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About Eleenka

  • Birthday 08/20/1987


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    New Mika Fan

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    Czech Republic, Prague
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  • Interests
    MIKA of course:-) piano, music, opera, books, sewing.

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  1. Moc, byl uzasny jako na Colours, kde jsem byla (kvuli nemu) taky:-) a u obou se mi postestilo stat v prvni rade, takze spokojenost naramna! Lepsi show jsem jeste nezazila a doufam, ze zase nekdy bude koncert. Alespon jednou v roce by to chtelo:-)
  2. I ordered it too.. . I'm from the Czech republic, so I can't get it through the internet, but I've got my extended family in Poland so I'll let send it to them:-D hope it will work, because I paid it with my czech credit card... Hope it doesnt matter! I really love the watch and the box too:-D
  3. Hi, these are my pictures taken from my place in the first row in the left. Yesterday night was Mika absolutely amazing, I was very very tired that evening and in the afternoon I thought I'l stay at home, but I didnt want to miss this occasion to see him alive, so I decided to go there. It was my second gig I tought part on -the first was Colours of Ostrava festival, and it was soo good that I think I can't describe it with my bad English. When he came on stage I'd forgotten my problems and just enjoyed the energy he gave us. He made me smile in the first second of that show and that was exactly what I needed, so I have to say a big THANK YOU MIKA. I was singing with him and I think twice I made him smile too - you know, you are singing and when somebody else who is singing too looks at you, you have to smile a bit :-) and thats what happened to me:-) looking forward to read your experiences. And the part with the boy on stage was very funny too, I wanted to be that boy and if I was, I would enjoy it like he did, it has to be superb to be on the stage with Mika and to se all the thousands people in front of you:-)).
  4. To jo, nejvíc mě ale dostal s tím deštěm, jak říká Zlata, já jsem pak ani sama nevnímala, že na mě prší, když jsem viděla, jak se v tom celý několikrát vyválel
  5. Aha díky, no tak to jsem tedy musela přehlédnout, ačkoliv nevím, jak se to mohlo stát ještě se na to kouknu. Jojo, bylo to perfektní, pořád vzpomínám a už se těším, až zase někdy půjdu na další
  6. Hi, I just discovered this thread. Its nice to see that there are some people like I am. I hope this year I´ll go to the Prague Pride for the first time. I´m not able to read all your topics, but if this question was discussed here tell me please - did Mika´s music help someone of you to come out with your sexual preferences? You know, I felt from my childhood something was "wrong" with me with regard to my relationships to women, but I didnt know somebody who was gay and homosexuality still isnt something good in our family (but doesnt matter now). While listening of Mika´s songs I often was surprised that I could write the same and discovered that it isnt something wrong to be different - especially if he wasnt killed after he came out as a gay so he hepled me so much to feel good in my own body
  7. Ciao Serena, welcome!
  8. Jo tu recenzi jsem kdysi četla, a vůbec i teď po Coloursech mi přijde, že ho idnes dost ignoruje, protože tak o tom koncertě nevyšlo prakticky nic, dokonce ho v jednom článku ani neuvedli ve výčtu headlinerů no ale zase jiné pěkné kritiky jsem četla na jiných serverech, tak ty mě potěšily, třeba novinky zveřejnily docela obsáhlou, a pak jsem četla asi ještě dvě takové hezké. Tak jsem ráda, protože byl skvělý a dlouho ještě budu vzpomínat:-)
  9. Yes, I agree:-) currently dont have good place enough for it, so I put it back in the packet and it is waiting for its opinion:-D
  10. Hey, I received the signed version yesterday and I was wery surprised how big it is! I had lot things to do, so first I put the package aside on the piano, because I didnt expected something special (I thought the package was so big because they didnt have a little one :-D ) but in the evening I opened and I told "wow" while opening, because there was such a big suprise waiting for me the whole day! If I knew how well done it will be I would open it immediately. And the prints are so beautiful too! I expected all the things (box and the prints) will be as big as the ordinary CD usually is, and what I received made me absolutely happy:-)
  11. Hi, I was in the front row on the left and I was such a beautiful experience for me, I cant write it as well as I want to:-) but first I was happy he was wearing Valentino suit because I absolutely love them. Then he was speaking Czech so good, it was such a good idea because he immediately got all the people on the festival on his side with it. The audience was screaming although he wasnt on the scene and when he came out and started to speak our language the people gone crazy instantly When he sang the first three songs there were some cameras if front of me (one of them was very big), so I couldnt see him well, I couldnt sing with him (I didnt want to scream the cameraman to ear). I think it also disturbed his production because I saw like he wanted to bow to us but he couldnt due to the cameras. After a while somebody has called them back so there was no problem anymore. In the beggining I felt his perfume too, and it was such a beautiful gentle (not typical male ) fragance, exactly the same I love, buy and wear - dont you guys know what it could be? Tips? Please! the fragance was like his songs - first impression fruity and sweet, but serious inside. And what else he did excelent was that he stayed outside with us when it started raining. I just wondered he was laying in the water on the boards and didnt noticed that the rain was falling on me too superb Mika! It was my first gig (hope no last one) and I was suprised how much energy he was giving to us although I could expect that. Who had never been and never seen singing him live cant imagine at all. I knew his live concerts only from youtube yet and now when I was directly there I have to write it was something else, he was so charming and and enchanting I cant describe it. So this is my experience
  12. Hey guys - aren´t the words in the beginning going like this? It's an age-old conversation That is changing with the times. But it's ALSO complicated If your mother is like mine
  13. A málem bych zapomněla na Baisers Perdus, tak je nádherná
  14. U mě asi Promiseland a No Place in Heaven
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