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And here we go again: MIKA'S SEXUAL CONFUSION

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I am a bit sick of discussing Mika's sexual confusion so I'll tell you about mine...


I bet his is not as scary as mine...


Problem is some days i can't really sort out whether I'm Willy or Wonka and that, my friends, may become a huge issue on the Press soon...


So huge Mika will sound as the most enlighted person Earth!







Sexually confuzzled (too)?

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Sounds like the Grease movie. Doesn't it? :blink: Apart from the ending! :biggrin2



And... Carlota! You're grounded until you're 25! :sneaky2:

:roftl: Looking at it... It does:blink: Geez, this part of my life feels even more surreal to me, like it's a movie or something long gone but that stays...


:shocked:Whaaaat? :tears:

Bad mommy.

Edited by Neiobi
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Wow this thread has become quite heavy.

Never expected that when I made it.

I was expecting it for the thread about the original interview but not here.

It started when I posted this I guess;


A little strange,how on earth can you make a lot of mistakes with relationships when you only have dated one person in your whole life?:roftl:

What i wanted to say by this was;

i thought in the original interview,Mika sad he only had one serious relationship and not that he only dated one person in his life.

In this article it sounds like Mika had a lot of bad relationships but has only dated one person.

That just sounded a bit :insane:to me. That was all.

I know this post is a bit out of context by now,but I only just got back here and I feel the need to explain my previous post.

Oh and Sara;you sad a few or more pages back that Mika just

recently had a relation of one year behind him.

The way I understood that was that he had a one year relation in the past and the one he has had recently was just a short one.


And for all the ones here who have fears for relations,I understand how you feel(from experience) and i wish you all good luck with love for the future

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Does that mean I'm not the only lonely one presenting the "first symptoms of decrepitude around here?:mf_rosetinted:


Heh heh! Nope, I'm totally confused, constantly!:roftl::roftl::roftl:

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The guy who proposed was the only person I had every trusted fully and completely. Losing that was like losing half of my soul.


I can relate. For me, trust in a relationship isn't just about knowing the guy won't leave you because you're being your normal quirky, it's about trusting them with your heart. I'm very protective of my own. It takes a lot for me to hand it over and hope they take care of it.

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I'm fine with articles on his sexuality or past being printed, in a post-modern world it would be a non-issue but we don't live in one. What I don't like is the way that they've misrepresented what he said and formed their own conclusions. It's poor, choppy journalism.

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Yeah, and I hope we all take a lesson from this and see how things get

twisted and distorted taken out of context! We all have just read the

original OMM article so we know what it really said -- and then we

see something like this (and I've seen 5-6 more items derived from

it already) and can see for ourselves how rumors start. So the moral

is: don't believe everything you read! :thumb_yello



indeed it'd not be a wise idea to believe everything you read!!! (especially in the media) as A semi famous friend of mine once said " the only thing you can believe in the papers/magazines is the date & even that is questionable 'cause they twist/lie about everything"


OMG wait, do you think Mika could be gay? :shocked


*goes to open a poll*

OMG really well I'd NEVER guess MAAAANNNN!!!


seriosuly though here we go again *rolls eyes & sighs* gosh that rhymed lol


I dont believe in articles and things like "ive heard"... Another band im a fan of have an article and/or rumour a few times a week and God its annoying. Prefer to hear it from the person and not in some article...


And with this article.... i dont care about what he is, as long as he is happy :thumb_yello : And ive never really got why some ppl thinks its "wrong" or "bad" if a person in the 20s or 30s ect. havent been in a relationship or only 1. Why??? :boxed: Im 25 too and have only been in 1 and it was 2½ year in hell. And there are ppl out there who dont even wanna get in one... who maybe just wanna be "free"...


I'm nearly 24 & haven't been in a "proper" relationship yet!!! I fell in love twice 1st time he was still in love with his ex & went back to her which broke my heart & the 2nd one turned out to be gay which of course broke my heart too *sobs* so I of course stand no chance with him ( I'm still on good terms with him though & only saw him a few weeks ago, he is such a lovely chap & it's not his fault he's gay, he could've told me sooner though instead of 3 & a half years down the line) would've saved me an awful lot of pain & suffering!!!




hhhm personally i think this is all the proof we really need...




JOKES!!! *giggles* ok so seriosuly though, at the end of the day it's his business, i think everyone should just leave him alone and stop trying to find out whether he's gay or not, hhm but whether he is or he isn't, i would give anything to have been that particular 'big girl' lol x:wub2


lmfao me too I'm joining that queue!!!


:wink2: Well said Kelzo, I totally agree.

There is NO WAY that, at this stage, he's unaware of how this will come across, or how much interest it will raise, and he's speaking about it with complete knowledge of what it will cause. I suppose that, right now, he needs the exposure, and this will surely get it.





That is quite true :thumb_yello.





Yes, again, I agree. He is always so guarded about what he says and to who, that there is no way on earth that these words would just inadvertently 'slip out' of his mouth without him realising.

I've also thought, since the comment that he made a few months ago (was it at the Vanity Fair party??) about him being 'always publicly single, but privately something else', that he's opened up a fair bit about what he finds ok to speak about regarding his private life. I just think that he's more comfortable in his public skin now, and that he sees now that people speculating or even knowing a little about his private life won't hurt his credibility as an artist, because he has already gained that. Or maybe he's just growing up and finding it increasingly tiresome to always keep things under wraps?

We don't know. We won't ever know, but it does seem to me like he's changed a bit and relaxed his stance about this.

The one thing that I really hope won't happen, is that with his paranoia to keep things under wraps and so private, he will actually make relationships go wrong.

We don't know what happened with this person who he's been with 'for a year', but I can't help but wonder if the fact that he wants to keep everything so secret had an effect on things ending. Maybe the other person was tired of being 'hidden away' in the shadows?

If it was me, being in a long term relationship with someone who is making a point of being 'publicly single', I think that it would end up upsetting me and I'd feel a little bit used in a way. I guess that it's not nice to always have to hide away and be discrete, and this can end up ruining things. But hey, this is all speculation, maybe it ended cause one of them was a really heavy snorer, what do I know :roftl:.




I have noticed that, during this tour, he's avoided playing certain songs. Maybe he hasn't rehearsed them yet, but I would have loved for him to sing Lonely Alcoholic playing the piano.

Sometimes I get the sense that he is very unsure about his piano playing skills, which he shouldn't be, as he's mainly a singer and not a piano concertist....In any case, if he REALLY feels that way about his playing, he should either get Luke back (please not that awful David who TOTALLY RUINED Relax!!) or hire Aurelien :biggrin2:.






Damn right there is :roftl:. Big one. I think that everyone has done these 9or similar) things, it's part and parcel of maturing, isn't it?


you know if I personally was dating someone famous I would be relieved to be kept hidden in the shadows!!! seriously I'd absolutely HATE being in the spotlight with a major passion!!!!!!!!! I TRULY really WOULD hate it!!!:aah:


I mean can you imagine the hassle from the press, from jealous fans etc etc etc.. If I were to date someone famous i'd rather stay hidden in the background (Especially in the beginning) but preferrably for the whole duration of the relationship!!!

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Actually that one got quite scary .... lol .... he stalked me for about 6 months after I finished with him


Ohhh, the stalkery kind! They're the best aren't they :mf_rosetinted:



For me, learning to trust is about feeling safe with a person. I feel safe with someone when I know that person will correctly interpret my feelings most of the time and when that person gets my jokes. I feel safe when I know that person isn't going to attack me or leave me for simply being myself. Misunderstandings and quarrels happen in even the best of relationships, but I feel safe when I know that misunderstands and quarrels aren't going to end in that person thinking negatively of me or leaving me.



I understand. Because of my first serious relationship, I've been scared for my physical as well as my psychological well-being in any new relationship since. Feeling safe is one of the primary needs to establish a healthy bond with someone imo. It's very easy to lose that feeling but it takes years to get it back.


That being said, feeling safe surely isn't enough for me to trust my heart with someone. To be honest I don't know what will be either. I've dated other guys, I felt safe with some of them but none were trusted with my heart again. I'll know when love strikes, right :wink2: I strongly believe everything happens for a reason though and that whatever happens, was supposed to. Things like these make us stronger and we learn from it. Whatever the future holds: que sera sera :wink2:


I can relate. For me, trust in a relationship isn't just about knowing the guy won't leave you because you're being your normal quirky, it's about trusting them with your heart. I'm very protective of my own. It takes a lot for me to hand it over and hope they take care of it.


Exactly :thumb_yello:

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Yeah, and I hope we all take a lesson from this and see how things get

twisted and distorted taken out of context! We all have just read the

original OMM article so we know what it really said -- and then we

see something like this (and I've seen 5-6 more items derived from

it already) and can see for ourselves how rumors start. So the moral

is: don't believe everything you read! :thumb_yello



indeed it'd not be a wise idea to believe everything you read!!! (especially in the media) as A semi famous friend of mine once said " the only thing you can believe in the papers/magazines is the date & even that is questionable 'cause they twist/lie about everything"


OMG wait, do you think Mika could be gay? :shocked


*goes to open a poll*

OMG really well I'd NEVER guess MAAAANNNN!!!


seriosuly though here we go again *rolls eyes & sighs* gosh that rhymed lol


I dont believe in articles and things like "ive heard"... Another band im a fan of have an article and/or rumour a few times a week and God its annoying. Prefer to hear it from the person and not in some article...


And with this article.... i dont care about what he is, as long as he is happy :thumb_yello : And ive never really got why some ppl thinks its "wrong" or "bad" if a person in the 20s or 30s ect. havent been in a relationship or only 1. Why??? :boxed: Im 25 too and have only been in 1 and it was 2½ year in hell. And there are ppl out there who dont even wanna get in one... who maybe just wanna be "free"...


I'm nearly 24 & haven't been in a "proper" relationship yet!!! I fell in love twice 1st time he was still in love with his ex & went back to her which broke my heart & the 2nd one turned out to be gay which of course broke my heart too *sobs* so I of course stand no chance with him ( I'm still on good terms with him though & only saw him a few weeks ago, he is such a lovely chap & it's not his fault he's gay, he could've told me sooner though instead of 3 & a half years down the line) would've saved me an awful lot of pain & suffering!!!




hhhm personally i think this is all the proof we really need...




JOKES!!! *giggles* ok so seriosuly though, at the end of the day it's his business, i think everyone should just leave him alone and stop trying to find out whether he's gay or not, hhm but whether he is or he isn't, i would give anything to have been that particular 'big girl' lol x:wub2


lmfao me too I'm joining that queue!!!


:wink2: Well said Kelzo, I totally agree.

There is NO WAY that, at this stage, he's unaware of how this will come across, or how much interest it will raise, and he's speaking about it with complete knowledge of what it will cause. I suppose that, right now, he needs the exposure, and this will surely get it.





That is quite true :thumb_yello.





Yes, again, I agree. He is always so guarded about what he says and to who, that there is no way on earth that these words would just inadvertently 'slip out' of his mouth without him realising.

I've also thought, since the comment that he made a few months ago (was it at the Vanity Fair party??) about him being 'always publicly single, but privately something else', that he's opened up a fair bit about what he finds ok to speak about regarding his private life. I just think that he's more comfortable in his public skin now, and that he sees now that people speculating or even knowing a little about his private life won't hurt his credibility as an artist, because he has already gained that. Or maybe he's just growing up and finding it increasingly tiresome to always keep things under wraps?

We don't know. We won't ever know, but it does seem to me like he's changed a bit and relaxed his stance about this.

The one thing that I really hope won't happen, is that with his paranoia to keep things under wraps and so private, he will actually make relationships go wrong.

We don't know what happened with this person who he's been with 'for a year', but I can't help but wonder if the fact that he wants to keep everything so secret had an effect on things ending. Maybe the other person was tired of being 'hidden away' in the shadows?

If it was me, being in a long term relationship with someone who is making a point of being 'publicly single', I think that it would end up upsetting me and I'd feel a little bit used in a way. I guess that it's not nice to always have to hide away and be discrete, and this can end up ruining things. But hey, this is all speculation, maybe it ended cause one of them was a really heavy snorer, what do I know :roftl:.




I have noticed that, during this tour, he's avoided playing certain songs. Maybe he hasn't rehearsed them yet, but I would have loved for him to sing Lonely Alcoholic playing the piano.

Sometimes I get the sense that he is very unsure about his piano playing skills, which he shouldn't be, as he's mainly a singer and not a piano concertist....In any case, if he REALLY feels that way about his playing, he should either get Luke back (please not that awful David who TOTALLY RUINED Relax!!) or hire Aurelien :biggrin2:.






Damn right there is :roftl:. Big one. I think that everyone has done these 9or similar) things, it's part and parcel of maturing, isn't it?


you know if I personally was dating someone famous I would be relieved to be kept hidden in the shadows!!! seriously I'd absolutely HATE being in the spotlight with a major passion!!!!!!!!! I TRULY really WOULD hate it!!!:aah:


I mean can you imagine the hassle from the press, from jealous fans etc etc etc.. If I were to date someone famous i'd rather stay hidden in the background (Especially in the beginning) but preferrably for the whole duration of the relationship!!!

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you know if I personally was dating someone famous I would be relieved to be kept hidden in the shadows!!! seriously I'd absolutely HATE being in the spotlight with a major passion!!!!!!!!! I TRULY really WOULD hate it!!!:aah:


I mean can you imagine the hassle from the press, from jealous fans etc etc etc.. If I were to date someone famous i'd rather stay hidden in the background (Especially in the beginning) but preferrably for the whole duration of the relationship!!!


Looking at it from that standpoint only, well yes, I would be relieved too! But if you look deeper. If you just focus on the relationship, would you like it if someone kept you a secret? If he would be telling the whole world that he's single/not in love? I think this may work at first, but it would become very hard to live with I think. E.g. you can't talk about it with anyone, because let's face it, who can you trust? It's a very difficult subject imo.

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I just like how we all listen to each other, help each other out, make some jokes here and there, go off topic etc etc :wub2:




I love it too! My confusion was with the word 'mushiness', probably that language barrier thing people keep talking about :aah:

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I love it too! My confusion was with the word 'mushiness', probably that language barrier thing people keep talking about :aah:


Oops, sorry :teehee: It means to be a little over sentimental

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