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La Caisse d'Epargne fête son bicentenaire ce jeudi 7 juin à Chambord. Une grande scène a été montée : elle devrait recevoir le chanteur Mika. L'événement est animé par Stéphane Bern.


"Si je suis à Chambord aujourd'hui, c'est pour animer la soirée du bicentenaire de La Caisse d'Epargne, qui est une banque qui soutient le Patrimoine", a expliqué Stéphane Bern à la NR ce jeudi 7 juin après-midi – il a profité de cette venue pour "répondre à l'invitation du député Guillaume Peltier" et rencontrer quelques Loir-et-Chériens réunis en fin d'après-midi au Domaine de la Grange à Huisseau-sur-Cosson.

A l'issue de cette rencontre, l'animateur de RTL et de France 2, connu pour son engagement pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine, a donc pris la direction de Chambord. Là, des centaines d'invités affluaient pour participer à l'événement organisé dans "le fer à cheval" du parc, face à la façade nord et aux jardins à la française du château.

De grandes tentes et une impressionnante scène ont été installées. Le chanteur Mika (coach de The Voice) doit y donner un "concert privé" en soirée. 

Selon nos confrères de La République du Centre, qui rapportent les propos des représentants syndicaux de la CFTC, cette soirée pourrait coûter entre "700.000 et 1.000.000 euros". Un faste dénoncé par le syndicat.

Le sénateur du Loiret, Jean-Pierre Sueur a lui aussi dénoncé l'organisation de cette soirée exceptionnelle.  Il a décliné l'invitation et a rendu publique la lettre adressée à la direction de la banque. Il écrit notamment : "En la période que nous vivons, où des millions de Français connaissent la précarité, je pense très sincèrement que les Caisses d'Epargne devraient se recentrer sur les aides et les soutiens qui pourraient être apportés aux familles concernées plutôt que d'organiser des manifestations de prestige comme celle à laquelle vous me conviez".




The Caisse d'Epargne celebrates its bicentenary this Thursday 7 June in Chambord. A big stage has been set up: it should receive the singer Mika. The event is hosted by Stéphane Bern.

"If I am in Chambord today, it is to host the evening of the bicentenary of La Caisse d'Epargne, which is a bank that supports Heritage," Stéphane Bern explained to the NR this Thursday afternoon, June 7 - he took advantage of this visit to "respond to the invitation of MP Guillaume Peltier" and meet some Loir-et-Chériens gathered in late afternoon at the Domaine de la Grange in Huisseau-sur-Cosson.

At the end of this meeting, the host of RTL and France 2, known for his commitment to safeguarding the heritage, therefore took the direction of Chambord. There, hundreds of guests flocked to participate in the event organized in the "horseshoe" park, facing the north facade and the French gardens of the castle.

Large tents and an impressive stage have been set up. The singer Mika (coach of The Voice) will give a "private concert" in the evening.

According to our colleagues from La République du Centre, who report the comments of the CFTC union representatives, this evening could cost between "700,000 and 1,000,000 euros". A pomp denounced by the union.

The Senator of Loiret, Jean-Pierre Sueur also denounced the organization of this exceptional evening.  He declined the invitation and made public the letter addressed to the bank's management. In particular, he writes: "At a time when millions of French people are living in precarious circumstances, I sincerely believe that the Caisses d'Epargne should refocus on helping and supporting the families concerned rather than organising prestigious events like the one to which you have invited me".



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La soirée d'anniversaire prévue ce jeudi soir au château de Chambord, à l'occasion du bicentenaire des Caisses d'Épargne, n'est pas du goût de la CFTC.

Dépenses pharaoniques pour anniversaire royal ! L'intitulé du tract régional du syndicat CFTC annonce la couleur. La soirée qui doit réunir, ce jeudi 7 juin, 2.800 invités, sociétaires et certains salariés des Caisses d'épargne, engendre des dépenses qui "dépassent le raisonnable", selon la CFTC.

Avec Mika comme guest-star.

Au niveau de Loire Centre, la CFTC a estimé ladite dépense entre 700.000 et 1.000.000 euros. "Cela en tenant compte de la location des jardins du château de Chambord, le cachet du chanteur Mika, la guest-star, le cachet du DJ et de Stéphane Bern, sans oublier traiteur, bus, service de sécurité, etc.", explique la syndicaliste Véronique de Magy.

"Alors que notre direction refuse à chaque négociation annuelle un coup de pouce aux salaires, cette dépense prouve que nos priorités ne sont pas les leurs".


Aux yeux de Véronique de Magy, "nous sommes loin de l'esprit philantropique de Benjamin Delessert... Et des valeurs que nous affichons dans nos communications commerciales".

Pour elle, une manifestation de moindre ampleur aurait été plus raisonnable, "à l'heure où nombre de nos collègues ont du mal à joindre les deux bouts, que de nombreux clients ont du mal à finir le mois et nos tarifs sont toujours en hausse. Ce camp du drap d'or dérange par son aspect outrancier et la CFTC ne peut que dénoncer cet état de fait". 

Le tract de la CFTC s'achève par un ironique "N'oubliez pas vos bottes en caoutchouc, le temps est incertain". Il se murmurait, à la mi-journée, que certains syndicalistes pourraient être tentés de perturber le bon déroulement de la soirée. Il faut se souvenir que, dernièrement, Jean-Pierre Sueur, sénateur PS du Loiret, avait vivement réagi dans un courrier adressé à la direction de Caisses d'épargne Centre Loire aux fastes dudit événement.




The birthday party planned this Thursday evening at the Château de Chambord, on the occasion of the bicentenary of the Caisses d'Épargne, is not to the taste of the CFTC.

Pharaonic expenses for royal birthday! The title of the CFTC union's regional flyer announces the colour. The evening which will bring together, on Thursday 7 June, 2,800 guests, members and certain employees of the Caisses d'Epargne, generates expenses which "exceed the reasonable", according to the CFTC.
With Mika as guest-star

At the Loire Centre level, the CFTC estimated this expenditure at between 700,000 and 1,000,000 euros. "Taking into account the location of the gardens of the Château de Chambord, the seal of the singer Mika, the guest-star, the seal of the DJ and Stéphane Bern, without forgetting caterer, bus, security service, etc.," explains the unionist Véronique de Magy.

"While our management refuses every annual negotiation a boost to salaries, this expenditure proves that our priorities are not theirs".
The philantropic spirit of Benjamin Delessert...

In the eyes of Véronique de Magy, "we are far from the philantropic spirit of Benjamin Delessert... And the values we display in our commercial communications".

For her, a smaller demonstration would have been more reasonable, "at a time when many of our colleagues are struggling to make ends meet, many customers are struggling to finish the month and our rates are still going up. This gold sheet camp disturbs by its outrageous aspect and the CFTC can only denounce this state of affairs".

The CFTC flyer ends with an ironic "Don't forget your rubber boots, the weather is uncertain". It was whispered at midday that some trade unionists might be tempted to disrupt the smooth running of the evening. It should be remembered that, recently, Jean-Pierre Sueur, Senator PS du Loiret, had reacted strongly in a letter addressed to the management of Caisses d'Epargne Centre Loire to the splendour of the said event.



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2 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

From Instagram. His eyes shine like two Suns :cloud:


He looks more relaxed and happy than at the Stade de France and his performance is better! :wub2:
(I must confess I was scared last Saturday)




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2 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

From Instagram. His eyes shine like two Suns :cloud:



He looks more relaxed and happy than at the Stade de France and his performance is better! :wub2:
(I must confess I was scared last Saturday)
  • Like 1
13 minutes ago, Loo said:
He looks more relaxed and happy than at the Stade de France and his performance is better! :wub2:
(I must confess I was scared last Saturday)


Agree with you :thumb_yello: 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Loo said:
He looks more relaxed and happy than at the Stade de France and his performance is better! :wub2:
(I must confess I was scared last Saturday)

For sure @Loo. Stade de France was a huge  project live on TV. Completely different way of organization. After watching Top14 several times I understood that Mika had some problems with breathing not because he was not performing for a long time. But he did not have time between two song to get some rest. During a normal gig he talks more, playing piano. At Stade de France he had to control timing, his voice, dancers and this f****ing sound delay between what he was singing and what was heard by the audience. The pressure had to be intense. As you say - even you (and me too :wub: ) were nervous for him.

So at Chateau de Chambord Mika was again in his world. And he had his new jacket with winged heart ♥️. And as we can see on the videos people was singing with him.

Next step - Milan next weekend. It should be a piece of cake :fisch:

Edited by Anna Ko Kolkowska
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