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WOW! Okay get this!!!!!


Yesterday I was sitting on my bed, obviously checking out this board, and this guy comes running into my suite. My door was open and I looked over and he's out of breath and he's asking if I voted for Vermont to hold the Simpsons movie premiere. He told me to go to usatoday.com and then he told the other girl in my suite to do the same.


I went and I checked it out and noticed that it was a competition between Sprinfields across the states. I watched the video for Vermont and then voted for it.



Check it out! http://www.usatoday.com/


We won and that surprises the heck out of me!


My friend, who I haven't talked to in months, called me and told me that we won, except the movie premiere is during our beach trip. There's a group of us girls that met during college and lived on the same floor and we've started this tradition where we take a beach trip during the summer. Since hotels are booked where we wanted to go we're trying to figure out what everyone wants to do... go to the movie premiere (which even though I hardly EVER watch the Simpsons and movie premiere would be AWESOME to go to, go to a concert, or still try to do the beach trip.)


*Whew* sorry that was so long. I'm just STILL in shock that our little state could pull that off! Sorry if there's others on here that were trying to win the event, I don't mean to brag. I'm just.... shocked. :shocked:


Edit: this link takes you right to it! http://www.usatoday.com/life/movies/simpsons-contest.htm?loc=interstitialskip

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I think I just figured out what Mika's big blue watch is. It's a calculator watch. I just saw it (it was black though) on VH1 because they're playing 'I love the 80's' and they're covering the 84's right now.


I wondered why that blue watch was so big. Took me long enough to figure it out. :naughty:

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I think I just figured out what Mika's big blue watch is. It's a calculator watch. I just saw it (it was black though) on VH1 because they're playing 'I love the 80's' and they're covering the 84's right now.


I wondered why that blue watch was so big. Took me long enough to figure it out. :naughty:


A calculator watch?!

ahah that's cool


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A calculator watch?!

ahah that's cool



I wouldn't say cool. My BF has one and he's nothing without it! He doesn't have a cell phone so he put all his phone number in the watch data bank. lol!




Other thoughts...


:blink: Have you ever been with someone while they have an epileptic fit? A colleague of mine had one in the bus this morning, so I watched her carefully to make sure she doesn't fall. Thankfully she didn't convulse or pee on herself. Then I took the bus to come back home and she had an other one! She was not responding for more than 15 minutes! (She doesn't past out but she's like not there) This freaks me out! There's nothing that I can do but make sure she's safe! I hope she won't have an other one on the bus while alone.

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I wouldn't say cool. My BF has one and he's nothing without it! He doesn't have a cell phone so he put all his phone number in the watch data bank. lol!




Other thoughts...


:blink: Have you ever been with someone while they have an epileptic fit? A colleague of mine had one in the bus this morning, so I watched her carefully to make sure she doesn't fall. Thankfully she didn't convulse or pee on herself. Then I took the bus to come back home and she had an other one! She was not responding for more than 15 minutes! (She doesn't past out but she's like not there) This freaks me out! There's nothing that I can do but make sure she's safe! I hope she won't have an other one on the bus while alone.



People who suffers from epilessy (dunno the right spelling, sorry) use to have more than this kind of attaks everyday...no one can do anything but avoid them a fall or to hurt themselves. But usually they take medicines to avoid stronger epileptic fits.

It's such a difficult situation...they have to risk a lot when they're alone :(


t1: did you know that the 90% of the people has at least once in their life and epileptic fit? someone doesn't even notice them because they're too light

It's normal, maybe because an illness...sometimes the reason remains unknown

But if this happens frequently it is a pathology that can be dued to many reasons...neurophsiological of course (as alcool abuse that kills our neurons! stop drinking now!!! :naughty: )


t2: I'll be away from the pc for some days, hugs to everyone :huglove:

(maybe I'll give a look from time to time :blush-anim-cl: )

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OH MY GOSH! You're my hero! I didn't think anyone else really knew of Gunther and the Sunshine girls... that is beside my friend and I that found him on Youtube... The song that we laugh at is the Ding Dong Song. I want to post the link to the music video of it because I think it's SO hilarious how he tries to look all sexy, but I think it might be a little innapropriate, so here's the link to just the song...


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OH MY GOSH! You're my hero! I didn't think anyone else really knew of Gunther and the Sunshine girls... that is beside my friend and I that found him on Youtube... The song that we laugh at is the Ding Dong Song. I want to post the link to the music video of it because I think it's SO hilarious how he tries to look all sexy, but I think it might be a little innapropriate, so here's the link to just the song...



i love that song!!!


have you seen these guys?


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i love that song!!!


have you seen these guys?



That song, and now Tutti Frutti Summer Love (or whatever it's called) is on my list of songs to download.


HAHAHA I'm watching that video now, those boys are hilarious!!


Edit: I finished watching it. That was funny! My friend, Lee (Who's a MEMBER of this board but is too boring to come out and post,) and I made a video of us singing Love Today. We were in his car and I set the camera on the dashboard thinking that you couldn't see us but you could see half of me and some of him. Whenever it got to the part where Mika sang, "Love, love ME!" I'd move infront of the camera and Lee would push me out of the way. Well, one time we did that except we tried to get infront of the camera at the same time and we both tried to push each other out of the way. We ended up smacking each other in the face with our hands! Pretty much that was the best part of the whole song. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, Lee was singing in a chipmunk voice hahaha!

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