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ciao belli! :)


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Hello Mika Fans!

My name is Rebecca, I'm 18 and I'm Italian.

I started to listen Mika's music about five years ago and I never stop it.

I like him because he's so original and he isn't afraid to be himself.


I met Mika last week in Milan for the signing session in Fnac.

Now I can say that he's so kind and sweet with his fans. He has signed about 1000 albums to make everybody happy. He said that he's so famous only for us.

I think is beautiful to see an international star like him with this love for his fans. He's so available and humble.


I was looking for Mika's forum and I found you.

I like forums and I write in about 7/8 forums on web but this is my first experience in an stranger forum.

I think that I can have fun with you and I wish I can also improve my English writing here.


So... bye bye and see you in the forum!


(Sorry for my English!! I understand it well but I don't write it in a very correct way....please don't hate me! I will try to do better and I hope you understand me :) )

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Hi! I'm new in here as well. I'm Italian so you might wonder why I'm talking in English. Just for the hell of it... e semplicemente perchè lo adoro.

E' da ieri che sono iscritta, ma mi sto trovando benissimo, ci sono talmente informazioni che non riuscirò mai a mettermi in pari, e la gente è gentilissima. E' proprio vero che un fandom rispecchia la sua star, evidentemente.


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I rather go international: here you can find news about what he does everywhere.

For instance, I'm reading the topic about the voice in french, in order not to miss a thing.

If we help each other posting news, it's as we could move and reach him around the world.

Well, a kind of....


Sei di Alessandria! Io vengo da quelle parti ogni tanto. Ma quanto hai riso quando hai scoperto che le sue vacanze preferite sono in Piemonte??? La regione dimenticata dal turismo....

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Ciao Rebecca benvenuta! :bye:

anch'io ero alla Fnac ed è stato davvero disponibile e carino con tutti :wub2:

Divertiti sul forum e vienici a trovare nel thread italiano quando vuoi, il link lo trovi nella mia firma :wink2:

Il tuo inglese è ottimo e il forum internazionale una buona scusa per esercitarlo :naughty:

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Hi! I'm new in here as well. I'm Italian so you might wonder why I'm talking in English. Just for the hell of it... e semplicemente perchè lo adoro.

E' da ieri che sono iscritta, ma mi sto trovando benissimo, ci sono talmente informazioni che non riuscirò mai a mettermi in pari, e la gente è gentilissima. E' proprio vero che un fandom rispecchia la sua star, evidentemente.



thanks.... this is quite a compliment. Please spread the word out there :blush-anim-cl:

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Thank you so much to everyone!!

@elwedin: si sono di Alessandria, quando l'ho sentito parlare delle sue vacanze mi sono stupita davvero....l'unico turista in piemonte...ahah

Tu di dove sei?


@mary62: grazie passero sicuramente! Non pensavo ci fosse addirittura una sezione italiana! :)

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@macboll yes, I started to follow Mika years ago but I've seen that X Factor has given lot of popularity to him. In Italy now there is a MikaMania!! In my family everybody loves him!! My mum, my brother, my dad, my grandma, my cousin...incredible!! Ahah :D

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