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I have to admit that I have been to the fan club website often but have never joined. I have decided to come clean and sign up!


I heard Mika's voice before I saw him. It was early 2007. Music videos were playing on the TV. I just had them on for the music, I wasn't sitting and watching them. I happened to be in another room when the video for Grace Kelly came on. I heard this voice...honestly, it was the most beautiful voice I had ever heard. I ran into the TV room and watched the rest of the video. After the video, I said "Who is this? I need to find out!" I have been a rabid fan ever since!


I live in eastern Montana where Mika is never played on the radio. Absolutely no one knows who he is. It's very sad but I have been introducing my friends to his music and they introduce their friends and so on... And the funny thing is that all of them LOVE Mika's music and ask why they don't play him on the radio! So that is my mission; to spread Mika's music to everyone I know...one person at a time!

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I heard Mika's voice before I saw him. It was early 2007. Music videos were playing on the TV. I just had them on for the music, I wasn't sitting and watching them. I happened to be in another room when the video for Grace Kelly came on. I heard this voice...honestly, it was the most beautiful voice I had ever heard. I ran into the TV room and watched the rest of the video. After the video, I said "Who is this? I need to find out!" I have been a rabid fan ever since!



I love how many similarities there are between everyone's stories :fangurl:


Enjoy the mfc (even more :teehee:)

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