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The Official Freddie Mercury Rememberance Thread

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So anyway we all know that we adore Queen and Fred but where were you what where u doing when you heard about Freds death(for those old enough) Or/And when you first realised you really loved Queen/Fred? We have heard some stories already but i would like to hear everyones, if you want to share.


One Freds Passing

At home

The eve B4 i heard radio one saying that he had announced he had AIDS and was bisexual, I was very naive so didnt realise the seriousness of this and my parents tried to belittle it as much as possible when i asked, but i got the idea it wasnt good news, then the next morning my alarm went off for school and the DJ on radio one was saying.........ercury who died today..... and that was it, i cried all day, when i was alone, in the shower, at school, it was a horrible thing to happen, I had two special Queen mates at school, one of them was very supportive the other just cried and made a big fuss and got loads of attention. She is still a cow to date! So that was it.




First heard Queen blaring from my big brothers attic room..Princess of the universe. I demanded he told me who was singing and give me a copy of the tape, he did! Also The Great Pretender by freddie, was on top of the pops and i copied him on the video jumping of the couch pretending to be him! I was taken then and there forever, things just went on from there. HIghlander video was another of my first Queen experiences and then flash gordon!






mine was different. i first heard about them when i was 14 years old at one of my neighbour. a very good guy. we are still friends. he was listening ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST and DANCER . after that i star listening too and ended loving madley. i was so excited about that and one day i ask my friend can this band come to romania, now that ceausescu isn't anymore and we are a free country?

the answear just kills me: they can't because the leader died just half an year ago. i was so upside down. after that i starte and tried to find more about him, but was very difficult at that time in my country. aftre about 3 years i learnt more about him because the book THE SHOW MUST GO ON by RICK SKY was translated in my language and bought it and it's the only book i have.

i would like to buy books about queen a nd freddie , but amazon or other sites don't accept me. if some one could send me books by mail poste and i would pay for it at arrivals. but it's very hard for some one who doesn't know to do this. but i really will pay. i'm not a bitch. well this is my story about finding about queen. since then i love them more and more.

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Id be really happy to. No-one should be deprived, there is no need for them to be so expensive! Before Fred died I got many of my Queen albums in second hand shops for less than £1 to £2 (2 or 3 euro's)(on tape) and even new for some of them! The prices all went up dramatically once he died, it not fair really.


Once I have got them on my computer(this weekend, I hope) I will ask my brother the best way to send them as he is techie. I am not sure which DVD's he has bought me yet! So exciting. I would send copies of my videos but the quality may be not as good, they have been watched many times! so I think it will be worth waiting:biggrin2: I will post here when my DVDs arrive!


I was wondering cant you buy DVD's from the internet? From Amazon or Queen online?

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mine was different. i first heard about them when i was 14 years old at one of my neighbour. a very good guy. we are still friends. he was listening ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST and DANCER . after that i star listening too and ended loving madley. i was so excited about that and one day i ask my friend can this band come to romania, now that ceausescu isn't anymore and we are a free country?

the answear just kills me: they can't because the leader died just half an year ago. i was so upside down. after that i starte and tried to find more about him, but was very difficult at that time in my country. aftre about 3 years i learnt more about him because the book THE SHOW MUST GO ON by RICK SKY was translated in my language and bought it and it's the only book i have.

i would like to buy books about queen a nd freddie , but amazon or other sites don't accept me. if some one could send me books by mail poste and i would pay for it at arrivals. but it's very hard for some one who doesn't know to do this. but i really will pay. i'm not a bitch. well this is my story about finding about queen. since then i love them more and more.


Thats sad Crina, what a shame, we must be about the same age, you are a bit younger i think , I just turned 30! OMG!!! Books and merchandise are so easy to come by here, it is really hard for me to understand what it is like for you. I have also taken it for granted that if I want a book/CD I just go and buy it! You answered my question about Amazon anyway! I think that the stuff on the internet is as good as most of the books anyway, they are money making things really, you can get so much information on here and you sound as though you know ALOT!!. Is there anything in particular you want?

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first thank you again. i'm 29 this month. i know pretty much thanks to internet . there are 2 books i would die for: book of jim hutton, book of peter freestone .

i told that i try to order on amazon and else. i was ordering little usage books. wasn't quite new, but they don't deliver to romania. payments are made with credits cards on internet and in my country only 30% of population have credits cards. people are very traditional. salary in hand not some virtual bank. it's about the way people think. will take a while to be real UE.

CD / DVD -S are in stores but for average people are too expensive. some times are really luxurry products. and this is wrong . how can educate a people without culture in any way?? even books are expensibe now . the cheapest book is about 20 euro compared to an average salary like mine about 200 euro. that's really sad. i'm lucky because my husbant earns much more than me but we spent a lot with water, light, phone, our girl, a lot of taxes. that's sad because youngs don't read anymore .

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Princess of the universe



Here we are

Born to be kings

We're the princess of the universe


Here we belong

Fighting to survive

In a world with the darkest power


And here we are

We're the Princess of theUniverse

Here we belong

Fighting for survival

We've come to be the rulers of your world


I am immortal

I have inside me blood of kings


I have no rival

No man can be my equal

take me to the future of your world


Born to be Kings

Princess of the Universe

Fighting and free

Got your world in my hand

Im here for your love and ill make my stand

We were born to be Princess of the Universe


No man could understand

My power is in my own hand

Ohh,ohh,ohh,ohh people talk about you

People say you've had your day


I here it everyday

People say you've had your day

I'm a man that will go far

Fly the moon and reach for the stars

with my head and shord help high

Got to past the test first time


I know that people talk about me

I hear it every day

But i can prove you wrong cause im right First time

(Yeah) (yeah)

Alright let's go let's go


YAHHHHHHHH watch this man fly


Bring on the girls



Here we are

(Here we are)

Born to be kings

we're the Princess of the Universe

Here we Belong


Born to be kings

Princess of the Universe

Fighting and free

Got your world in my hands

I'm here for your love and ill make my stand

we where born to be princess of the Universe (univer univer univer universe)



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:roftl: :roftl: you cant go posting that on a Mika forum!:roftl: Fred and Mika have very diff body types. Both have benefits and draw backs:naughty: Very difficult choice to make I think.
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Well, now, Mika is only 23. There is a lot to be said for youth. When Freddie was very young, he was quite thin as well, though not as tall as Mika. Mika is just blushing with youth right now. And I really like his height and how lithe he is. It's all of a package.


I think Freddie was just the right balance, not to muscular not too thin.


I like Mika just how he is too, though. It's kind of an apples and oranges thing.


But you know, both Freddie and Mika, I believe, both have "IT." That magic. That wonderful whatever that sets me and however many others going and makes us take notice.


So I'm happy.:wub2:

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Yes, each of them has their pluses, though...I should say that Freddie will always be my only special one. It's because I hear him and see him since the day I was born, so he'll always be charisma and human quality's example to me in every way.

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Freddie really had a nice physique, didn't he? :wub2:


only nice? he was gorgeous. think about it. how many mens look like him at 40's? he had a very beautiful body, very well proportioned.he was perfect. not too skinny or too fat.just perfect.


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yes he loved those fish. he had a japanesse garden and a lake with fish. i don't know the correct number or fish but i know that are very expensive about 2 000 or 20 000 pounds only one. i saw on freddie's millions on youtube. there was the man who designed that garden for him and said this. and i know that all fishes are dead because some troubles with oxigen. something was damaged and fish remained without oxigen some time and died.

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...look how wonderful is Freddie in this VIDEO!!!



ah yes, the Fat Bottomed Girls video....I've always thought his pants in the video are horrible :shocked: ...I mean, what were you thinking, Freddie, their like, vinyl or something...:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

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ah yes, the Fat Bottomed Girls video....I've always thought his pants in the video are horrible :shocked: ...I mean, what were you thinking, Freddie, their like, vinyl or something...:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


...But I love his braces...and his chest :biggrin2:

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