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OMG! I loved him on Popworld!


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Damn him! He looked absolutely gorgeous!


He had loads of dangly things round his neck but I couldn't see if it was the necklace italiano! Will have to rewind and study!


Cherisse was in pink and looked really nice, it suited her.


I am also sure he had grey pants on - again! :naughty:

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you can have his jeans.


i'll have him! :thumb_yello:

or so you think! :naughty: to get his jeans I would have to rip them off his body-he would be so impressed that he would give me more than his jeans:naughty: OMG what I've just wrote?!:naughty::roftl:

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Lol it was really good, when they didn't mention him at the beginning i was like noooo where is he, then they showed him with his cup of tea i was like yey :blush-anim-cl: ah bless his cuteness


i was totally panicking then they was like 'do you know who we've forgotten mika?'

and i was like *swoon*

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so please explain to me:

was it just a song or a complete interview?

was it recorded in these days or before april 12th??? (as far as you may know, of course!)

Thanks...so difficult from here!!!:thumbdown:


it was just a song with short introduction.It may have been recorded before 12th,I am not sure...

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He was amazing! I loved it! :wub2: Did anybody manage to record it?


when i saw him with his cuppa tea and i was like AHHHHHHHH...... he looked great. then during the perfomance i was like, wait a minute whats different about him now? then i noticed that the ever-so-cool hug-me-tight jeans were missing and in their place was this awesome pair that he filled like no one else can. man, wasnt he eye candy!


about recording, i only managed to get a picture..:naughty: well not really a picture but half a picture. I was too excited to sit still and take a decent one:woot_jump: (silly me)


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