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This is a thread dedicated to toy collections, people who collect toys! people who would like to collect them! people who just love toys! im sure we are all guilty of loving toys at some point in our life!


well heres to start off here is just a little bit of MY toy collection (I do have robots too)................And currently looking for a captain planet




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:tears: Oh my i had such a massive furbie collection a gizmo one and a et one and about 10 of the regular types and i left them all in my old flat in Glasgow
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:tears: Oh my i had such a massive furbie collection a gizmo one and a et one and about 10 of the regular types and i left them all in my old flat in Glasgow


aww! thats no good! I left my most expencive robot at my last house and some got lost during the move! :thumbdown:


i have a furbie! and a Small furbie that you used to get from McDonalds that goes on your keyring!

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I collect My Little Ponies... :wub2:


But I will tell about that later, first a bit of sleep. :wink2:


And a post in this thread so that I can easily find it again. :wink2:


Awww MLP's. I have some but don't collect them.. I don't collect anything but I do have some random toys in my room which I'll also post tomorrow after some sleep!

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Oh well, I don't collect them as in 'wannahave them aaaall!' but I just can't walk away from a MLP when I bump into it on a flea market or in a second hand shop. In that case I really wannahavvit. I think I have about 20 now (there must still be some at my parents place too but I don't know exactly where I left them). :biggrin2:


This is the one where it all started with: Cotton Candy. Sinterklaas gave her to me in '85. :biggrin2:




Another sweetie: Blossom.




The one on the right is my favourite: Gusty.




And the T-shirt I bought in Birmingham last week (I found some matching MLP socks too!):



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cool! photos!

I must say I had the first one when i was a child, until my mum took it off me and gave it to my sister!


I really really want a red tin captain planet! I saw It in the shop the other day!


im really excited! because this antique shop is selling a second hand, not so old robot for at least 1/2 of the regular price and it looks quite cool!

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Oh well, I don't collect them as in 'wannahave them aaaall!' but I just can't walk away from a MLP when I bump into it on a flea market or in a second hand shop. In that case I really wannahavvit. I think I have about 20 now (there must still be some at my parents place too but I don't know exactly where I left them). :biggrin2:


This is the one where it all started with: Cotton Candy. Sinterklaas gave her to me in '85. :biggrin2:




Another sweetie: Blossom.




The one on the right is my favourite: Gusty.






Awww...I had one like that when I was about four...pink...


I left it in Jugoslavia...that was traumatic :shocked:

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AWESOMENESS!!! i love mikas collection!!!!!!!!! lol!!!

i dont really collect stuff, i just have a bunch of particular stuff. i have a bunch of clothes (kinda a collection?) and a gazillion of stuffed aminals!!!!! yep!:insane:

o and i have a mika collection of course!! just of anything mika i have!!!

:insane: i love this smiley guy!

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AWESOMENESS!!! i love mikas collection!!!!!!!!! lol!!!

i dont really collect stuff, i just have a bunch of particular stuff. i have a bunch of clothes (kinda a collection?) and a gazillion of stuffed aminals!!!!! yep!:insane:

o and i have a mika collection of course!! just of anything mika i have!!!

:insane: i love this smiley guy!


a gazillion of stuffed aminals could be a collection! look at my collection of soft toys!

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Mika loves toys too! :D he would have a feild day in my house!


Hey LEGO!!!!...where did I put my lego now!


I love LEGO!!! We had so much when I was growing up. We still have most of it too. It's fun to play with still...my neice and nephew ask me to play all the time and even when they get bored with it I still keep building....Then they start whinig cuz I'm not playing with them anymore:roftl: :roftl:


I love being a big kid!!!

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I am just going to post a couple of my toys, cos if I tried to do all of my toys it would take forever! The stuffed animals are from my boyfriend. I love collecting lamb things. :) And the other pictures are of my fave artists made into dolls. ;)




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I am just going to post a couple of my toys, cos if I tried to do all of my toys it would take forever! The stuffed animals are from my boyfriend. I love collecting lamb things. :) And the other pictures are of my fave artists made into dolls. ;)



do you know of lamb chop the cartoon?

well i have a puppet replica.





when i was little i had buckets of legos and i'd dump them out on my floor and play with them.

I loved legos EXCEPT for the clean up, i severely hated that part.

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I am just going to post a couple of my toys, cos if I tried to do all of my toys it would take forever! The stuffed animals are from my boyfriend. I love collecting lamb things. :) And the other pictures are of my fave artists made into dolls. ;)



I have that Freddie doll too! I don't want to open it though, well I really do, but I don't want to lose any pieces. I LOVE how you can put the mic stand in his hand

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I have that Freddie doll too! I don't want to open it though, well I really do, but I don't want to lose any pieces. I LOVE how you can put the mic stand in his hand


I won't ever open mine! I can't see myself playing with it, so I think he I'll keep him safe and sound in the box. ;)

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I am just going to post a couple of my toys, cos if I tried to do all of my toys it would take forever! The stuffed animals are from my boyfriend. I love collecting lamb things. :) And the other pictures are of my fave artists made into dolls. ;)


WOW its a freddy doll!I have never seen one of those! I would be scared to take it out of the box too!


Imagine some day there could be a mika doll!


do you know of lamb chop the cartoon?

well i have a puppet replica.





when i was little i had buckets of legos and i'd dump them out on my floor and play with them.

I loved legos EXCEPT for the clean up, i severely hated that part.



OH MY what a blast from the past! I cryed when that stopped on television!



Oh and lego! i have 2 or 3 different sizes of lego type blocks! so its a nightmare to clean up! i used to have each size in a different bucket but that takes even longer so now its all in a huge box...........somewhere!


I still have whinnie the pooh somewhere!

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Lambchop!!!!! ohhh i loved that show!! I also loved Bananas in Pajamas! Such classic shows!

Legos!!! i have so many of them! my brother (older than me) and i used to spread them out across the entire floor and dare eachotehr to walk across on them! It really does hurt! The only other toys i collect are TY Beanie Babies! I have about 200 or more....its quite sad.

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