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Everything posted by ariel

  1. oh god I bet he was joking and being flippant, and now everyone's going to report it everywhere, and he will be sitting with his head in his hands either marvelling at what he has created or mourning for when news used to be newsworthy and wasn't just quotes taken out of context. Eurovision did used to be great though, genius pop music... my favourite ever is Poupee de Cire Poupee de Son by France Gall, and you have to love Abba. and even Bucks Fizz, y'know, Katrina and the Waves... who did that Puppet on a String song? that was brilliant!! Eurovision goes back to all that really melodic pop doesn't it. but it used to be kitsch just because it was really poppy music, rather than kitsch in a let's-go-really-beyond-camp-with-a-worthless-song-and-dance-routine nonsense. is Lebanon even in Europe? I guess it's sort of near Turkey, right, and Turkey's half in Europe...
  2. no no that was the first thing that attracted me to Mika... that picture and how much he looked like Jim Morrison... I am a horribly shallow rock and roller really, WHAT AM I DOING HERE
  3. oh is this what he was picking when he was filming the Culture Show? the tracks of his years that he, erm, spent a long time thinking about?
  4. I just don't get why anyone would think it is a good marketing idea to admit that only certain fans are allowed to be 'special', ya know?!!! maybe I'm taking it all too seriously, maybe the person on the official forum was lying, who knows, but... I don't get it!!
  5. way to alienate part of your fanbase..........
  6. where's a deadpan smiley when you need one. although actually, thinking about it, if nobody knows the criteria how do you know you didn't automatically pass the initiation test without knowing how? aha! conspiracy!!!
  7. I think there is a secret initiation test. but no-one knows what it is. guesses?
  8. oh wow I love Heathers... now after that thread title you've just got to pull a gun out on some jocks perching over that way a bit and you'd actually BE Christian Slater's character. I mean that in a good way, natch. possibly without the psychotic tendencies. erm... welcome.
  9. daisylou you are clearly the awesome, good for you going to the gig and have the best sitting down dance party EVER!! I'm really chuffed for you that you are going!
  10. I think Mika likes BIG CHORDS. you know, lots of augmenting, like you think Stuck In The Middle sounds like Dm, Gm, C, F, C but actually it might be Dm7, Gm7, C, F, C7... that sort of thing.
  11. hey I've been reading this forum... I was led to believe he wasn't of this earth, then I saw heat magazine and felt that there was some evidence of false advertising here.
  12. I love that Mika has the same problem as everyone else with curly hair... ONE DAY after washing it and the curls have all dropped. most irritating. (PS I saw this in heat magazine when I was... erm... not purchasing it for my addiction to terrible trash... and the shoes are green. to match the shirt of course!!)
  13. they were filming the gig last night. well, technically Thurs night as it's... I'm sorry, what time!?
  14. I'm really enjoying the orange/yellow combo. that sounds facetious, but I am being serious.
  15. well well well... I've been having a listen. it's actually surprisingly simple, it's mostly G, C, D7 sus4 (I think) and D7 with some extra passing bass notes, but I can't get my music notation software to DO WHAT I WANT.
  16. ariel


    that's why I could never be a pop star. I haven't got a rhyming dictionary. erm, sorry, swinging back on topic... buy Mika buy Mika...
  17. ariel


    isn't Ruby number 1 on itunes at the moment? I dunno why. Kaiser Chiefs make me think of a rhyming dictionary soaked in cider for some reason...
  18. "I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for you pesky kids!!"
  19. careless to leave your fag packet in your pocket when you're doing a performance!! if that was the case...
  20. she'll be a bore when record company execs don't want parental advisory stickers on their releases, and a whore when the storyteller's feeling a bit naughty on stage methinks...
  21. wahhh if anyone knows of any London or Brighton ones going spare which aren't absolutely exorbitant (I like him, but I don't like him for £300 a pair at Koko which is, in my humble opinion, an obnoxious box of scenesters most of the time ha!), my friend sold his spare one without telling me WAHHH. can someone find me a weeping smiley? (check out that oxymoron) OH and I do a mean falsetto impression, and my Liza Minnelli's not too bad either. I would be willing to do an impromptu cabaret session in the street for whoever can provide me a ticket. don't make me extend that offer to touts... do the right thing...
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