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TV: Mika on Late Show with David Letterman (CBS)


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Ahh that's the tricky thing about concerts! Especially if you're in an area where they only play for one night and not three. :naughty: Is this your first one? My first one was in 2007. My friend and I were almost into an accident on the way back because we were traveling through an area where animals love to play that game called "cross the road when I car comes." :boxed:


Goodness, I'm glad you made it back safely, that's scary. and yes, will be my first Mika show! I have a feeling I will make a total fool of myself and turn into a 16 year-old again. :aah:

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that one was a good bit.

Ohmygoshhhh, its either reeeally late on a school night, or letterman's on fire right now :naughty:

You beat me. THAT one was my favorite!!!! :lmfao:


The "instead of a security blanket he clutches a Shamwow" one was good too. :aah:


SAME :lmao:


OMG that was so funny, im like peeing myself, thanks david :sneaky2::roftl:

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Goodness, I'm glad you made it back safely, that's scary. and yes, will be my first Mika show! I have a feeling I will make a total fool of myself and turn into a 16 year-old again. :aah:


I was scared! Luckily it was just 3 raccoons, or well maybe 2 if lucky by time we were done. I just remember talking then hearing the brakes squeal, felt a bump, then the car slowly turning towards a guardrail as it came to a stop. Then my next thought was that we were going to get hit by a car from behind because I knew one was back there. I freaked out after because we drove through an area where moose are popular and one of our mutual friends had a horrible accident with one there.


If you get to meet him don't do what I did the first time and forget to speak! There's something about him that made me forget my words. I was going to say hi and something else... yeah that didn't happen. :lmfao:

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Ohmygoshhhh, its either reeeally late on a school night, or letterman's on fire right now :naughty:



SAME :lmao:


OMG that was so funny, im like peeing myself, thanks david :sneaky2::roftl:


Normally when I see him do the top 10 it's nothing I know about.


Geez I'm laying in bed trying to watch and my cat is sitting beside me tapping my arm. She'll tap it twice then wait and tap it again. :roftl:

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My TV screen went BLANK! The station put up a screen saying they're having technical difficulties! Seriously right before Mika came on! I was starting to wonder why the world doesn't want me to see him this year! :tears:


He's playing Blame It On The Girls and sounds great! :wub2:

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What's he wearing?


He was wearing a white jacket that had a black design running down the front. White pants too I think. I wasn't paying much attention to his pants. :naughty:


At the end Letterman gave the new backup singer his coat since it was cold in the studio.

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He was wearing a white jacket that had a black design running down the front. White pants too I think. I wasn't paying much attention to his pants. :naughty:


At the end Letterman gave the new backup singer his coat since it was cold in the studio.


Aw, how sweet :naughty:

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