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Everything posted by titania

  1. titania


    Hello and David !! I hope you'll love it here
  2. titania


    Hello and to the forums Flora !! I hope you'll love it here
  3. ok here's another photo, kind of so so, sorry http://flickr.com/photos/fyugli-n/440350777/ from this page http://flickr.com/photos/fyugli-n/sets/72157600037821587/ (a lot to sift through to see if anything's caption worthy ...)
  4. I don't have a caption but I found a funnyish photo, and I don't think I've seen it around here so much ... Jodi has more on her page on Flickr, some already posted here ....
  5. Thank you Sou for putting on youtube
  6. Oh I'm so sorry I led you through all those directions yesterday for nothing. the reason I thought of that interview is because of what xLaurenx described: at 5:48 of the 2nd part of the interview , Mika does the clap, clap and sort of sings 'orbit chewing gum ... and it's good for your teeth too' but not actually the whole jingle... so I don't know then what xLaurenx is refering to, sorry
  7. yes, it's from today, April 28 http://www.guardian.co.uk/weekend/story/0,,2067213,00.html
  8. My pleasure, good to know the link still works
  9. Thank you Bab and Sou (I was going to thank you on the other thread , I thought I was gettiing the hang of it lol ) !!! :biggrin2:
  10. Did you try the link on page 3 of this thread? Look at Meimei88's post at the top of page 3 (of this thread). I hope that still works
  11. Very funny, thanks CazGirl ! Your laughing was pretty funny too... :roftl:
  12. Thank you Enfa... only I can't see it. The other links don't work for me either Would anyone know what you need (on computer) to see it?
  13. Oh thanks for that Schockl! That was a good show!
  14. Go to the forums index. Click on Members Only Exclusives. Then click on Audio/ Music/ MP3 etc. Then go to page 3 and look down for [Live Recording] Mika in Radio 2 Music Club, click on that. Please tell me if I haven't explained clearly, I may be too tired to think normally. I did try to give a thread link btw, but it's not possible for the members only sections I think.
  15. I'm not sure if you were asking me or about something else-- but the clip you guys were mentioning I remembered and found in the Members Only Exclusives section of the forum, in the audio/music/ mp3 etc section (sorry is that worse? ?)
  16. I found it, go to the members only audio section to: [Live Recording] Mika in Radio 2 Music Club look on the 3rd page for Strudels mp3 and then on the last page where Franco broke it up into 5 parts. I hope it's all still good...
  17. i think the clip your talking about was in the bbc 2 radio sessions interview during which he performed Grace Kelly live and Hips Don't Lie cover (which they decided to do on the train back to England from France) but I don't know where that is here now... it was posted on the forum somewhere... once...
  18. what about this page? http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/help/contactus/ hello Tia! I want to hear his choices ...
  19. switch mix-Mika -did you hear??? Coachellas only several hours away ...plenty of time and lots to do until then...
  20. I went to 'listen live' too and they're playing something else but I heard them say Mika will be on later, before that. I was hoping someone listening would say exactly what they're hearing right now - so I would know what I should be hearing... (The Annie Mac show your looking at is from the 20th I think.) ok look I think this is the schedule which would mean she's not on until after this show at 22:00 http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/schedule/
  21. Hello and Mazzymoo !! I hope you'll love it here
  22. please, is this what everyone will be listening to or am I off completely? http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/ Oh they just now mentioned Mika will be on tonight's show... I think I am in the right place then, ok sorry thanks:bleh:
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