us like we are best friends, and it was fantastic, we talked for like 15 minutes. Mostly about shoes and feet :naughty:


Did I mention that I totally love her? I can't even go into details because there are just TOO MANY fantastic details.



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As you can see, I wasn't front row (damn those TREGBOers and their all day queing), so most of my photos are crap, but I got some amazingly awesome ones for the conditions and how much attention I was paying to the photos (I just had my camera in the air to protect it mostly, and just zoomed and snapped at random, I have like 80 2 second videos, lol)















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He was the main guy behind the abolition of the slave trade in Great Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. A great man. :thumb_yello:


Oh awesome. I know nothing about history, I had the same S&E teacher for all of compulsory S&E (and then I just did geography), and all he ever taught us about was medieval torture devices, because he loved them. They were admittedly quite awesome :naughty:

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What? no pics of said shiny undies?



I'm disappointed...


Well I wasn't going to point the camera at her crotch and take a photo, she was very interactive and she would have said "DID YOU JUST TAKE A PICTURE OF MY SEQUINNED UNDERWEAR!?" :naughty: One of Dani's buttons on her dress came undone infront of Patience and she went "OMG, DID YOU JUST FLASH ME???" :roftl:


I do have some, but they are blurryyy.




:das: :das:

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